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All (69) (10 to 20 of 69 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11-633-X2016003

    Large national mortality cohorts are used to estimate mortality rates for different socioeconomic and population groups, and to conduct research on environmental health. In 2008, Statistics Canada created a cohort linking the 1991 Census to mortality. The present study describes a linkage of the 2001 Census long-form questionnaire respondents aged 19 years and older to the T1 Personal Master File and the Amalgamated Mortality Database. The linkage tracks all deaths over a 10.6-year period (until the end of 2011, to date).

    Release date: 2016-10-26

  • Articles and reports: 89-648-X2016001

    Linkages between survey and administrative data are an increasingly common practice, due in part to the reduced burden to respondents, and to the data that can be obtained at a relatively low cost. Historical linkage, or the linkage of administrative data from previous years to the year of the survey, compounds these benefits by providing additional years of data. This paper examines the Longitudinal and International Study of Adults (LISA), which was linked to historical tax data on personal income tax returns (T1) and those collected from employers’ files (T4), among others not mentioned in this paper. It presents trends in historical linkage rates, compares the coherence of administrative data between the T1 and T4, presents the ability to use the data to create balanced panels, and uses the T1 data to produce age-earnings profiles by sex. The results show that the historical linkage rate is high (over 90% in most cases) and stable over time for respondents who are likely to file a tax return, and that the T1 and T4 administrative sources show similar earnings. Moreover, long balanced panels of up to 30 years in length (at the time of writing) can be created using LISA administrative linkage data.

    Release date: 2016-08-18

  • Articles and reports: 11-633-X2016002

    Immigrants comprise an ever-increasing percentage of the Canadian population—at more than 20%, which is the highest percentage among the G8 countries (Statistics Canada 2013a). This figure is expected to rise to 25% to 28% by 2031, when at least one in four people living in Canada will be foreign-born (Statistics Canada 2010).

    This report summarizes the linkage of the Immigrant Landing File (ILF) for all provinces and territories, excluding Quebec, to hospital data from the Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), a national database containing information about hospital inpatient and day-surgery events. A deterministic exact-matching approach was used to link data from the 1980-to-2006 ILF and from the DAD (2006/2007, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009) with the 2006 Census, which served as a “bridge” file. This was a secondary linkage in that it used linkage keys created in two previous projects (primary linkages) that separately linked the ILF and the DAD to the 2006 Census. The ILF–DAD linked data were validated by means of a representative sample of 2006 Census records containing immigrant information previously linked to the DAD.

    Release date: 2016-08-17

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-634-X

    This publication is a catalogue of strategies and mechanisms that a statistical organization should consider adopting, according to its particular context. This compendium is based on lessons learned and best practices of leadership and management of statistical agencies within the scope of Statistics Canada’s International Statistical Fellowship Program (ISFP). It contains four broad sections including, characteristics of an effective national statistical system; core management practices; improving, modernizing and finding efficiencies; and, strategies to better inform and engage key stakeholders.

    Release date: 2016-07-06

  • Articles and reports: 11-633-X2016001

    Every year, thousands of workers lose their jobs as firms reduce the size of their workforce in response to growing competition, technological changes, changing trade patterns and numerous other factors. Thousands of workers also start a job with a new employer as new firms enter a product market and existing firms expand or replace employees who recently left. This worker reallocation process across employers is generally seen as contributing to productivity growth and rising living standards. To measure this labour reallocation process, labour market indicators such as hiring rates and layoff rates are needed. In response to growing demand for subprovincial labour market information and taking advantage of unique administrative datasets, Statistics Canada is producing hiring rates and layoff rates by economic region of residence. This document describes the data sources, conceptual and methodological issues, and other matters pertaining to these two indicators.

    Release date: 2016-06-27

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600114538

    The aim of automatic editing is to use a computer to detect and amend erroneous values in a data set, without human intervention. Most automatic editing methods that are currently used in official statistics are based on the seminal work of Fellegi and Holt (1976). Applications of this methodology in practice have shown systematic differences between data that are edited manually and automatically, because human editors may perform complex edit operations. In this paper, a generalization of the Fellegi-Holt paradigm is proposed that can incorporate a large class of edit operations in a natural way. In addition, an algorithm is outlined that solves the resulting generalized error localization problem. It is hoped that this generalization may be used to increase the suitability of automatic editing in practice, and hence to improve the efficiency of data editing processes. Some first results on synthetic data are promising in this respect.

    Release date: 2016-06-22

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600114539

    Statistical matching is a technique for integrating two or more data sets when information available for matching records for individual participants across data sets is incomplete. Statistical matching can be viewed as a missing data problem where a researcher wants to perform a joint analysis of variables that are never jointly observed. A conditional independence assumption is often used to create imputed data for statistical matching. We consider a general approach to statistical matching using parametric fractional imputation of Kim (2011) to create imputed data under the assumption that the specified model is fully identified. The proposed method does not have a convergent EM sequence if the model is not identified. We also present variance estimators appropriate for the imputation procedure. We explain how the method applies directly to the analysis of data from split questionnaire designs and measurement error models.

