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All (46)
All (46) (0 to 10 of 46 results)
- Table: 12-581-XDescription: Canada at a Glance presents current statistics on Canadian society, including subjects such as the population, education, health, prices and the economy, among others. Updated yearly, this booklet is a very useful reference for those who want quick access to a current statistical portrait of Canada.Release date: 2024-09-04
- Table: 51-004-X2014004Description:
This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.
Release date: 2014-10-16 - Table: 99-012-X2011052Geography: Province or territory, Census divisionDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data using selected characteristics from the National Household Survey.
Release date: 2013-06-26 - Table: 51-004-X2013003Description:
This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.
Release date: 2013-05-24 - 5. Air Fare, Canadian Air Carriers, Level I ArchivedTable: 51-004-X2010003Description:
The air fare data included in this publication relate to the scheduled operations of major Canadian air carriers. This publication provides information on average fares by sector and fare type group and average domestic fares for ten selected cities of enplanement. It also provides information on the distribution of passengers and passenger-kilometres by sector and fare type group. A series of air fare indexes by sector and fare type group is also presented. In addition to annual data, this publication also presents quarterly data. It also includes data highlights and a brief analysis.
Release date: 2010-07-09 - Table: 51-004-X2010002Description:
This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.
Release date: 2010-04-23 - 7. Civil Aviation, Annual Operating and Financial Statistics, Canadian Air Carriers, Levels I to III ArchivedTable: 51-004-X2010001Description:
This publication provides annual information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I to III. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (income statement-operating revenues, operating expenses, non-operating income (expenses), balance sheet-assets and liabilities, as well as financial performance indicators) are presented. Information on fuel, on employment, by category, and on wages and salaries paid, by province and territory is also provided. This publication also includes data highlights.
Release date: 2010-03-31 - 8. Air Fare, Canadian Air Carriers, Level I ArchivedTable: 51-004-X2009005Description:
The air fare data included in this publication relate to the scheduled operations of major Canadian air carriers. This publication provides information on average fares by sector and fare type group and average domestic fares for ten selected cities of enplanement. It also provides information on the distribution of passengers and passenger-kilometres by sector and fare type group. A series of air fare indexes by sector and fare type group is also presented. In addition to annual data, this publication also presents quarterly data. It also includes data highlights and a brief analysis.
Release date: 2009-10-09 - Table: 51-004-X2009004Description:
This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.
Release date: 2009-08-27 - 10. The Canadian Productivity Accounts: Data ArchivedTable: 15-003-XDescription:
The Canadian Productivity Accounts: Data is an electronic publication that contains a series of tables on productivity growth and related variables for the business sector and its 51 major sub-sectors based on the North American Industry Classification System. These tables allow users to have a broader perspective on Canadian economic performance. They complement the information available on CANSIM which offers more detail, particularly at the industry level.
Canadian Productivity Accounts (CPA) are responsible for producing, analyzing and disseminating Statistics Canada's official data on productivity and for producing and integrating data on employment, hours worked and capital services consistent with the Canadian System of National Accounts. To this end, the CPA comprise three programs. The quarterly program provides current estimates on labour productivity and labour costs at the aggregate level for 15 industry groups. The annual national program provides yearly estimates on labour productivity, multifactor productivity and several indicators of sources of growth and competitiveness as they apply to the major sectors of the economy and to the industry level. Lastly, the annual provincial program, as an integral part of the Provincial Economic Accounts, provides estimates on employment, hours worked, labour productivity and labour costs at the industry level for each province and territory.
The Canadian Productivity Accounts: Data covers four series of statistical tables:
Table 1: Output, labour compensation, capital cost and cost of intermediate inputs in current dollars
Table 2: Productivity and related measures
Table 3: Productivity and related measures for the business sector, Canada and United States
Table 4: Productivity and related measures for the manufacturing sector, Canada and United States
Productivity measures the efficiency with which inputs (labour and capital in particular) are utilized in production. Productivity measures can be applied to a single input, such as labour productivity (output per hour worked), as well as to multifactor productivity (output per unit of combined labour and capital inputs). Statistics Canada produces these two main measures of productivity, but other productivity ratios can also be measured (e.g., output per unit of capital services).
Release date: 2007-12-06
Data (14)
Data (14) (0 to 10 of 14 results)
- Table: 12-581-XDescription: Canada at a Glance presents current statistics on Canadian society, including subjects such as the population, education, health, prices and the economy, among others. Updated yearly, this booklet is a very useful reference for those who want quick access to a current statistical portrait of Canada.Release date: 2024-09-04
- Table: 51-004-X2014004Description:
This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.
