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All (8)

All (8) ((8 results))

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19980023994
    Geography: Canada
    Description: Thia article analyzes trends in melanoma incidence and mortality rates. Information on sun exposure supplements these statistics.
    Release date: 1998-10-29

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19980023995
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This article examines the association between maternal education, smoking and other risk factors and small-for-gestational-age (SGA) births.
    Release date: 1998-10-29

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19980023996
    Geography: Province or territory

    This article examines differences in fetal and infant mortality by maternal education in the province of Quebec, where the rates are among the lowest in Canada.

    Release date: 1998-10-29

  • Table: 82-567-X

    The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) is designed to enhance the understanding of the processes affecting health. The survey collects cross-sectional as well as longitudinal data. In 1994/95 the survey interviewed a panel of 17,276 individuals, then returned to interview them a second time in 1996/97. The response rate for these individuals was 96% in 1996/97. Data collection from the panel will continue for up to two decades. For cross-sectional purposes, data were collected for a total of 81,000 household residents in all provinces (except people on Indian reserves or on Canadian Forces bases) in 1996/97.

    This overview illustrates the variety of information available by presenting data on perceived health, chronic conditions, injuries, repetitive strains, depression, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, consultations with medical professionals, use of medications and use of alternative medicine.

    Release date: 1998-07-29

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19970043684
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This article provides a brief overview and update of Canadian smoking trends since 1966. It presents the characteristics of daily smokers who have successfully quit as well as those who have tried to quit but continue to smoke daily.
    Release date: 1998-04-29

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81F0004G

    The guide lists and briefly describes the main sources of data, and for each source gives: data coverage, main variables available, strengths and limitation of the data, historical continuity, frequency and means of dissemination, indication of the type of analysis that can be performed.

    Release date: 1998-03-30

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19970033454
    Geography: Canada

    For people living in the community, this article explores selected health problems and personal characteristics that are associated with having been hospitalized.

    Release date: 1998-01-15

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19970033477
    Geography: Canada

    This article focuses on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among Canadians, the health status of those with the disease, their socioeconomic characteristics, personal health behaviours, and use of health services.

    Release date: 1998-01-15
Data (1)

Data (1) ((1 result))

  • Table: 82-567-X

    The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) is designed to enhance the understanding of the processes affecting health. The survey collects cross-sectional as well as longitudinal data. In 1994/95 the survey interviewed a panel of 17,276 individuals, then returned to interview them a second time in 1996/97. The response rate for these individuals was 96% in 1996/97. Data collection from the panel will continue for up to two decades. For cross-sectional purposes, data were collected for a total of 81,000 household residents in all provinces (except people on Indian reserves or on Canadian Forces bases) in 1996/97.

    This overview illustrates the variety of information available by presenting data on perceived health, chronic conditions, injuries, repetitive strains, depression, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, consultations with medical professionals, use of medications and use of alternative medicine.

    Release date: 1998-07-29
Analysis (6)

Analysis (6) ((6 results))

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19980023994
    Geography: Canada
    Description: Thia article analyzes trends in melanoma incidence and mortality rates. Information on sun exposure supplements these statistics.
    Release date: 1998-10-29

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19980023995
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This article examines the association between maternal education, smoking and other risk factors and small-for-gestational-age (SGA) births.
    Release date: 1998-10-29

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19980023996
    Geography: Province or territory

    This article examines differences in fetal and infant mortality by maternal education in the province of Quebec, where the rates are among the lowest in Canada.

    Release date: 1998-10-29

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19970043684
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This article provides a brief overview and update of Canadian smoking trends since 1966. It presents the characteristics of daily smokers who have successfully quit as well as those who have tried to quit but continue to smoke daily.
    Release date: 1998-04-29

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19970033454
    Geography: Canada

    For people living in the community, this article explores selected health problems and personal characteristics that are associated with having been hospitalized.

    Release date: 1998-01-15

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X19970033477
    Geography: Canada

    This article focuses on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among Canadians, the health status of those with the disease, their socioeconomic characteristics, personal health behaviours, and use of health services.

    Release date: 1998-01-15
Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81F0004G

    The guide lists and briefly describes the main sources of data, and for each source gives: data coverage, main variables available, strengths and limitation of the data, historical continuity, frequency and means of dissemination, indication of the type of analysis that can be performed.

    Release date: 1998-03-30
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