    Release date: 2016-06-22

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600114540

    In this paper, we compare the EBLUP and pseudo-EBLUP estimators for small area estimation under the nested error regression model and three area level model-based estimators using the Fay-Herriot model. We conduct a design-based simulation study to compare the model-based estimators for unit level and area level models under informative and non-informative sampling. In particular, we are interested in the confidence interval coverage rate of the unit level and area level estimators. We also compare the estimators if the model has been misspecified. Our simulation results show that estimators based on the unit level model perform better than those based on the area level. The pseudo-EBLUP estimator is the best among unit level and area level estimators.

    Release date: 2016-06-22

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600114541

    In this work we compare nonparametric estimators for finite population distribution functions based on two types of fitted values: the fitted values from the well-known Kuo estimator and a modified version of them, which incorporates a nonparametric estimate for the mean regression function. For each type of fitted values we consider the corresponding model-based estimator and, after incorporating design weights, the corresponding generalized difference estimator. We show under fairly general conditions that the leading term in the model mean square error is not affected by the modification of the fitted values, even though it slows down the convergence rate for the model bias. Second order terms of the model mean square errors are difficult to obtain and will not be derived in the present paper. It remains thus an open question whether the modified fitted values bring about some benefit from the model-based perspective. We discuss also design-based properties of the estimators and propose a variance estimator for the generalized difference estimator based on the modified fitted values. Finally, we perform a simulation study. The simulation results suggest that the modified fitted values lead to a considerable reduction of the design mean square error if the sample size is small.

    Release date: 2016-06-22

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600114542

    The restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method is generally used to estimate the variance of the random area effect under the Fay-Herriot model (Fay and Herriot 1979) to obtain the empirical best linear unbiased (EBLUP) estimator of a small area mean. When the REML estimate is zero, the weight of the direct sample estimator is zero and the EBLUP becomes a synthetic estimator. This is not often desirable. As a solution to this problem, Li and Lahiri (2011) and Yoshimori and Lahiri (2014) developed adjusted maximum likelihood (ADM) consistent variance estimators which always yield positive variance estimates. Some of the ADM estimators always yield positive estimates but they have a large bias and this affects the estimation of the mean squared error (MSE) of the EBLUP. We propose to use a MIX variance estimator, defined as a combination of the REML and ADM methods. We show that it is unbiased up to the second order and it always yields a positive variance estimate. Furthermore, we propose an MSE estimator under the MIX method and show via a model-based simulation that in many situations, it performs better than other ‘Taylor linearization’ MSE estimators proposed recently.

    Release date: 2016-06-22
Stats in brief (1)

Stats in brief (1) ((1 result))

  • Stats in brief: 11-629-X2016003

    Discover how the Enterprise Portfolio Management team (EPM) supports some of Canada’s largest enterprises.

    Release date: 2016-06-02
Articles and reports (67)

Articles and reports (67) (0 to 10 of 67 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600214660

    In an economic survey of a sample of enterprises, occupations are randomly selected from a list until a number r of occupations in a local unit has been identified. This is an inverse sampling problem for which we are proposing a few solutions. Simple designs with and without replacement are processed using negative binomial distributions and negative hypergeometric distributions. We also propose estimators for when the units are selected with unequal probabilities, with or without replacement.

    Release date: 2016-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600214661

    An example presented by Jean-Claude Deville in 2005 is subjected to three estimation methods: the method of moments, the maximum likelihood method, and generalized calibration. The three methods yield exactly the same results for the two non-response models. A discussion follows on how to choose the most appropriate model.

    Release date: 2016-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600214662

    Two-phase sampling designs are often used in surveys when the sampling frame contains little or no auxiliary information. In this note, we shed some light on the concept of invariance, which is often mentioned in the context of two-phase sampling designs. We define two types of invariant two-phase designs: strongly invariant and weakly invariant two-phase designs. Some examples are given. Finally, we describe the implications of strong and weak invariance from an inference point of view.

    Release date: 2016-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600214663

    We present theoretical evidence that efforts during data collection to balance the survey response with respect to selected auxiliary variables will improve the chances for low nonresponse bias in the estimates that are ultimately produced by calibrated weighting. One of our results shows that the variance of the bias – measured here as the deviation of the calibration estimator from the (unrealized) full-sample unbiased estimator – decreases linearly as a function of the response imbalance that we assume measured and controlled continuously over the data collection period. An attractive prospect is thus a lower risk of bias if one can manage the data collection to get low imbalance. The theoretical results are validated in a simulation study with real data from an Estonian household survey.

    Release date: 2016-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600214664

    This paper draws statistical inference for finite population mean based on judgment post stratified (JPS) samples. The JPS sample first selects a simple random sample and then stratifies the selected units into H judgment classes based on their relative positions (ranks) in a small set of size H. This leads to a sample with random sample sizes in judgment classes. Ranking process can be performed either using auxiliary variables or visual inspection to identify the ranks of the measured observations. The paper develops unbiased estimator and constructs confidence interval for population mean. Since judgment ranks are random variables, by conditioning on the measured observations we construct Rao-Blackwellized estimators for the population mean. The paper shows that Rao-Blackwellized estimators perform better than usual JPS estimators. The proposed estimators are applied to 2012 United States Department of Agriculture Census Data.

