Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting

Ecosystem accounts are based on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA) framework, which was adopted as an international statistical standard by the United Nations Statistical Commission in March 2021. This framework complements, and builds on, the accounting for environmental assets described in the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Central Framework (SEEA-CF), which was adopted as an international standard in 2012.

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  • Thematic map: 38-20-00012021001
    Description: This product provides thematic maps associated with Human Activity and the Environment, 2021, covering various aspects of ecosystem accounts, including ecosystem extent and condition....
    Release date: 2022-01-25
Data (1)

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  • Thematic map: 38-20-00012021001
    Description: This product provides thematic maps associated with Human Activity and the Environment, 2021, covering various aspects of ecosystem accounts, including ecosystem extent and condition....
    Release date: 2022-01-25
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