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All (12) (0 to 10 of 12 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2018406

    This study provides a first look at the skill level requirements of jobs held by Canadian and American workers. In total, the study examines 35 different skills including STEM skills and skills in several complementary areas. Focusing on the skill level requirements of jobs (as opposed to those for workers) is important given that workers’ skills are not guaranteed to be used in their job. The reasons for this include capital investments, technological changes (which may complement or substitute the skills of workers), shifting product demand and the quality of the match between employer demands and workers’ skills.

    This study compares the level of job skills in Canada and the United States by combining occupational data on job skill levels from the Occupational Information Network with worker-level data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies.

    Release date: 2018-06-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2017388

    This study examines the relationship between occupational skill requirements and educational attainment (the highest level completed and the field of study). Using the 2011 National Household Survey matched to data from the Occupational Information Network (which contains information on occupational skill requirements), the study uncovers many new findings on the skill requirements of jobs held by Canadians aged 25 to 34 with different educational qualifications.

    Release date: 2017-01-24

  • Journals and periodicals: 81-590-X
    Geography: Canada

    The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is designed to assess, on a regular basis, the achievement of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy through a common international test.

    Information gathered through PISA enables a thorough comparative analysis of the skill level of students near the end of their compulsory education. PISA also permits exploration of the ways that skills vary across different social and economic groups and the factors that influence the level and distribution of skills within and between countries.

    PISA is a collaborative effort among member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In Canada, PISA is administered through a partnership of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and Statistics Canada.

    PISA will be repeated every three years. The first PISA cycle was conducted in 2000 and focused on reading, with mathematics and science as minor domains. The focus shifts to mathematics in PISA 2003, to science in 2006, and back to reading in 2009.

    These reports provide results of the PISA assessments of student performance at the provincial level, and compare the achievement of Canadian students to that of students internationally.

    Release date: 2010-12-07

  • Articles and reports: 89-552-M2008019
    Geography: Canada

    Using data from the International Survey of Reading Skills, this report identifies the reading profiles of different groups of adult Canadians with low literacy skills, examines in depth their reading abilities, and describes their varied literacy learning needs. The new insights offered will inform the development of more targeted literacy policies and will be useful to both researchers and practitioners in designing and delivering appropriate and effective reading instruction programs for Canadian adults.

    Release date: 2008-01-09

  • Table: 81-590-X2004001
    Geography: Canada

    The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a collaborative effort among member countries of the OECD, designed to assess, on a regular basis, the achievement of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy through a common international test.

    This report provides results from the PISA 2003 assessment of student performance in mathematics, reading, science and problem solving at the provincial level, and compares the achievement of Canadian students to that of students internationally. PISA 2003 has a special focus on mathematical literacy.

    Forty-one countries participated in PISA 2003, including all 30 OECD countries and 11 non-OECD countries. About 28,000 15-year-olds from more than 1,000 schools took part in Canada.

    Release date: 2004-12-20

  • Articles and reports: 81-004-X20040057737

    Drawing on data from the 1997 and the 2003 Adult Education and Training Survey, this article compares participation in adult education and training in Canada, by gender, age and education.

    Release date: 2004-12-14

  • Articles and reports: 88F0006X2003006

    This working paper is based on a speech delivered by Judith Maxwell, President of the Canadian Policy Research Networks. In her discourse, Ms. Maxwell challenged her listeners to 'think outside of the box' on innovation and to be creative in how they approached the topic. For her, innovation extends beyond economic activities into societal interactions and culture. Therefore, innovation translates into more than productivity growth and improved efficiency, but also better living, working and learning conditions.

    Release date: 2003-03-28

  • Table: 81-590-X2000001
    Geography: Canada

    The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a collaborative effort among member countries of the OECD, designed to assess, on a regular basis, the achievement of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy through a common international test.

    This report presents initial results for Canada, Canadian provinces and selected countries from PISA 2000. Reading literacy is the major focus of PISA 2000, with mathematical and scientific literacy as minor domains.

    This report also includes results from the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS), a Canadian longitudinal survey designed to examine the patterns of, and influences on, major transitions in young people's lives, particularly with respect to education, training and work.

    Thirty-two countries participated in PISA 2000. In Canada, approximately 30,000 15-year-old students from more than 1,000 schools participated.

    Release date: 2002-01-03

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X20010016030
    Geography: Canada

    This article, the first of three, gives an overview of this study of the determinants of elementary and high school mathematics and science performance, the economic returns of adult literacy, and the diffusion of science and technology (S&T) graduates into the work force.

    Release date: 2001-12-19

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X20010075883
    Geography: Canada

    This paper describes the incidence of training activity and the duration of training episodes during the 1990s among adult Canadians who were not full- or part-time students.

    Release date: 2001-09-12
Data (2)

Data (2) ((2 results))

  • Table: 81-590-X2004001
    Geography: Canada

    The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a collaborative effort among member countries of the OECD, designed to assess, on a regular basis, the achievement of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy through a common international test.

    This report provides results from the PISA 2003 assessment of student performance in mathematics, reading, science and problem solving at the provincial level, and compares the achievement of Canadian students to that of students internationally. PISA 2003 has a special focus on mathematical literacy.

    Forty-one countries participated in PISA 2003, including all 30 OECD countries and 11 non-OECD countries. About 28,000 15-year-olds from more than 1,000 schools took part in Canada.

    Release date: 2004-12-20

  • Table: 81-590-X2000001
    Geography: Canada

    The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a collaborative effort among member countries of the OECD, designed to assess, on a regular basis, the achievement of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy through a common international test.

    This report presents initial results for Canada, Canadian provinces and selected countries from PISA 2000. Reading literacy is the major focus of PISA 2000, with mathematical and scientific literacy as minor domains.

    This report also includes results from the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS), a Canadian longitudinal survey designed to examine the patterns of, and influences on, major transitions in young people's lives, particularly with respect to education, training and work.

    Thirty-two countries participated in PISA 2000. In Canada, approximately 30,000 15-year-old students from more than 1,000 schools participated.

    Release date: 2002-01-03
Analysis (10)

Analysis (10) ((10 results))

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2018406

    This study provides a first look at the skill level requirements of jobs held by Canadian and American workers. In total, the study examines 35 different skills including STEM skills and skills in several complementary areas. Focusing on the skill level requirements of jobs (as opposed to those for workers) is important given that workers’ skills are not guaranteed to be used in their job. The reasons for this include capital investments, technological changes (which may complement or substitute the skills of workers), shifting product demand and the quality of the match between employer demands and workers’ skills.

    This study compares the level of job skills in Canada and the United States by combining occupational data on job skill levels from the Occupational Information Network with worker-level data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies.

    Release date: 2018-06-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2017388

    This study examines the relationship between occupational skill requirements and educational attainment (the highest level completed and the field of study). Using the 2011 National Household Survey matched to data from the Occupational Information Network (which contains information on occupational skill requirements), the study uncovers many new findings on the skill requirements of jobs held by Canadians aged 25 to 34 with different educational qualifications.

    Release date: 2017-01-24

  • Journals and periodicals: 81-590-X
    Geography: Canada

    The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is designed to assess, on a regular basis, the achievement of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy through a common international test.

    Information gathered through PISA enables a thorough comparative analysis of the skill level of students near the end of their compulsory education. PISA also permits exploration of the ways that skills vary across different social and economic groups and the factors that influence the level and distribution of skills within and between countries.

    PISA is a collaborative effort among member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In Canada, PISA is administered through a partnership of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and Statistics Canada.

    PISA will be repeated every three years. The first PISA cycle was conducted in 2000 and focused on reading, with mathematics and science as minor domains. The focus shifts to mathematics in PISA 2003, to science in 2006, and back to reading in 2009.

    These reports provide results of the PISA assessments of student performance at the provincial level, and compare the achievement of Canadian students to that of students internationally.

    Release date: 2010-12-07

  • Articles and reports: 89-552-M2008019
    Geography: Canada

    Using data from the International Survey of Reading Skills, this report identifies the reading profiles of different groups of adult Canadians with low literacy skills, examines in depth their reading abilities, and describes their varied literacy learning needs. The new insights offered will inform the development of more targeted literacy policies and will be useful to both researchers and practitioners in designing and delivering appropriate and effective reading instruction programs for Canadian adults.

    Release date: 2008-01-09

  • Articles and reports: 81-004-X20040057737

    Drawing on data from the 1997 and the 2003 Adult Education and Training Survey, this article compares participation in adult education and training in Canada, by gender, age and education.

    Release date: 2004-12-14

  • Articles and reports: 88F0006X2003006

    This working paper is based on a speech delivered by Judith Maxwell, President of the Canadian Policy Research Networks. In her discourse, Ms. Maxwell challenged her listeners to 'think outside of the box' on innovation and to be creative in how they approached the topic. For her, innovation extends beyond economic activities into societal interactions and culture. Therefore, innovation translates into more than productivity growth and improved efficiency, but also better living, working and learning conditions.

    Release date: 2003-03-28

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X20010016030
    Geography: Canada

    This article, the first of three, gives an overview of this study of the determinants of elementary and high school mathematics and science performance, the economic returns of adult literacy, and the diffusion of science and technology (S&T) graduates into the work force.

    Release date: 2001-12-19

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X20010075883
    Geography: Canada

    This paper describes the incidence of training activity and the duration of training episodes during the 1990s among adult Canadians who were not full- or part-time students.

    Release date: 2001-09-12

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000150
    Geography: Canada

    Using a comprehensive micro-database of Canadian firms in conjunction with industry-level data on commodity flows, we develop a profile of corporate diversification within the Canadian economy. Our analysis has two major objectives.

    First, we decompose corporate diversification into horizontal and vertical components based on the degree to which industries are linked by inter-industry trade flows. Horizontal and vertical decompositions serve as useful proxies for the strategic factors that underlie diversification strategies.

    Our second objective is to ascertain whether diversification patterns are closely associated with certain industry characteristics. Here we consider industry-level factors that are generally posited to affect the level of diversification (e.g., growth, concentration, knowledge-intensity) along with other variables designed to evaluate whether diversified ownership structures are associated with inter-industry commodity flows. Our regression analysis draws on three empirical measures of diversification: first, the amount of total entropy (i.e., diversification) within an industry; second, the average entropy per firm; and last, the percentage of firms within an industry that diversify.

    Release date: 2000-06-16

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1999137
    Geography: Canada

    This paper describes the evidence that several Statistics Canada studies have developed on the importance of innovation to growth and the need for highly skilled workers in the innovation process. Rather than focusing on broad industry aggregates as is often done, we concentrate our attention on firms and their behaviour. This allows us to investigate the connection between the success of businesses and the strategies that they pursue.

    We find that the more successful firms attribute their success to having developed competencies in a wide range of areas-but that the common factor that most frequently distinguishes faster from slower growing firms is innovation. Innovators in turn place greater emphasis on training and acquiring skilled workers.

    The studies also show that the emphasis on highly skilled workers varies across industries. In goods industries, a training strategy complements an innovation strategy that focuses on R&D, the adoption of new advanced technologies, or the development of new processes. Small firms that are innovative train their workers when they introduce new machinery and equipment. In the service sector, the innovation strategy relies less on new capital and more on new skills embodied in the workforce. Here there is evidence that a training strategy, by itself, has more impact on the success of a firm-probably because it is more likely to be the innovation strategy of the firm.

    Release date: 1999-11-30
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