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  • Table: 51-004-X
    Description: This bulletin presents the most up-to-date available information extracted from all of the Aviation Statistics Centre's surveys. Regular features include releases on principal statistics for Canada's major air carriers, airport data, fare basis statistics and traffic data for Canada's most important markets.
    Release date: 2024-07-04

  • Table: 51-004-X2015001

    This publication provides quarterly information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I and II. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (operating revenues, operating expenses, employment expenses) are presented. This publication also includes data highlights and some financial performance indicators and productivity measures.

    Release date: 2015-02-18

  • Table: 51-004-X2014004

    This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.

    Release date: 2014-10-16

  • Table: 51-004-X2014001

    This publication provides quarterly information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I and II. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (operating revenues, operating expenses, employment expenses) are presented. This publication also includes data highlights and some financial performance indicators and productivity measures.

    Release date: 2014-02-07

  • Table: 51-004-X2013003

    This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.

    Release date: 2013-05-24

  • Table: 51-004-X2010002

    This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.

    Release date: 2010-04-23

  • Table: 51-004-X2009006

    This publication provides quarterly information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I and II. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (operating revenues, operating expenses, employment expenses) are presented. This publication also includes data highlights and some financial performance indicators and productivity measures.

    Release date: 2009-11-13

  • Articles and reports: 16-001-M2009009
    Geography: Canada

    The Canadian Vehicle Survey (CVS) is a voluntary, vehicle-based survey that provides quarterly and annual estimates of road vehicle activity. This includes vehicle-kilometres and passenger-kilometres as well as a number of other elements related to the trip such as sex of driver, time of day and season.

    In 2007, the sample size of the CVS was increased in order to address a data gap regarding consumption of fuel for personal use. The CVS was seen as a possible solution to getting better insight into the household component of fuel consumption. By differentiating between types of vehicle use the CVS can provide estimates of fuel consumed for personal and business purposes.

    The aims of this report are twofold. The first is to present a national, annual profile of vehicle fuel consumption by type of use. The second is to compare the fuel quantities produced by the CVS with other known data sources, especially those data generated by Statistics Canada. This data comparison will provide grounding for future work using this data. Explanations are put forward to account for discrepancies between the data.

    Release date: 2009-11-05

  • Table: 51-004-X2009003

    This publication provides annual information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I to III. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (income statement-operating revenues, operating expenses, non-operating income (expenses), balance sheet-assets and liabilities, as well as financial performance indicators) are presented. Information on fuel, on employment, by category, and on wages and salaries paid, by province and territory is also provided. This publication also includes data highlights.

    Release date: 2009-07-03

  • Table: 51-004-X2009001

    This publication provides quarterly information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I and II. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (operating revenues, operating expenses, employment expenses) are presented. This publication also includes data highlights and some financial performance indicators and productivity measures.

    Release date: 2009-03-09
Data (14)

Data (14) (0 to 10 of 14 results)

  • Table: 51-004-X
    Description: This bulletin presents the most up-to-date available information extracted from all of the Aviation Statistics Centre's surveys. Regular features include releases on principal statistics for Canada's major air carriers, airport data, fare basis statistics and traffic data for Canada's most important markets.
    Release date: 2024-07-04

  • Table: 51-004-X2015001

    This publication provides quarterly information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I and II. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (operating revenues, operating expenses, employment expenses) are presented. This publication also includes data highlights and some financial performance indicators and productivity measures.

    Release date: 2015-02-18

  • Table: 51-004-X2014004

    This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.

    Release date: 2014-10-16

  • Table: 51-004-X2014001

    This publication provides quarterly information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I and II. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (operating revenues, operating expenses, employment expenses) are presented. This publication also includes data highlights and some financial performance indicators and productivity measures.

    Release date: 2014-02-07

  • Table: 51-004-X2013003

    This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.

    Release date: 2013-05-24

  • Table: 51-004-X2010002

    This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.

    Release date: 2010-04-23

  • Table: 51-004-X2009006

    This publication provides quarterly information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I and II. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (operating revenues, operating expenses, employment expenses) are presented. This publication also includes data highlights and some financial performance indicators and productivity measures.

    Release date: 2009-11-13

  • Table: 51-004-X2009003

    This publication provides annual information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I to III. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (income statement-operating revenues, operating expenses, non-operating income (expenses), balance sheet-assets and liabilities, as well as financial performance indicators) are presented. Information on fuel, on employment, by category, and on wages and salaries paid, by province and territory is also provided. This publication also includes data highlights.

    Release date: 2009-07-03

  • Table: 51-004-X2009001

    This publication provides quarterly information on operational and financial variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of all Canadian-licensed air carriers classified into reporting levels I and II. Operational data (passengers, passenger-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, etc.) and financial data (operating revenues, operating expenses, employment expenses) are presented. This publication also includes data highlights and some financial performance indicators and productivity measures.

    Release date: 2009-03-09

  • Table: 51-004-X2008003

    This publication provides monthly information on key operational variables related to the scheduled and charter operations of Air Canada and WestJet. Operational data include passengers, passenger-kilometres, available seat-kilometres, goods carried, goods tonne-kilometres, hours flown and fuel. In addition to monthly data, this publication also presents annual data. Charts and data highlights supplement the tables.

    Release date: 2008-09-29
Analysis (3)

Analysis (3) ((3 results))

  • Table: 51-004-X
    Description: This bulletin presents the most up-to-date available information extracted from all of the Aviation Statistics Centre's surveys. Regular features include releases on principal statistics for Canada's major air carriers, airport data, fare basis statistics and traffic data for Canada's most important markets.
    Release date: 2024-07-04

  • Articles and reports: 16-001-M2009009
    Geography: Canada

    The Canadian Vehicle Survey (CVS) is a voluntary, vehicle-based survey that provides quarterly and annual estimates of road vehicle activity. This includes vehicle-kilometres and passenger-kilometres as well as a number of other elements related to the trip such as sex of driver, time of day and season.

    In 2007, the sample size of the CVS was increased in order to address a data gap regarding consumption of fuel for personal use. The CVS was seen as a possible solution to getting better insight into the household component of fuel consumption. By differentiating between types of vehicle use the CVS can provide estimates of fuel consumed for personal and business purposes.

    The aims of this report are twofold. The first is to present a national, annual profile of vehicle fuel consumption by type of use. The second is to compare the fuel quantities produced by the CVS with other known data sources, especially those data generated by Statistics Canada. This data comparison will provide grounding for future work using this data. Explanations are put forward to account for discrepancies between the data.

    Release date: 2009-11-05

  • Articles and reports: 13-009-X20010025894

    In 1994, Statistics Canada published its first estimates of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for the 1988 reference year. In all subsequent work, there has been an ongoing concern on the part of Canadian national accountants with respect to the need for regular updates to the TSA. This article marks the completion of the work involved in updating the TSA for the 1992 reference year and the revisions made to the 1988 year. An analysis of the results as well as a discussion of the structural changes between the two reference years is presented in this paper. In addition, the underlying reasons for the revisions to the previously published 1988 estimates are discussed. A section is also devoted to future developments currently under consideration in the Canadian context, in particular those relating to the development of provincial TSAs for the 1996 reference year.

    Release date: 2001-10-04
Reference (0)

Reference (0) (0 results)

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