Table 1
Types of formal employer support for volunteering, volunteers aged 15 and over with employment, 2004 and 2010

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Table 1
Types of formal employer support for volunteering, volunteers aged 15 and over with employment, 2004 and 2010
Table summary
This table displays the results of types of formal employer support for volunteering. This information is grouped by type of formal employer support (appearing as row header), and by 2004 and 2010 (appearing as column headers), calculated using percentage as a unit of measure.
Type of formal employer support 2004 2010
Any type of support 57 57
Approval to change work hours or reduce work activities 33 34
Use of facilities or equipment 31 29*
Recognition or letter of thanks 23* 24*
Paid time off or time to spend volunteering while on the job 21* 20*
Other 4* 4*
Donated prizes, gift certificates, food 2* 2E*
Donated financially to the organization 2* 1E*
Sponsored an event, paid entry fee or membership fee 1* 1E*
Donated t-shirts or company goods 1* 1E*
Provided transportation 0SE* 1E*
0S value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded
E use with caution
reference group
* statistically significant difference (small alpha=0.05) from the reference group
Note: Only respondents who answered all the questions on formal employer support are included.
Source: Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2004 and 2010.
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