Release date: 2014-10-16 - Table: 99-012-X2011052Geography: Province or territory, Census divisionDescription:
This table presents a cross-tabulation of data using selected characteristics from the National Household Survey.
Release date: 2013-06-26 - Table: 51-004-X2013003Description:
This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.
Release date: 2013-05-24 - 5. Air Fare, Canadian Air Carriers, Level I ArchivedTable: 51-004-X2010003Description:
The air fare data included in this publication relate to the scheduled operations of major Canadian air carriers. This publication provides information on average fares by sector and fare type group and average domestic fares for ten selected cities of enplanement. It also provides information on the distribution of passengers and passenger-kilometres by sector and fare type group. A series of air fare indexes by sector and fare type group is also presented. In addition to annual data, this publication also presents quarterly data. It also includes data highlights and a brief analysis.
Release date: 2010-07-09 - Table: 51-004-X2010002Description:
This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.
Release date: 2010-04-23 - 7. Civil Aviation, Annual Operating and Financial Statistics, Canadian Air Carriers, Levels I to III ArchivedTable: 51-004-X2010001Description:
This publication provides annual information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I to III. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (income statement-operating revenues, operating expenses, non-operating income (expenses), balance sheet-assets and liabilities, as well as financial performance indicators) are presented. Information on fuel, on employment, by category, and on wages and salaries paid, by province and territory is also provided. This publication also includes data highlights.
Release date: 2010-03-31 - 8. Air Fare, Canadian Air Carriers, Level I ArchivedTable: 51-004-X2009005Description:
The air fare data included in this publication relate to the scheduled operations of major Canadian air carriers. This publication provides information on average fares by sector and fare type group and average domestic fares for ten selected cities of enplanement. It also provides information on the distribution of passengers and passenger-kilometres by sector and fare type group. A series of air fare indexes by sector and fare type group is also presented. In addition to annual data, this publication also presents quarterly data. It also includes data highlights and a brief analysis.
Release date: 2009-10-09 - Table: 51-004-X2009004Description:
This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.
Release date: 2009-08-27 - 10. The Canadian Productivity Accounts: Data ArchivedTable: 15-003-XDescription:
The Canadian Productivity Accounts: Data is an electronic publication that contains a series of tables on productivity growth and related variables for the business sector and its 51 major sub-sectors based on the North American Industry Classification System. These tables allow users to have a broader perspective on Canadian economic performance. They complement the information available on CANSIM which offers more detail, particularly at the industry level.
Canadian Productivity Accounts (CPA) are responsible for producing, analyzing and disseminating Statistics Canada's official data on productivity and for producing and integrating data on employment, hours worked and capital services consistent with the Canadian System of National Accounts. To this end, the CPA comprise three programs. The quarterly program provides current estimates on labour productivity and labour costs at the aggregate level for 15 industry groups. The annual national program provides yearly estimates on labour productivity, multifactor productivity and several indicators of sources of growth and competitiveness as they apply to the major sectors of the economy and to the industry level. Lastly, the annual provincial program, as an integral part of the Provincial Economic Accounts, provides estimates on employment, hours worked, labour productivity and labour costs at the industry level for each province and territory.
The Canadian Productivity Accounts: Data covers four series of statistical tables:
Table 1: Output, labour compensation, capital cost and cost of intermediate inputs in current dollars
Table 2: Productivity and related measures
Table 3: Productivity and related measures for the business sector, Canada and United States
Table 4: Productivity and related measures for the manufacturing sector, Canada and United States
Productivity measures the efficiency with which inputs (labour and capital in particular) are utilized in production. Productivity measures can be applied to a single input, such as labour productivity (output per hour worked), as well as to multifactor productivity (output per unit of combined labour and capital inputs). Statistics Canada produces these two main measures of productivity, but other productivity ratios can also be measured (e.g., output per unit of capital services).
Release date: 2007-12-06
Analysis (30)
Analysis (30) (20 to 30 of 30 results)
- Articles and reports: 61F0057M1998001Description:
The Survey on Preparedness of Canadian Business for the Year 2000 was conducted by Statistics Canada on behalf of Task Force Year 2000 to assess the business community's readiness for the Year 2000 computer problem. The survey found that more than half of Canadian businesses with more than five employees are doing nothing to address this issue. Moreover, less than 1 in 10 firms have a formal plan to assess, convert and test systems for the date change to 2000. Some 2% of firms have implemented and completed all phases of a plan, and a further 16% have taken less formal steps and say their systems are confirmed to be ready for 2000.This report takes a closer look at the survey results to determine how businesses in different industries and size categories are preparing for potential difficulties, and it assesses the general cost and magnitude of fixing the problem.
