Statistics Canada

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

  2000 2001 2002 2000 to 2002
  number % change
Canada 71,144 71,110 70,155 -1.4
Newfoundland and Labrador 913 755 842 -7.8
Prince Edward Island 272 246 258 -5.1
Nova Scotia 2,054 1,945 1,990 -3.1
New Brunswick 1,717 1,570 1,461 -14.9
Quebec 17,054 17,094 16,499 -3.3
Ontario 26,148 26,516 26,170 0.1
Manitoba 2,430 2,480 2,396 -1.4
Saskatchewan 2,194 1,955 1,959 -10.7
Alberta 8,176 8,252 8,291 1.4
British Columbia 10,017 10,115 10,125 1.1
Yukon 68 91 90 32.4
Northwest Territories 94 83 68 -27.7
Nunavut 7 8 6 -14.3

© 2004, Statistics Canada.