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    • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800010950

      The next census will be conducted in May 2011. Being a major survey, it presents a formidable challenge for Statistics Canada and requires a great deal of time and resources. Careful planning has been done to ensure that all deadlines are met. A number of steps have been planned in the questionnaire testing process. These tests apply to both census content and the proposed communications strategy. This paper presents an overview of the strategy, with a focus on combining qualitative studies with the 2008 quantitative study so that the results can be analyzed and the proposals properly evaluated.

      Release date: 2009-12-03

    • Articles and reports: 92F0138M2000002

      This working paper provides an overview of census metropolitan and census agglomeration influenced zones, or MIZ, their background and the methodology used to define them. The MIZ classification is an approach to better differentiate areas of Canada outside of census metropolitan areas (CMA) and census agglomerations (CA). Census subdivisions that lie outside these areas are classified into one of four zones of influence ranging from "strong" to "no" influence according to the degree of influence that CMA/CAs have on them. The MIZ classification fills a gap in Statistics Canada's geographic framework and promotes data integration since we expect it will be possible to obtain survey data as well as census data based on the same geographic structure. Studies done with a preliminary version of MIZ showed the potential of MIZ to reveal the diversity of non-metropolitan Canada. Based on feedback received on that initial research, this working paper reports on more recent work that has been done to refine the number and data breakpoints for MIZ categories and to examine the additional variables of distances between census subdivisions (CSDs), physical adjacency and a north-south allocation.

      This is the second in a series of three related Geography working papers (catalogue no. 92F0138MPE) that describe a new statistical area classification that includes census metropolitan areas/census agglomerations, MIZ and the North concept. The first working paper (no. 2000-1, 92F0138MPE00001) briefly describes MIZ and provides tables of selected socio-economic characteristics from the 1991 Census tabulated by the MIZ categories. The third working paper (no. 2000-3, 92F0138MPE00003) describes the North concept and the methodology used to define a continuous line across Canada that separates the north from the south to further differentiate the MIZ classification.

      Release date: 2000-02-03

    • Articles and reports: 92F0138M1996001

      The purpose of this document is to report on the reasoning for continuing to use the digital planimeter for calculating land area for the 1996 Census. Despite the fact that the data are subject to a number of errors and logical inconsistencies, the Geography Division does not yet have a digital database in place to support the automated calculation of land area.

      This report first provides an historical background on the treatment of land area. It then presents the results of some land area tests based on 1991 data. The tests include the actual use of the digital planimeter, as well as logical consistency checks that compare land area with total area. Finally, a description of the 1996 Digital Cartographic File of enumeration areas (EA/DCF) demonstrates the reason why that file is not employed to calculate land area in an automated fashion.

      Release date: 1999-03-05

    • Articles and reports: 92F0138M1998001

      Prior to the 2001 Census, the Geography Division manually calculated land area using a planimeter. The manual approach was necessary since the division did not have a national digital database to support an automated method. The manual land area calculation was a labour intensive process as well as very time consuming, expensive and very prone to error. With the anticipation of having a national digital base for the 2001 Census (to be called the National Geographic Base or NGB), the automated land area calculation becomes a simple GIS process.

      The objectives of this paper are to show the effects of data aggregation and different map projections on automated land area calculation. The testing is a two- staged process; the first stage uses the 1996 Digital Cartographic Files (DCFs) and the second stage will use the NGB. Although the DCFs are not ideal for testing land area, this two-staged approach is necessary since the NGB will not be completed until Autumn 1998. This report presents results on the first stage using the 1996 DCFs.

      The results reveal that the effects of data aggregation are minimal; thus land area can be stored at the census block level and then aggregated to higher level geographic entities without any serious ramifications for the 2001 Census. The results also indicate that an equal-area projection, specifically the Albers Equal-Area Conic projection, is more appropriate for calculating land area.

