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All (113) (30 to 40 of 113 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021010
    Description: This video provides an understanding of the sources and composition of income. It identifies what is considered income and what sources are excluded from income. It introduces viewers to the components of total income i.e., market income and government transfers. It also provides an insight into how other income concepts such as employment income and after-tax income are derived.
    Release date: 2022-07-13

  • Classification: 12-003-X

    The North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) is the departmental standard for the classification of products (goods and services). The classification is a joint project of the national statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. NAPCS is used to produce product statistics on a variety of topics, including the value of outputs of industries, the consumption by businesses and households, the value of imports and exports, and the movement of industrial and raw material prices. NAPCS Canada comprises definitions for all categories that include a descriptive text, as well as illustrative examples, inclusions and exclusions where appropriate.

    Email: statcan.csds-standardsproducts-cnsd-normesproduits.statcan@statcan.gc.ca

    Release date: 2022-03-31

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2022012

    This infographic presents some highlights from the 2020 Canadian Income Survey data.

    Release date: 2022-03-23

  • Public use microdata: 13M0006X
    Description: The cross-sectional public-use microdata file for the Survey of Financial Security is a collection of income, assets, debts and wealth data on the economy of Canadian families. The production of this file includes many safeguards to prevent the identification of any one person or family.

    The file is produced at the economic family level with information on family demographics; income; financial behaviours and attitudes; principal residence; assets, debts and net worth; family composition and size; and, in years 2005 onward, the major income recipient. the major income recipient.

    Please see the user guide for more information.  

    Release date: 2021-08-31

  • 46-23-0001

    This service provides custom tabulations from the Canadian Housing Survey database. Topics include: core housing need, dwelling characteristics and housing tenure, perceptions on economic hardship from housing costs, dwelling and neighbourhood satisfaction, housing moves and intentions to move, community engagement, life and community satisfaction, experience with homelessness and socio-demographic characteristics.

    Release date: 2020-10-08

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X201922020843
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2019-08-08

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-633-X2019001

    The mandate of the Analytical Studies Branch (ASB) is to provide high-quality, relevant and timely information on economic, health and social issues that are important to Canadians. The branch strategically makes use of expert knowledge and a large range of statistical sources to describe, draw inferences from, and make objective and scientifically supported deductions about the evolving nature of the Canadian economy and society. Research questions are addressed by applying leading-edge methods, including microsimulation and predictive analytics using a range of linked and integrated administrative and survey data. In supporting greater access to data, ASB linked data are made available to external researchers and policy makers to support evidence-based decision making. Research results are disseminated by the branch using a range of mediums (i.e., research papers, studies, infographics, videos, and blogs) to meet user needs. The branch also provides analytical support and training, feedback, and quality assurance to the wide range of programs within and outside Statistics Canada.

    Release date: 2019-05-29

  • Stats in brief: 11-001-X201914320403
    Description: Release published in The Daily – Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin
    Release date: 2019-05-23

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2019013

    This infographic presents some highlights from the 2017 Canadian Income Survey data.

    Release date: 2019-02-26

  • Table: 98-400-X2016203

    This table presents admission category and applicant type, immigrant status and period of immigration, age, sex and selected demographic, cultural, labour force and educational characteristics for the population in private households of Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations.

    Release date: 2018-07-18
Data (57)

Data (57) (40 to 50 of 57 results)

  • Profile of a community or region: 94F0044X

    This profile contains information from the 2001 Census for federal electoral districts. A federal electoral district is an area represented by a member of Parliament (MP) elected to the House of Commons. This profile presents data for both the 1996 Representation Order (301 federal electoral districts) and the 2003 Representation Order (308 federal electoral districts). Data characteristics presented for a Federal electoral district include age, marital status, visible minority groups, immigration, mother tongue, education, income, work, families, dwellings and religion. As well, mapping functionality is now available for both representation orders.

    Release date: 2003-10-29

  • Table: 92F0138M2000001

    With this working paper, Statistics Canada is releasing 1991 Census data tabulated by a new geographic classification called "census metropolitan area and census agglomeration influenced zones", or MIZ. This classification applies to census subdivisions (municipalities) that lie outside census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations. This part of Canada covers 96% of the country's total land mass and contains 22% of its population, yet up to now we have been limited in our means of differentiating this vast area. The MIZ classification shows the influence of census metropolitan areas (CMA) and census agglomerations (CA) on surrounding census subdivisions as measured by commuting flows based on 1991 Census place of work data. This version of the MIZ classification also incorporates a preliminary version of a north concept that flags census subdivisions according to their location in the north or south of Canada.

    The series of tables presented here show detailed demographic, social and economic characteristics for Canada as a whole, for the six major regions of Canada, and for individual provinces and territories. Within each table, the data are subdivided into five categories: census metropolitan area or census agglomeration, strong MIZ, moderate MIZ, weak MIZ and no MIZ. Within each of these categories, the data are further subdivided into north and south.

    Readers are invited to review and use the data tables to assess whether this combined MIZ and north/south classification of non-CMA/CA areas provides sufficient detail to support data analysis and research. The intent of this MIZ classification is to reveal previously hidden data detail and thereby help users address issues related to this vast geographic area.

    This is the first of three related Geography working papers (catalogue no. 92F0138MPE). The second working paper (no. 2000-2, 92F0138MPE00002) provides background information about the methodology used to delineate the MIZ classification. The third working paper (no. 2000-3, 92F0138MPE00003) describes the methodology used to define a continuous line across Canada that separates the north from the south to further differentiate the MIZ classification.

    Release date: 2000-02-03

  • Table: 93F0029X1996001

    Series Description - The Nation Series (1996 Census of Population) is the first released series where basic data at a high level of geography are presented on variables collected by the 1996 Census.There are a total of 143 tables in the Nation Series which cover all census variables.The Complete Edition CDROM, Catalogue number 93F0020XCB96004 contains the cumulative set of all data tables from all Nation Series CDROMs.This comprehensive CDROM provides a full range of statistics on characteristics of the population which includes:Demographic information (100% data only for Age and Sex, Marital Status and Common-law Unions); Families (Number, Type and Structure); Structural Type of Dwelling and Household Size; Immigration and Citizenship; Languages; Aboriginal Origin, Ethnic Origin and Visible Minorities (Population Groups); Labour Market Activities and Household Activities (unpaid work); Place of Work and Mode of Transportation; Education; Mobility and Migration; Family, Dwellings and Household Information; as well as Individual and Family Income. Selected variables, such as occupation, are available to illustrate the analytical potential of the data based on cross-tabulations (i.e. sex by age and occupation).These data are national in coverage and provide information for Canada, provinces and territories and, in some tabulations, census metropolitan area levels. Some tables include comparisons with data from earlier censuses to provide an historical perspective.A variety of Nation Series data table extracts presenting social and economic characteristics of the Canadian population are available at the Statistics Canada Census Web site (www.statcan.gc.ca).

    Release date: 1998-05-12

  • Table: 97-570-X1991092

    This table details number, aggregate and average 1990 total income and employment income of population 15 years and over by sex.

    Release date: 1993-06-01

  • Table: 97-570-X1991093

    This table details population 15 years and over by sex and 1990 income groups.

    Release date: 1993-06-01

  • Table: 97-570-X1991094

    This table details census families in private households by 1990 family income groups.

    Release date: 1993-06-01

  • Table: 97-570-X1991095

    This table details private households by 1990 household income groups.

    Release date: 1993-06-01

  • Table: 97-570-X1991096

    This table details number, aggregate and average 1990 total income and employment income of population 15 years and over by sex.

    Release date: 1993-06-01

  • Table: 97-570-X1991097

    This table details population 15 years and over by sex and 1990 income groups.

    Release date: 1993-06-01

  • Table: 97-570-X1991098

    This table details census families in private households by 1990 family income groups.

    Release date: 1993-06-01
Analysis (46)

Analysis (46) (30 to 40 of 46 results)

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2010002

    This report compares the aggregate income estimates as published by four different statistical programs. The System of National Accounts provides a portrait of economic activity at the macro economic level. The three other programs considered generate data from a micro-economic perspective: two are survey based (Census of Population and Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics) and the third derives all its results from administrative data (Annual Estimates for Census Families and Individuals). A review of the conceptual differences across the sources is followed by a discussion of coverage issues and processing discrepancies that might influence estimates. Aggregate income estimates with adjustments where possible to account for known conceptual differences are compared. Even allowing for statistical variability, some reconciliation issues remain. These are sometimes are explained by the use of different methodologies or data gathering instruments but they sometimes also remain unexplained.

    Release date: 2010-04-06

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800010996

    In recent years, the use of paradata has become increasingly important to the management of collection activities at Statistics Canada. Particular attention has been paid to social surveys conducted over the phone, like the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID). For recent SLID data collections, the number of call attempts was capped at 40 calls. Investigations of the SLID Blaise Transaction History (BTH) files were undertaken to assess the impact of the cap on calls.The purpose of the first study was to inform decisions as to the capping of call attempts, the second study focused on the nature of nonresponse given the limit of 40 attempts.

    The use of paradata as auxiliary information for studying and accounting for survey nonresponse was also examined. Nonresponse adjustment models using different paradata variables gathered at the collection stage were compared to the current models based on available auxiliary information from the Labour Force Survey.

    Release date: 2009-12-03

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X200810413208
    Geography: Canada

    Throughout much of the last century, older couples faced only one retirement decision -- the husband's. However, the dramatic rise and sustained participation of women in the paid labour force since the 1970s transformed the retirement transitions of married couples; increasingly, couples had to make two decisions and balance the preferences and constraints of partners who both made substantial contributions to household income. This article looks at the extent to which spouses synchronize the timing of their retirements, the factors associated with taking one or another pathway into retirement and changes in patterns of retirement through the 1990s.

    Release date: 2008-06-18

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2008306
    Geography: Canada

    Past research has shown that the Canadian pension system is relatively effective in helping seniors to stay out of poverty. However, the extent to which the pension system enables individuals and families to maintain living standards achieved during their working years after retirement (income security) is less well understood. To help fill this knowledge gap, we employ 20-year longitudinal data to track individuals as they move from age 55 through their retirement years. We use various measures of an individual's family income to study four main issues: change in income levels through retirement; the role that various income sources play in this change; variation in replacement rates through time and between poorer and richer individuals; and, finally, the degree of long-term stability in individual incomes. For workers with average incomes, family income falls after age 60, declines until age 68, and then stabilizes at approximately 80% of the income level they had at age 55. In contrast, low income individuals (those in the bottom income quintile) experience little change in income as they move from age 55 through the retirement years, largely because of the income maintenance effects of the public pension system. They experience high levels of individual income instability in their late 50s and early 60s, but income instability falls dramatically after retirement. Individuals in the top quintile experience substantially larger income declines in retirement so that income inequality within a cohort declines as the cohort ages. More recent groups of retirees are experiencing higher income levels than earlier cohorts, largely because of higher private pensions. Replacement rates have changed little among cohorts, however. Whether recent gains in income levels will persist in future cohorts is unknown since pension coverage has been falling among younger workers.

    Release date: 2008-03-10

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X200711113197
    Geography: Canada

    Prime-aged couples experienced a moderate decline in RPP coverage over the last two decades, as the substantial growth in wives labour market participation and the slight increase in their RPP coverage only partially offset a substantial decline in husbands coverage. On average, retirement savings of families rose over the last two decades, but the distribution became more unequal. To a large extent, the uneven growth in retirement savings mirrors the sharp increase in family earnings inequality since the early 1980s.

    Release date: 2007-12-19

  • 36. Payday loans Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X200710413185
    Geography: Canada

    Payday loans are part of the growing alternative consumer credit market in Canada. These loans are for relatively small amounts ($100 to $1,000) and are short-term, with repayment usually made on or before the next payday. Although the convenience of payday loans makes them attractive, concerns have been raised about questionable practices within the industry, including high borrowing costs, insufficient disclosure of contract terms, and unfair collection practices. Who uses payday loans and why?

    Release date: 2007-06-19

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2006286
    Geography: Canada

    We analyze the degree to which Canadian families are covered by private pension plans and document how their savings for retirement (made through contributions to tax-assisted retirement savings programs) have evolved over the last two decades. We find that two-parent families, lone-parent families and other individuals located in the bottom quintile of the earnings distribution are not better prepared for retirement than their counterparts were in the mid-1980s or the early 1990s. On the other hand, those located in the top quintile are better prepared than their counterparts were in the mid-1980s or the early 1990s. As a result, Canadian families' preparedness for retirement, which was fairly unequal in the mid-1980s, has become even more unequal over the last two decades. This finding has important implications for the future. Recent research has shown that the maturation of the Canada and Quebec Pension Plans (C/QPPs) has led to a substantial reduction in income inequality among the elderly between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s. In the absence of offsetting trends, the growing inequality in Canadian families preparedness for retirement implies that that the distribution of family income among seniors should become more unequal in the years to come.

    Release date: 2006-09-26

  • Articles and reports: 89-613-M2006010
    Geography: Census metropolitan area

    This report paints a statistical portrait of socio-economic conditions in the Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) of Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver. It highlights trends in population growth, suburban growth, commuting, employment, unemployment, immigration, income and low-income and socio-economic conditions among immigrants, Aboriginal People, and others. It uses data from the 1981 to 2001 Censuses of Canada, the 2005 Labour Force Historical Review, and Income in Canada, 2004.

