Annual Survey of Service Industries: Spectator Sports, Event Promoters, Artists and Related Industries

This survey collects the financial and operating data needed to develop national and regional economic policies and programs.

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All (17) (0 to 10 of 17 results)

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2020005
    Description: The Arts and Culture Data Viewer is an interactive data visualization tool. It allows users to easily break down Statistics Canada arts and culture economic data by geographic area, as well as data on participation in cultural activities by the demographic characteristics of participants. Economic data includes data on output, gross domestic product, employment and trade.
    Release date: 2024-10-09

  • Table: 34-10-0164-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual

    This table contains 14 series, with data for years 2013 - 2015 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada); North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) (1 item: Spectator sports); Sales and service revenue, type of service (14 items: Total sales of goods and services; Admissions to live performances and events presented by this business; Facility rental revenue; Rental revenue of traveller accommodation; ...).

    Release date: 2024-02-14

  • Table: 21-10-0169-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: The summary statistics by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) which include: operating revenue (dollars x 1,000,000), operating expenses (dollars x 1,000,000), salaries wages and benefits (dollars x 1,000,000), and operating profit margin (by percent), of spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries (NAICS 7112,7113,7114 & 7115), annual, for five years of data.
    Release date: 2024-02-14

  • Table: 21-10-0170-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: The operating expenses by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) which include all members under industry expenditures, for spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries (NAICS 7112,7113,7114 & 7115), annual (percent), for five years of data.
    Release date: 2024-02-14

  • Table: 21-10-0234-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual

    E-commerce sales by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), includes all members under sales, for Canada, for one year of data.

    Release date: 2024-02-14

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2023013
    Description: Using data from the goods and services tax (GST) sales and payroll deduction (PD7) files, this study looks at preliminary revenue and salary and wage expense estimates for the culture, arts, entertainment and recreational services sectors in 2022. These sectors comprise businesses operating in the motion picture, sound recording, publishing, performing arts, spectator sports and related industries, as well as the amusement and recreation industries. This study provides information by industry on the return to life after the pandemic shutdowns in 2020 and partial closures and restrictions in 2021.
    Release date: 2023-08-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202323437008
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2023-08-22

  • Table: 21-10-0254-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual

    Methods used for e-commerce sales for businesses locations that reported e-commerce sales for the spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries, for Canada, for 3 years of data.

    Release date: 2023-02-16

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2022014

    With the easing of pandemic restrictions and consumers embracing leisure activities, a recovery took place in the culture, arts, entertainment and recreation sectors. This study looks at preliminary operating revenue estimates and labour-related expenses for those sectors in 2021.

    Release date: 2022-07-27

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202220835684
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2022-07-27
Data (9)

Data (9) ((9 results))

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2020005
    Description: The Arts and Culture Data Viewer is an interactive data visualization tool. It allows users to easily break down Statistics Canada arts and culture economic data by geographic area, as well as data on participation in cultural activities by the demographic characteristics of participants. Economic data includes data on output, gross domestic product, employment and trade.
    Release date: 2024-10-09

  • Table: 34-10-0164-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual

    This table contains 14 series, with data for years 2013 - 2015 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (1 item: Canada); North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) (1 item: Spectator sports); Sales and service revenue, type of service (14 items: Total sales of goods and services; Admissions to live performances and events presented by this business; Facility rental revenue; Rental revenue of traveller accommodation; ...).

    Release date: 2024-02-14

  • Table: 21-10-0169-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: The summary statistics by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) which include: operating revenue (dollars x 1,000,000), operating expenses (dollars x 1,000,000), salaries wages and benefits (dollars x 1,000,000), and operating profit margin (by percent), of spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries (NAICS 7112,7113,7114 & 7115), annual, for five years of data.
    Release date: 2024-02-14

  • Table: 21-10-0170-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: The operating expenses by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) which include all members under industry expenditures, for spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries (NAICS 7112,7113,7114 & 7115), annual (percent), for five years of data.
    Release date: 2024-02-14

  • Table: 21-10-0234-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual

    E-commerce sales by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), includes all members under sales, for Canada, for one year of data.

    Release date: 2024-02-14

  • Table: 21-10-0254-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual

    Methods used for e-commerce sales for businesses locations that reported e-commerce sales for the spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries, for Canada, for 3 years of data.

    Release date: 2023-02-16

  • Table: 21-10-0047-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: The summary statistics by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) which include: operating revenue (dollars x 1,000,000), operating expenses (dollars x 1,000,000), salaries wages and benefits (dollars x 1,000,000), and operating profit margin (by percent), of spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries (NAICS 7112, 7113, 7114 & 7115), annual, for five years of data.
    Release date: 2017-02-06

  • Table: 21-10-0049-01
    Geography: Canada
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: The operating expenses by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) which include all members under industry expenditures, for spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries (NAICS 7112, 7113, 7114 & 7115), annual (percent), for five years of data.
    Release date: 2017-02-06

  • Table: 63-246-X
    Description: This product provides an overview of trends in the spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.
    Release date: 2014-03-12
Analysis (8)

Analysis (8) ((8 results))

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2023013
    Description: Using data from the goods and services tax (GST) sales and payroll deduction (PD7) files, this study looks at preliminary revenue and salary and wage expense estimates for the culture, arts, entertainment and recreational services sectors in 2022. These sectors comprise businesses operating in the motion picture, sound recording, publishing, performing arts, spectator sports and related industries, as well as the amusement and recreation industries. This study provides information by industry on the return to life after the pandemic shutdowns in 2020 and partial closures and restrictions in 2021.
    Release date: 2023-08-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202323437008
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2023-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2022014

    With the easing of pandemic restrictions and consumers embracing leisure activities, a recovery took place in the culture, arts, entertainment and recreation sectors. This study looks at preliminary operating revenue estimates and labour-related expenses for those sectors in 2021.

    Release date: 2022-07-27

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202220835684
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2022-07-27

  • Stats in brief: 45-28-0001202100100033

    The COVID-19 pandemic abruptly disrupted many businesses that create and distribute arts and culture or offer recreational activities. This study looks at preliminary operating revenue estimates and labour-related expenses for the culture, arts, entertainment and recreation sectors in 2020.

    Release date: 2021-08-17

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X202122931543
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2021-08-17

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2019067

    Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) is a modern electronic method of sale that is capable of bringing buyers and sellers together in nearly every sector of the economy and from around the world. This infographic shows the e-commerce statistics for a selection of Canadian service industries. These are sales made over the internet by Canadian based companies and the sales can be to both Canadians and foreigners. Purchases made by Canadians from foreign companies are not included in the figures shown.

    Release date: 2019-11-22

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X201917921343
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2019-06-28
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