      Release date: 1998-10-26
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    Articles and reports (4)

    Articles and reports (4) ((4 results))

    • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800010950

      The next census will be conducted in May 2011. Being a major survey, it presents a formidable challenge for Statistics Canada and requires a great deal of time and resources. Careful planning has been done to ensure that all deadlines are met. A number of steps have been planned in the questionnaire testing process. These tests apply to both census content and the proposed communications strategy. This paper presents an overview of the strategy, with a focus on combining qualitative studies with the 2008 quantitative study so that the results can be analyzed and the proposals properly evaluated.

      Release date: 2009-12-03

    • Articles and reports: 92F0138M2000002

      This working paper provides an overview of census metropolitan and census agglomeration influenced zones, or MIZ, their background and the methodology used to define them. The MIZ classification is an approach to better differentiate areas of Canada outside of census metropolitan areas (CMA) and census agglomerations (CA). Census subdivisions that lie outside these areas are classified into one of four zones of influence ranging from "strong" to "no" influence according to the degree of influence that CMA/CAs have on them. The MIZ classification fills a gap in Statistics Canada's geographic framework and promotes data integration since we expect it will be possible to obtain survey data as well as census data based on the same geographic structure. Studies done with a preliminary version of MIZ showed the potential of MIZ to reveal the diversity of non-metropolitan Canada. Based on feedback received on that initial research, this working paper reports on more recent work that has been done to refine the number and data breakpoints for MIZ categories and to examine the additional variables of distances between census subdivisions (CSDs), physical adjacency and a north-south allocation.

      This is the second in a series of three related Geography working papers (catalogue no. 92F0138MPE) that describe a new statistical area classification that includes census metropolitan areas/census agglomerations, MIZ and the North concept. The first working paper (no. 2000-1, 92F0138MPE00001) briefly describes MIZ and provides tables of selected socio-economic characteristics from the 1991 Census tabulated by the MIZ categories. The third working paper (no. 2000-3, 92F0138MPE00003) describes the North concept and the methodology used to define a continuous line across Canada that separates the north from the south to further differentiate the MIZ classification.

      Release date: 2000-02-03

    • Articles and reports: 92F0138M1996001

      The purpose of this document is to report on the reasoning for continuing to use the digital planimeter for calculating land area for the 1996 Census. Despite the fact that the data are subject to a number of errors and logical inconsistencies, the Geography Division does not yet have a digital database in place to support the automated calculation of land area.

      This report first provides an historical background on the treatment of land area. It then presents the results of some land area tests based on 1991 data. The tests include the actual use of the digital planimeter, as well as logical consistency checks that compare land area with total area. Finally, a description of the 1996 Digital Cartographic File of enumeration areas (EA/DCF) demonstrates the reason why that file is not employed to calculate land area in an automated fashion.

      Release date: 1999-03-05

    • Articles and reports: 92F0138M1998001

      Prior to the 2001 Census, the Geography Division manually calculated land area using a planimeter. The manual approach was necessary since the division did not have a national digital database to support an automated method. The manual land area calculation was a labour intensive process as well as very time consuming, expensive and very prone to error. With the anticipation of having a national digital base for the 2001 Census (to be called the National Geographic Base or NGB), the automated land area calculation becomes a simple GIS process.

      The objectives of this paper are to show the effects of data aggregation and different map projections on automated land area calculation. The testing is a two- staged process; the first stage uses the 1996 Digital Cartographic Files (DCFs) and the second stage will use the NGB. Although the DCFs are not ideal for testing land area, this two-staged approach is necessary since the NGB will not be completed until Autumn 1998. This report presents results on the first stage using the 1996 DCFs.

      The results reveal that the effects of data aggregation are minimal; thus land area can be stored at the census block level and then aggregated to higher level geographic entities without any serious ramifications for the 2001 Census. The results also indicate that an equal-area projection, specifically the Albers Equal-Area Conic projection, is more appropriate for calculating land area.

      Release date: 1998-10-26
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    Journals and periodicals (0) (0 results)

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