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All (68) (0 to 10 of 68 results)

  • Public use microdata: 89M0017X
    Description: The public use microdata file from the 2010 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating is now available. This file contains information collected from nearly 15,000 respondents aged 15 and over residing in private households in the provinces.The public use microdata file provides provincial-level information about the ways in which Canadians donate money and in-kind gifts to charitable and nonprofit organizations; volunteer their time to these organizations; provide help directly to others. Socio-demographic, income and labour force data are also included on the file.
    Release date: 2024-07-24

  • Classification: 12-501-X

    The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS, are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

    NAICS is a comprehensive system encompassing all economic activities. It has a hierarchical structure. At the highest level, it divides the economy into 20 sectors. At lower levels, it further distinguishes the different economic activities in which businesses are engaged.  

    Release date: 2022-01-27

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2019010

    This study aims to profile workers in the homelessness support field. This group was defined by classifying workers based on specific occupations and industry of employment. Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, various socio-economic characteristics for these workers are presented. The study profiles these individuals by geography, age, sex, educational attainment, Aboriginal identity and visible minority status. The study also addresses their work patterns, earnings and low income status. Some discussion of the limitations of available data and insights into potential future areas for research follow.

    Release date: 2019-09-23

  • Table: 61-219-X

    This publication contains annual aggregate data of Canadian enterprises classified by 67 industry groups. The industry breakdowns are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS Canada 2012). The data include: asset, liability and equity items encompassed in a balance sheet, revenue and expense items as reported on an income statement, a reconciliation of net profit to taxable income and taxes payable, along with several common financial performance ratios.

    Release date: 2016-03-17

  • Articles and reports: 89-652-X2015003

    This report provides a profile of volunteerism in Canada, examining trends in volunteer rates and hours volunteered, the characteristics of volunteers, the sectors benefiting from volunteering, types of volunteer activities, and motivations for and barriers to volunteering. Also presented are patterns in informal volunteering, defined here as acts helping people directly, whether it is family, friends or neighbours.

    Release date: 2015-06-18

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201400113005
    Geography: Province or territory

    This Juristat article examines family law cases in the civil courts. It provides a focused look at the amount of court activity they involve, and how they progress over time. The report is based on data from the eight Canadian provinces and territories reporting to the Civil Court Survey.

    Release date: 2014-04-28

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201400111906
    Geography: Canada

    This Juristat Bulletin presents the most up-to-date information on residential facilities in Canada that offered shelter to abused women in 2011/2012. Specific issues include: rates of admission to shelters, the reasons women had for seeking shelter, and characteristics of the facilities providing services.

    Release date: 2014-02-27

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201400111899
    Geography: Canada

    This report is based on data from the 2011/2012 Victim Services Survey and provides a profile of victim service agencies in Canada that responded to the survey, as well as information on the clients they served. In reference to 2011/2012, the report presents data on the types of agencies in Canada, the services offered, staff and volunteers, and criminal injuries compensation applications and awards. Characteristics of clients, such as sex, age grouping and type of victimization, are based on counts of clients served on a snapshot day of May 24, 2012. The 2011/2012 Victim Services Survey was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and was funded by Justice Canada's Policy Centre for Victim Issues. Victim service agencies surveyed include system-based, police-based and court-based agencies, sexual assault centres, other selected community-based agencies, and criminal injuries compensation and other financial benefit programs for victims of crime. It should be noted that data on transition homes and shelters for abused women and their children are collected through Statistics Canada's Transition Home Survey.

    Release date: 2014-02-13

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201200111626
    Geography: Canada

    This report is based on data from the 2009/2010 Victim Services Survey and provides a profile of victim service agencies in Canada that responded to the survey, as well as information on the clients they served. In reference to 2009/2010, the report presents data on the types of agencies in Canada, the services offered, staff and volunteers, and criminal injuries compensation applications and awards. Characteristics of clients, such as sex, age grouping and type of victimization, are based on counts of clients served on a snapshot day of May 27, 2010. The 2009/2010 Victim Services Survey was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and was funded by Justice Canada's Policy Centre for Victim Issues. Victim service agencies surveyed include system-based, police-based and court-based agencies, sexual assault centres, other selected community-based agencies, and criminal injuries compensation and other financial benefit programs for victims of crime. It should be noted that data on transition homes and shelters for abused women and their children are collected through Statistics Canada's Transition Home Survey.

    Release date: 2012-02-23

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-224-X

    This is the thirteenth annual Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile report produced by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics under the Federal Family Violence Initiative. This annual report provides the most current data on the nature and extent of family violence in Canada, as well as trends over time, as part of the ongoing initiative to inform policy makers and the public about family violence issues. Each year the report has a different focus. This year, the focus of the report is on self-reported incidents of spousal victimization from the 2009 General Social Survey on Victimization. In addition, using police-reported data, the report also presents information on family violence against children and youth, family violence against seniors, and family-related homicides. The Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile will now be produced as an article in Juristat, catalogue no. 85-002-X , as such the old product number (85-224-X) associated with the report is now terminated.

    Release date: 2011-01-27
Data (11)

Data (11) (0 to 10 of 11 results)

Analysis (53)

Analysis (53) (0 to 10 of 53 results)

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2019010

    This study aims to profile workers in the homelessness support field. This group was defined by classifying workers based on specific occupations and industry of employment. Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, various socio-economic characteristics for these workers are presented. The study profiles these individuals by geography, age, sex, educational attainment, Aboriginal identity and visible minority status. The study also addresses their work patterns, earnings and low income status. Some discussion of the limitations of available data and insights into potential future areas for research follow.

    Release date: 2019-09-23

  • Articles and reports: 89-652-X2015003

    This report provides a profile of volunteerism in Canada, examining trends in volunteer rates and hours volunteered, the characteristics of volunteers, the sectors benefiting from volunteering, types of volunteer activities, and motivations for and barriers to volunteering. Also presented are patterns in informal volunteering, defined here as acts helping people directly, whether it is family, friends or neighbours.

    Release date: 2015-06-18

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201400113005
    Geography: Province or territory

    This Juristat article examines family law cases in the civil courts. It provides a focused look at the amount of court activity they involve, and how they progress over time. The report is based on data from the eight Canadian provinces and territories reporting to the Civil Court Survey.

    Release date: 2014-04-28

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201400111906
    Geography: Canada

    This Juristat Bulletin presents the most up-to-date information on residential facilities in Canada that offered shelter to abused women in 2011/2012. Specific issues include: rates of admission to shelters, the reasons women had for seeking shelter, and characteristics of the facilities providing services.

    Release date: 2014-02-27

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201400111899
    Geography: Canada

    This report is based on data from the 2011/2012 Victim Services Survey and provides a profile of victim service agencies in Canada that responded to the survey, as well as information on the clients they served. In reference to 2011/2012, the report presents data on the types of agencies in Canada, the services offered, staff and volunteers, and criminal injuries compensation applications and awards. Characteristics of clients, such as sex, age grouping and type of victimization, are based on counts of clients served on a snapshot day of May 24, 2012. The 2011/2012 Victim Services Survey was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and was funded by Justice Canada's Policy Centre for Victim Issues. Victim service agencies surveyed include system-based, police-based and court-based agencies, sexual assault centres, other selected community-based agencies, and criminal injuries compensation and other financial benefit programs for victims of crime. It should be noted that data on transition homes and shelters for abused women and their children are collected through Statistics Canada's Transition Home Survey.

    Release date: 2014-02-13

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201200111626
    Geography: Canada

    This report is based on data from the 2009/2010 Victim Services Survey and provides a profile of victim service agencies in Canada that responded to the survey, as well as information on the clients they served. In reference to 2009/2010, the report presents data on the types of agencies in Canada, the services offered, staff and volunteers, and criminal injuries compensation applications and awards. Characteristics of clients, such as sex, age grouping and type of victimization, are based on counts of clients served on a snapshot day of May 27, 2010. The 2009/2010 Victim Services Survey was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and was funded by Justice Canada's Policy Centre for Victim Issues. Victim service agencies surveyed include system-based, police-based and court-based agencies, sexual assault centres, other selected community-based agencies, and criminal injuries compensation and other financial benefit programs for victims of crime. It should be noted that data on transition homes and shelters for abused women and their children are collected through Statistics Canada's Transition Home Survey.

    Release date: 2012-02-23

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-224-X

    This is the thirteenth annual Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile report produced by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics under the Federal Family Violence Initiative. This annual report provides the most current data on the nature and extent of family violence in Canada, as well as trends over time, as part of the ongoing initiative to inform policy makers and the public about family violence issues. Each year the report has a different focus. This year, the focus of the report is on self-reported incidents of spousal victimization from the 2009 General Social Survey on Victimization. In addition, using police-reported data, the report also presents information on family violence against children and youth, family violence against seniors, and family-related homicides. The Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile will now be produced as an article in Juristat, catalogue no. 85-002-X , as such the old product number (85-224-X) associated with the report is now terminated.

    Release date: 2011-01-27

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X201000211345
    Geography: Canada

    This article uses the 2006 Participation and Activity Limitation Survey to examine how many people with disabilities receive help with activities of daily living; the type of daily activities with which they get help; and the care receiver's relationship to the person or persons who provide help with specific tasks. Then it explores how these relationships change as the severity of the care receiver's disability increases.

    Release date: 2010-10-19

  • Journals and periodicals: 71-542-X
    Geography: Canada

    This report offers highlights from the 2007 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering, and Participating (CSGVP) which was undertaken to better understand how Canadians support individuals and communities on their own or through their involvement with charitable and non-profit organizations. For this survey, thousands of Canadians aged 15 and over were asked how they: gave money and other resources to individuals and to organizations; volunteered time to help others and to enhance their communities; and participated in the practices which help give substance to active citizenship. The results from this survey allow this report to tell a story about who Canada's volunteers and charitable donors are and the ways in which they contribute to our society.

    Release date: 2009-06-08

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X200700710357
    Geography: Canada

    This report is based on data from the 2005/2006 Victim Services Survey and provides a profile of victim service agencies in Canada that responded to the survey, as well as information on the clients they served. In reference to 2005/2006, the report presents data on the types of agencies in Canada, the services offered, staff and volunteers, and criminal injuries compensation applications and awards. Characteristics of clients, such as sex, age grouping and type of victimization, are based on counts of clients served on a snapshot day of April 19, 2006. The 2005/2006 Victim Services Survey was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and was funded by Justice Canada's Policy Centre for Victim Issues. Victim service agencies surveyed include system-based, police-based and court-based agencies, sexual assault centres, other selected community-based agencies, and criminal injuries compensation and other financial benefit programs for victims of crime. The report also contains some information on transition homes and shelters for abused women and their children that was collected through Statistics Canada's 2005/2006 Transition Home Survey.

    Release date: 2007-10-16
Reference (4)

Reference (4) ((4 results))

  • Classification: 12-501-X

    The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS, are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

    NAICS is a comprehensive system encompassing all economic activities. It has a hierarchical structure. At the highest level, it divides the economy into 20 sectors. At lower levels, it further distinguishes the different economic activities in which businesses are engaged.  

    Release date: 2022-01-27

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-611-X

    The Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC), conducted jointly by Statistics Canada and Citizenship and Immigration Canada under the Policy Research Initiative, is a comprehensive survey designed to study the process by which new immigrants adapt to Canadian society. About 12,000 immigrants aged 15 and older who arrived in Canada from abroad between October 2000 and September 2001 were interviewed. By late 2005, when all three waves of interviews will have been completed, the survey will provide a better understanding of how the settlement process unfolds for new immigrants.

    The results of this survey will provide valuable information on how immigrants are meeting various challenges associated with integration and what resources are most helpful to their settlement in Canada. The main topics being investigated include housing, education, foreign credentials recognition, employment, income, the development and use of social networks, language skills, health, values and attitudes, and satisfaction with the settlement experience.

    Release date: 2003-09-04

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-601-X

    This publication outlines the conceptual and statistical framework of the services sector in the accounts. The methodology and data sources used to calculate estimates of services in the current-price input-output accounts are described. Specific sources and methods are outlined for determining inputs, outputs and gross domestic product of service industries in the business sector.

    Release date: 2001-07-10

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15F0077G

    This publication provides a description of the data sources and methods used to compile the input-output tables at constant prices. It includes a brief description of the accounting framework, an overview of the methods used for the major components of the tables and an outline of the techniques applied to each group of goods and services. It also distinguishes between the derivation of the gross domestic product by industry for the business sector and that of the non-business sector. Finally, it discusses some of the critical contemporary issues that are being addressed at the time of writing.

    Release date: 2001-02-15
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