    Release date: 2006-07-20

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-613-M
    Geography: Canada

    This series of reports provides key background information on the trends and conditions in Canadian census metropolitan areas (CMAs) across a number of dimensions. Subjects covered include demographics, housing, immigration, Aboriginal persons, low-income and stressed neighbourhoods, economic conditions, health, location of work and commuting mode, and culture. Most reports cover the 1981-to-2001 period.

    Release date: 2006-07-20

  • 40. Property taxes Archived
    Articles and reports: 75-001-X200310713094
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines the burden of property tax by province and household income and how property tax increases the inequality of family income.

    Release date: 2003-09-17
Reference (11)

Reference (11) (0 to 10 of 11 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 12-585-X
    Description: This product is the dictionary for the Longitudinal Administrative Databank (LAD). The dictionary contains a complete description for each of the income and demographic variables in the LAD, including name, acronym, definition, source, historical availability and historical continuity.

    The following is a partial list of LAD variables: age, sex, marital status, family type, number and age of children, total income, wages and salaries, self-employment, Employment Insurance, Old Age Security, Canada and Quebec Pension Plans, social assistance, investment income, rental income, alimony, registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) income and contributions, low-income status, full-time education deduction, provincial refundable tax credits, goods and service tax (GST) credits, Canada Child Tax Benefits, selected immigration variables, Tax Free Savings (TFSA) information and Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPC) information.

    Release date: 2023-11-10

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021011
    Description: This video explains the key concepts of different levels of aggregation of income data such as household and family income; income concepts derived from key income variables such as adjusted income and equivalence scale; and statistics used for income data such as median and average income, quartiles, quintiles, deciles and percentiles.
    Release date: 2023-03-29

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-500-X2021004
    Description: This reference guide provides information to help users effectively use and interpret income data from the 2021 Census. This guide contains definitions and explanations of concepts, questions, classifications, data quality and comparability with other sources for this topic.
    Release date: 2022-12-15

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021009
    Description: This video provides a general overview of the income data collection process and specifies the target population as well as the reference period for income data. It also points out important aspects to consider when looking at income data in conjunction with other demographic, social, ethnocultural, education and labour characteristics.
    Release date: 2022-07-13

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021010
    Description: This video provides an understanding of the sources and composition of income. It identifies what is considered income and what sources are excluded from income. It introduces viewers to the components of total income i.e., market income and government transfers. It also provides an insight into how other income concepts such as employment income and after-tax income are derived.
    Release date: 2022-07-13

  • Classification: 12-003-X

    The North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) is the departmental standard for the classification of products (goods and services). The classification is a joint project of the national statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. NAPCS is used to produce product statistics on a variety of topics, including the value of outputs of industries, the consumption by businesses and households, the value of imports and exports, and the movement of industrial and raw material prices. NAPCS Canada comprises definitions for all categories that include a descriptive text, as well as illustrative examples, inclusions and exclusions where appropriate.

    Email: statcan.csds-standardsproducts-cnsd-normesproduits.statcan@statcan.gc.ca

    Release date: 2022-03-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-633-X2019001

    The mandate of the Analytical Studies Branch (ASB) is to provide high-quality, relevant and timely information on economic, health and social issues that are important to Canadians. The branch strategically makes use of expert knowledge and a large range of statistical sources to describe, draw inferences from, and make objective and scientifically supported deductions about the evolving nature of the Canadian economy and society. Research questions are addressed by applying leading-edge methods, including microsimulation and predictive analytics using a range of linked and integrated administrative and survey data. In supporting greater access to data, ASB linked data are made available to external researchers and policy makers to support evidence-based decision making. Research results are disseminated by the branch using a range of mediums (i.e., research papers, studies, infographics, videos, and blogs) to meet user needs. The branch also provides analytical support and training, feedback, and quality assurance to the wide range of programs within and outside Statistics Canada.

    Release date: 2019-05-29

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-500-X2016004

    This reference guide provides information that enables users to effectively use, apply and interpret data from the 2016 Census. This guide contains definitions and explanations of concepts, classifications, data quality and comparability to other sources. Additional information is included for specific variables to help general users better understand the concepts and questions used in the Census.

    Updated on November 29, 2017 to include information on long-form income estimates.

    Release date: 2017-11-29

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-501-X2016006

    The Income Release and concepts overview provides an overview of the concepts, definitions and key measures used in the 2016 Census of Population Income release, as well as the products which will be available on release day and later.

    Release date: 2017-07-26

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 99-000-X2011001

    The National Household Survey (NHS) Dictionary is a reference document which contains detailed definitions of concepts, universes, variables, and geographic terms used in the NHS. By referring to the NHS Dictionary, both beginner and intermediate data users will gain a better understanding of the data.

    Release date: 2013-05-08
Date modified: