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  • Articles and reports: 14-28-0001202300100002
    Description: In the publication Quality of Employment in Canada, the Involuntary part-time work rate indicator is the number of persons whose reason for working part-time in their main job is business conditions or could not find work with 30 or more hours, expressed as a percentage of the total number of persons working part-time at their main job.
    Release date: 2023-06-13

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202100300001
    Description: Analysts often use the unemployment and labour force participation rates as key indicators of the dynamism—or lack thereof—of the labour market, while some analysts want to know what percentage of jobs are part-time or temporary, or what percentage of workers are self-employed. One labour market indicator summarizes the influence of these five factors: the percentage of the population holding a paid job that is full-time and permanent.
    Release date: 2021-03-24

  • Stats in brief: 45-28-0001202000100021

    A new study looks at the some of the challenges in tracking the gig economy in real time and profiles the approximately 1.7 million Canadians who worked in the gig economy prior to the pandemic. In addition to the short-term concerns, the study looks at how the gig economy may evolve in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic based on earlier data trends.

    Release date: 2020-05-20

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2019089

    This infographic provides information on the number and characteristics of gig workers, including gender, regional, and occupational differences.

    Release date: 2019-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 71-222-X2018002

    This publication examines which groups of workers were more likely to be working part time in 2017, and the reasons they gave for doing so. The research focuses on workers aged 25 to 54 and looks at differences by sex, province, and class of worker. The analysis is based on data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS).

    Release date: 2018-11-06

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X201100111402
    Geography: Canada

    This study examines four distinct states of retirement among older Canadians: fully retired; partially retired; previously retired but returned to work; and never retired. Using the 2009 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Healthy Aging, it presents the socio-economic characteristics of each group, and discusses their differing work patterns and health.

    Release date: 2011-01-31

  • Table: 71-585-X

    This compendium provides data from the new Workplace and Employee Survey (WES) conducted by Statistics Canada with the support of Human Resources Development Canada. The survey consists of two components: (1) a workplace survey on the adoption of technologies, organizational change, training and other human resource practices, business strategies, and labour turnover in workplaces; and (2) a survey of employees within these same workplaces covering wages, hours of work, job type, human capital, use of technologies and training. The result is a rich new source of linked information on workplaces and their employees.

    Release date: 2008-09-24

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X200510613145
    Geography: Canada

    Changes in hours worked normally track employment changes very closely. Recently, however, employment has increased more than hours, resulting in an unprecedented gap. In effect, the average annual hours worked have decreased by the equivalent of two weeks. Many factors can affect the hours worked. Some are structural or cyclical - population aging, industrial shifts, the business cycle, natural disasters, legislative changes or personal preferences. Others are a result of the survey methodology. How have the various factors contributed to the recent drop in hours of work?

    Release date: 2005-09-21

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X200510113135
    Geography: Canada

    This study looks at the wage gap between temporary and permanent employees over the 1997 to 2003 period. The comparison is made according to type of temporary employment, since the characteristics of employees vary greatly according to whether they are term or contract, seasonal, casual, or from a temporary agency. Also addressed is the economic vulnerability of temporary workers: Does the wage gap persist when hours worked, earnings of other household members, and number of dependants are considered?

    Release date: 2005-03-23

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2004009

    This study profiles full-time, full-year Canadian workers with low weekly earnings in their main job in 1996, and examines their upward mobility in 2001 using data from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics.

    Release date: 2004-08-31
Data (2)

Data (2) ((2 results))

  • Table: 71-585-X

    This compendium provides data from the new Workplace and Employee Survey (WES) conducted by Statistics Canada with the support of Human Resources Development Canada. The survey consists of two components: (1) a workplace survey on the adoption of technologies, organizational change, training and other human resource practices, business strategies, and labour turnover in workplaces; and (2) a survey of employees within these same workplaces covering wages, hours of work, job type, human capital, use of technologies and training. The result is a rich new source of linked information on workplaces and their employees.

    Release date: 2008-09-24

  • Table: 56-203-X

    This online publication presents annual, detailed financial statistics on the Canadian telephone industry by province. Also included are operational data such as wire mileage, number of telephone calls and number of access lines in service. There is a textual analysis of the data with comments on methodology, a data quality and a glossary of terms.

    Release date: 2001-04-17
Analysis (22)

Analysis (22) (0 to 10 of 22 results)

  • Articles and reports: 14-28-0001202300100002
    Description: In the publication Quality of Employment in Canada, the Involuntary part-time work rate indicator is the number of persons whose reason for working part-time in their main job is business conditions or could not find work with 30 or more hours, expressed as a percentage of the total number of persons working part-time at their main job.
    Release date: 2023-06-13

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202100300001
    Description: Analysts often use the unemployment and labour force participation rates as key indicators of the dynamism—or lack thereof—of the labour market, while some analysts want to know what percentage of jobs are part-time or temporary, or what percentage of workers are self-employed. One labour market indicator summarizes the influence of these five factors: the percentage of the population holding a paid job that is full-time and permanent.
    Release date: 2021-03-24

  • Stats in brief: 45-28-0001202000100021

    A new study looks at the some of the challenges in tracking the gig economy in real time and profiles the approximately 1.7 million Canadians who worked in the gig economy prior to the pandemic. In addition to the short-term concerns, the study looks at how the gig economy may evolve in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic based on earlier data trends.

    Release date: 2020-05-20

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2019089

    This infographic provides information on the number and characteristics of gig workers, including gender, regional, and occupational differences.

    Release date: 2019-12-16

  • Articles and reports: 71-222-X2018002

    This publication examines which groups of workers were more likely to be working part time in 2017, and the reasons they gave for doing so. The research focuses on workers aged 25 to 54 and looks at differences by sex, province, and class of worker. The analysis is based on data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS).

    Release date: 2018-11-06

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X201100111402
    Geography: Canada

    This study examines four distinct states of retirement among older Canadians: fully retired; partially retired; previously retired but returned to work; and never retired. Using the 2009 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Healthy Aging, it presents the socio-economic characteristics of each group, and discusses their differing work patterns and health.

    Release date: 2011-01-31

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X200510613145
    Geography: Canada

    Changes in hours worked normally track employment changes very closely. Recently, however, employment has increased more than hours, resulting in an unprecedented gap. In effect, the average annual hours worked have decreased by the equivalent of two weeks. Many factors can affect the hours worked. Some are structural or cyclical - population aging, industrial shifts, the business cycle, natural disasters, legislative changes or personal preferences. Others are a result of the survey methodology. How have the various factors contributed to the recent drop in hours of work?

    Release date: 2005-09-21

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X200510113135
    Geography: Canada

    This study looks at the wage gap between temporary and permanent employees over the 1997 to 2003 period. The comparison is made according to type of temporary employment, since the characteristics of employees vary greatly according to whether they are term or contract, seasonal, casual, or from a temporary agency. Also addressed is the economic vulnerability of temporary workers: Does the wage gap persist when hours worked, earnings of other household members, and number of dependants are considered?

    Release date: 2005-03-23

  • Articles and reports: 75F0002M2004009

    This study profiles full-time, full-year Canadian workers with low weekly earnings in their main job in 1996, and examines their upward mobility in 2001 using data from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics.

    Release date: 2004-08-31

  • Articles and reports: 88F0006X2003005

    The main indicators of biotechnology activities in Canada are presented in this article. The data are from the 2001 Biotechnology Use and Development Survey. Within the last few years, except for the amount of financing capital raised, an increase in all the indicators was noticed. For example, the number of innovative firms involved in biotechnology activities rose from 358 in 1999 to 375 in 2001. The Human Health sector outpaces all the other sectors in terms of the number of firms, human resources, biotechnology revenues, biotechnology research and development expenditures, amount of financing capital raised, and the number of products in the pipeline. Contrary to medium-sized and large firms where the personnel is more homogenous, small firms employ mostly highly-qualified workers. The 2001 data show a maturing trend in small firms. Most firms could not hire enough people to fill all their vacancies (estimated at 953 positions in Canada) for the 2001 year.

    Release date: 2003-03-28
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