    Release date: 2016-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600214676

    Winsorization procedures replace extreme values with less extreme values, effectively moving the original extreme values toward the center of the distribution. Winsorization therefore both detects and treats influential values. Mulry, Oliver and Kaputa (2014) compare the performance of the one-sided Winsorization method developed by Clark (1995) and described by Chambers, Kokic, Smith and Cruddas (2000) to the performance of M-estimation (Beaumont and Alavi 2004) in highly skewed business population data. One aspect of particular interest for methods that detect and treat influential values is the range of values designated as influential, called the detection region. The Clark Winsorization algorithm is easy to implement and can be extremely effective. However, the resultant detection region is highly dependent on the number of influential values in the sample, especially when the survey totals are expected to vary greatly by collection period. In this note, we examine the effect of the number and magnitude of influential values on the detection regions from Clark Winsorization using data simulated to realistically reflect the properties of the population for the Monthly Retail Trade Survey (MRTS) conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Estimates from the MRTS and other economic surveys are used in economic indicators, such as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

    Release date: 2016-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600214677

    How do we tell whether weighting adjustments reduce nonresponse bias? If a variable is measured for everyone in the selected sample, then the design weights can be used to calculate an approximately unbiased estimate of the population mean or total for that variable. A second estimate of the population mean or total can be calculated using the survey respondents only, with weights that have been adjusted for nonresponse. If the two estimates disagree, then there is evidence that the weight adjustments may not have removed the nonresponse bias for that variable. In this paper we develop the theoretical properties of linearization and jackknife variance estimators for evaluating the bias of an estimated population mean or total by comparing estimates calculated from overlapping subsets of the same data with different sets of weights, when poststratification or inverse propensity weighting is used for the nonresponse adjustments to the weights. We provide sufficient conditions on the population, sample, and response mechanism for the variance estimators to be consistent, and demonstrate their small-sample properties through a simulation study.

    Release date: 2016-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X201600214684

    This paper introduces an incomplete adaptive cluster sampling design that is easy to implement, controls the sample size well, and does not need to follow the neighbourhood. In this design, an initial sample is first selected, using one of the conventional designs. If a cell satisfies a prespecified condition, a specified radius around the cell is sampled completely. The population mean is estimated using the \pi-estimator. If all the inclusion probabilities are known, then an unbiased \pi estimator is available; if, depending on the situation, the inclusion probabilities are not known for some of the final sample units, then they are estimated. To estimate the inclusion probabilities, a biased estimator is constructed. However, the simulations show that if the sample size is large enough, the error of the inclusion probabilities is negligible, and the relative \pi-estimator is almost unbiased. This design rivals adaptive cluster sampling because it controls the final sample size and is easy to manage. It rivals adaptive two-stage sequential sampling because it considers the cluster form of the population and reduces the cost of moving across the area. Using real data on a bird population and simulations, the paper compares the design with adaptive two-stage sequential sampling. The simulations show that the design has significant efficiency in comparison with its rival.

    Release date: 2016-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 11-633-X2016004

    Understanding the importance of the dynamic entry process in the Canadian economy involves measuring the amount and size of firm entry. The paper presents estimates of the importance of firm entry in Canada. It uses the database underlying the Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program (LEAP), which has produced measures of firm entry and exit since 1988. This paper discusses the methodology used to estimate entry and exit, the issues that had to be resolved and the reasons for choosing the particular solutions that were adopted. It then presents measures that are derived from LEAP. Finally, it analyzes the sensitivity of the estimates associated with LEAP to alternative methods of estimating entry and exit.

    Release date: 2016-11-10

  • Articles and reports: 18-001-X2016001

    Although the record linkage of business data is not a completely new topic, the fact remains that the public and many data users are unaware of the programs and practices commonly used by statistical agencies across the world.

    This report is a brief overview of the main practices, programs and challenges of record linkage of statistical agencies across the world who answered a short survey on this subject supplemented by publically available documentation produced by these agencies. The document shows that the linkage practices are similar between these statistical agencies; however the main differences are in the procedures in place to access to data along with regulatory policies that govern the record linkage permissions and the dissemination of data.

    Release date: 2016-10-27
Journals and periodicals (1)

Journals and periodicals (1) ((1 result))

  • Journals and periodicals: 11-634-X

    This publication is a catalogue of strategies and mechanisms that a statistical organization should consider adopting, according to its particular context. This compendium is based on lessons learned and best practices of leadership and management of statistical agencies within the scope of Statistics Canada’s International Statistical Fellowship Program (ISFP). It contains four broad sections including, characteristics of an effective national statistical system; core management practices; improving, modernizing and finding efficiencies; and, strategies to better inform and engage key stakeholders.

    Release date: 2016-07-06
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