Table 2
Participation rate in different types of volunteer activities, by formal employer support, volunteers aged 15 and over with employment, 2010

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Table 2
Participation rate in different types of volunteer activities, by formal employer support, volunteers aged 15 and over with employment, 2010
Table summary
This table displays the results of participation rate in different types of volunteer activities. This information is grouped by type of volunteer activity (appearing as row header), and formal employer support, no and yes (appearing as column headers), calculated using percentage as a unit of measure.
Type of volunteer activity Formal employer support
No Yes
Organizing events 37 52*
Fundraising 42 55*
Teaching or mentoring 25 36*
Office work, bookkeeping 17 26*
Collecting, serving or delivering food or other goods 24 32*
Counselling or providing advice 22 30*
Sitting on a committee or board 25 33*
Maintenance or repair 11 17*
Driving 13 19*
Providing health care or support 14 19*
Environmental protection 14 18*
Canvassing 11 14*
First-aid, fire-fighting or search and rescue 6 9*
Coaching, refereeing or officiating 20 22
Other activities 15 14
reference group
* statistically significant difference (small alpha=0.05) from the reference group
Source: Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2010.
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