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Table 45. Retail Trade, Consumer Prices and Shipments by Province

    2003 2004 2004 2005
      F M A M J J A S O N D J F
Retail trade                                
Canada 21644955 331,147 346,721 28,234 28,757 28,524 28,647 28,820 29,000 29,046 29,251 29,626 29,663 29,281 29,901 30,415
Nfld.Lab. 21645039 5,736 5,755 491 467 466 476 469 471 474 481 489 492 492 487 493
P.E.I. 21645043 1,383 1,385 115 118 119 116 114 111 113 116 117 116 114 117 127
Nova Scotia 21645047 10,015 10,297 807 863 856 865 874 870 860 868 876 870 842 841 897
New Brunswick 21645051 7,827 7,963 653 657 654 652 652 661 661 673 676 699 668 687 702
Quebec 21645055 75,326 78,518 6,312 6,525 6,419 6,449 6,550 6,589 6,593 6,642 6,723 6,788 6,575 6,861 6,931
Ontario 21645063 125,122 129,086 10,626 10,738 10,591 10,670 10,688 10,732 10,808 10,862 10,992 10,977 10,952 11,142 11,234
Manitoba 21645071 10,953 11,692 955 975 975 963 978 983 972 987 1,012 996 974 1,016 1,039
Saskatchewan 21645075 9,858 10,259 844 851 865 862 859 863 858 850 865 871 867 875 901
Alberta 21645079 39,318 43,372 3,545 3,571 3,580 3,580 3,593 3,637 3,636 3,678 3,747 3,743 3,702 3,783 3,879
British Columbia 21645083 44,421 47,217 3,790 3,896 3,902 3,917 3,943 3,986 3,972 3,998 4,029 4,008 3,994 3,989 4,104
Consumer prices(1) (1992=100)                              
Canada 735319 122.3 124.6 123.2 123.6 123.9 125.0 125.1 125.0 124.8 124.9 125.2 125.7 125.4 125.3 125.8
Nfld.Lab. 735613 120.7 122.9 120.8 121.3 121.6 122.8 123.2 123.9 123.6 123.8 124.2 124.5 124.1 123.9 124.5
P.E.I. 735748 121.9 124.5 122.4 123.2 123.9 124.3 124.9 124.6 124.6 125.2 125.5 127.3 126.4 125.3 125.6
Nova Scotia 735882 123.9 126.1 124.2 125.0 125.1 126.0 126.5 126.7 126.6 126.8 127.2 127.8 127.5 127.0 127.4
New Brunswick 736017 122.6 124.4 123.1 123.6 123.5 124.6 124.8 124.8 124.7 124.7 125.1 125.7 125.2 125.2 125.6
Quebec 736152 118.4 120.7 119.7 120.0 119.9 121.1 121.0 120.9 120.7 121.0 121.7 121.8 121.5 121.6 122.0
737245 118.4 120.7 119.8 120.0 120.0 121.0 121.0 120.8 120.8 121.1 121.8 121.8 121.5 121.6 121.9
Ontario 736288 123.3 125.6 124.4 124.9 125.1 126.1 125.8 126.0 125.7 125.8 126.2 126.6 126.5 126.2 127.1
737257 124.2 126.3 125.6 125.8 125.7 126.8 126.5 126.5 126.2 126.5 126.5 126.9 126.8 126.6 127.3
Manitoba 736424 125.3 127.8 125.4 126.0 126.4 128.1 128.5 128.3 128.4 128.2 128.7 129.5 129.9 129.2 129.5
Saskatchewan 736560 126.5 129.3 127.2 127.5 128.4 129.7 129.9 130.1 129.5 129.7 130.5 131.3 130.9 130.6 130.9
Alberta 736696 129.7 131.5 129.9 130.3 130.6 131.7 133.0 132.1 131.9 132.0 131.6 132.5 132.2 131.7 131.9
British Columbia 736831 120.4 122.8 121.3 121.6 122.4 123.4 123.6 123.4 123.3 123.5 123.5 123.7 123.5 123.6 123.8
737299 121.0 123.4 121.8 122.2 123.0 124.0 124.1 123.9 124.0 124.1 124.2 124.2 124.2 124.3 124.4
Shipments $'000,000                              
Canada 800450 545,765 592,171 46,355 48,366 48,749 49,296 49,988 50,325 50,667 50,552 50,146 50,437 50,292 51,613 51,370
Nfld.Lab. 803786 2,827 3,073 236 243 250 258 271 254 269 257 289 262 253 264 266
P.E.I. 804246 1,356 1,413 124 132 124 126 110 111 116 121 113 116 113 111 118
Nova Scotia 804706 8,524 9,158 703 761 779 793 767 783 742 788 774 796 759 752 811
New Brunswick 805166 12,864 14,298 1,094 1,163 1,174 1,283 1,227 1,244 1,227 1,188 1,166 1,326 1,200 1,258 1,209
Quebec 805626 128,514 137,161 11,033 11,382 11,543 11,278 11,565 11,726 11,501 11,344 11,614 11,553 11,521 11,958 11,911
Ontario 806086 289,216 309,343 24,102 25,145 25,358 25,877 26,228 26,314 26,708 26,787 26,171 25,964 26,034 26,799 26,476
Manitoba 806546 11,413 12,566 980 1,048 990 1,045 1,069 1,028 1,098 1,068 1,084 1,085 1,055 1,080 1,080
Saskatchewan 807006 7,913 9,649 727 804 747 784 796 829 912 862 823 838 831 869 857
Alberta 807466 45,838 53,173 4,102 4,249 4,340 4,266 4,400 4,446 4,449 4,450 4,515 4,856 4,928 4,944 5,029
British Columbia 807928 37,223 42,251 3,248 3,432 3,435 3,579 3,550 3,584 3,636 3,680 3,587 3,633 3,590 3,570 3,599

(1) Unadjusted for seasonality.

Sources: Retail trade (Catalogue no. 63-005-XIB), contact: P.Gratton (951-3541).
The Consumer Price Index (Catalogue no. 62-001-XIB), contact: Client services (951-9606).
Monthly Survey of Manufacturing (Catalogue no. 31-001-XIE), contact: R. Kowaluk (951-0060).

CANSIM tables: 026-0016, 080-0014, 304-0014, 304-0015, 326-0001