Release date: 1998-02-03 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M1997109Geography: CanadaDescription:
In addition to confirming a wage gap between Canadian workers as a whole and those of Aboriginal origin, our research also generated new findings: there is greater disparity in the distribution of wages among Aboriginals than among Canadian workers as a whole, even after allowing for demographic differences.
Our analysis does not stop there. Indeed, this analysis can hide considerable wage dispersions between Aboriginal groups since appreciable wage gaps were noted between these groups. Having said this, wage dispersion is most likely greater for certain Aboriginal groups than others. Since this aspect has never been studied before, the purpose of this paper is to document differences in wage dispersion for the four main Aboriginal groups. Our results show that North American Indians living on reserves are the most disadvantaged Aboriginal group because their earnings are substantially lower than those of the other groups.
Release date: 1998-01-14 - 23. Employee Training: An International Perspective ArchivedArticles and reports: 89-552-M1997002Geography: CanadaDescription:
This paper examines full-time paid workers between the ages of 25 and 60 in Canada, the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Sweden.
Release date: 1997-12-12 - 24. Non-permanent paid work ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X19970033206Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article compares permanent and non-permanent jobs. It looks at wages, hours, benefits and work schedules, among other aspects. The definition of non-permanent work arrangements, the diversity of these jobs, and the characteristics of the workers are also considered.
Release date: 1997-09-10 - 25. An overview of permanent layoffs ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X19970033209Geography: CanadaDescription:
Many Canadians believe that job instability and job loss have increased in the 1990s. Using a new longitudinal data source, this article explores the role of the business cycle, changes in industrial demand, and firm size in the growth in permanent layoffs. An overview of the work displacement process is also included. (Adapted from an article in Canadian Economic Observer, February 1997.)
Release date: 1997-09-10 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M1994069Geography: CanadaDescription:
Employment equity legislation is becoming more prevalent in Canadian labour markets, yet -- other than broad availability numbers -- the labour market experiencesof designated groups have not been well documented. Using the National Graduates Survey of 1992, this report profiles the early labour market experiences ofvisible minorities, Aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities who graduated from Canadian universities and community colleges in 1990. In general, we find thatthe earnings of designated group members are very similar to the earnings of their classmates. However, we also find that members of these groups are more likely tobe unemployed and are less likely to participate in the labour force than others in their class.
Release date: 1994-11-16 - 27. The labour market: Mid-year review ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X19940034616Geography: CanadaDescription:
An up-to-date look at the labour market and other economic indicators for the first six months of 1994.
Release date: 1994-09-06 - 28. Workers on the move: Quits ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X199200346Geography: CanadaDescription:
A study of some of the factors affecting quit rates. In this article, quits are divided into two categories: quits for economic reasons and those for non-economic reasons.
Release date: 1992-09-01 - 29. Retirement attitudes, plans and behaviour ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X199100367Geography: CanadaDescription:
As the Canadian population ages, the issues of retirement and pensions become increasingly important. The 1989 General Social Survey results are examined with a focus on Canadians opinions towards mandatory retirement, their retirement plans and pensions.
Release date: 1991-09-05 - 30. On maternity leave ArchivedArticles and reports: 75-001-X19890022275Geography: CanadaDescription:
The fertility rate continues to decline but interest in maternity leave is growing as more women of child bearing age join the labour force. This article looks at maternity absences among working women by age, education and province. It also explores the links between the fertility rate and maternity absences and between compensation and length of absence.
Release date: 1989-06-30
Reference (2)
Reference (2) ((2 results))
- 1. Useful Information for Construction ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 64F0004XDescription:
This practical and informative guide for the construction industry will assist in navigating through numerous Statistics Canada products and services.
Release date: 2002-12-13 - Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15F0077GDescription:
This publication provides a description of the data sources and methods used to compile the input-output tables at constant prices. It includes a brief description of the accounting framework, an overview of the methods used for the major components of the tables and an outline of the techniques applied to each group of goods and services. It also distinguishes between the derivation of the gross domestic product by industry for the business sector and that of the non-business sector. Finally, it discusses some of the critical contemporary issues that are being addressed at the time of writing.
Release date: 2001-02-15
- Date modified: