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  • Journals and periodicals: 81-589-X

    The report Children and youth at risk documents the proceedings of a symposium held in Ottawa on April 6 and 7, 2000 to explore research and policy issues concerning the education of children who, for whatever reason, are at risk of not meeting the normal expectations of the education system.

    It includes summaries of presentations, discussions and commissioned research papers. The themes and issues are summarized in a synthesis written by Dr. Robert Crocker of the faculty of education at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

    The symposium was held as an activity of the Pan-Canadian Education Research Agenda. The Canadian Education Statistics Council - a partnership between Statistics Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada - started this research program with a view to promoting research on policy issues in education of concern to researchers, policy-makers and practitioners. Human Resources Development Canada provided financial support for the symposium.

    Release date: 2001-05-22
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Analysis (1)

Analysis (1) ((1 result))

  • Journals and periodicals: 81-589-X

    The report Children and youth at risk documents the proceedings of a symposium held in Ottawa on April 6 and 7, 2000 to explore research and policy issues concerning the education of children who, for whatever reason, are at risk of not meeting the normal expectations of the education system.

    It includes summaries of presentations, discussions and commissioned research papers. The themes and issues are summarized in a synthesis written by Dr. Robert Crocker of the faculty of education at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

    The symposium was held as an activity of the Pan-Canadian Education Research Agenda. The Canadian Education Statistics Council - a partnership between Statistics Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada - started this research program with a view to promoting research on policy issues in education of concern to researchers, policy-makers and practitioners. Human Resources Development Canada provided financial support for the symposium.

    Release date: 2001-05-22
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Reference (0) (0 results)

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