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All (48) (0 to 10 of 48 results)

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2019007

    This analytical report presents highlights from the 2018 Study on International Money Transfers, including total amount sent to relatives or friends living abroad, costs of remitting and money transfer methods.

    Release date: 2019-04-17

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2019017

    This infographic presents some highlights from the 2018 Study on International Money Transfers, including total amount sent to relatives or friends living abroad, costs of remitting and money transfer methods.

    Release date: 2019-04-17

  • Articles and reports: 82-624-X201500114214

    This article, highlights the impact of mental health problems on family members and caregiver using data from the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey – Mental Health (CCHS – MH). The analysis will highlight the general and mental health, as well as the caregiving roles of Canadians who reported having a family member who had problems with their mental health.

    Release date: 2015-10-07

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201400111919
    Geography: Canada

    Over the last century, Canada experienced many social, economic, legislative, and cultural changes. As a result, the family circumstances and living arrangements of Canadians have evolved substantially. What can the census reveal about the changing diversity of children's living arrangements over time?

    Release date: 2014-04-29

  • Articles and reports: 91F0015M2014011
    Geography: Canada

    This article examines the family structure and living arrangements of Canadian children using census data from 1901 to 2011. Specifically, four eras reflecting major shifts in family living arrangements are considered: the early 20th Century, the Baby Boom, the late 20th Century, and the current millennium to date.

    Release date: 2014-04-29

  • 6. Métis Children Archived
    Stats in brief: 89-634-X2008002
    Geography: Canada

    This is one of three fact sheets in the series using information from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) and 2006 Census. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the topics of family (persons involved in raising children, size of families, age of parents, lone parent families), socio-economic status (low-income economic families), feelings about community (as a place to raise children), and cultural activities (participation in traditional activities, having someone to help the child understand Métis history and culture, cultural activities in child care) for Métis children under six years of age.

    Release date: 2008-11-18

  • 7. Inuit Children Archived
    Stats in brief: 89-634-X2008004
    Geography: Canada

    This is one of three fact sheets in the series using information from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) and 2006 Census. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the topics of family (persons involved in raising children, size of families, age of parents, adoption, living with grandparents), housing conditions (crowding, dwellings in need of major repairs, levels of satisfaction with housing conditions), feelings about community (facilities), and cultural activities (participation in traditional activities, having someone to help the child understand Inuit history and culture, cultural activities in child care). Results are presented for all Inuit children. Some results are also presented for those in Inuit Nunaat (meaning Inuit homeland): Nunatsiavut in northern Labrador, the territory of Nunavut, Nunavik in northern Quebec, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the Northwest Territories.

    Release date: 2008-11-18

  • Stats in brief: 89-634-X200800210722
    Geography: Canada

    This is one of three fact sheets in the series using information from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) and 2006 Census. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the topics of family (persons involved in raising children, size of families, age of parents, lone parent families), socio-economic status (low-income economic families), feelings about community (as a place to raise children), and cultural activities (participation in traditional activities, having someone to help the child understand Métis history and culture, cultural activities in child care) for Métis children under six years of age.

    Release date: 2008-11-18

  • Stats in brief: 89-634-X200800310723
    Geography: Canada

    This is one of three fact sheets in the series using information from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) and 2006 Census. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the topics of family (persons involved in raising children, size of families, age of parents, lone parent families, living with grandparents), socio-economic status (low-income economic families), feelings about community (as a place to raise children), and cultural activities (participation in traditional activities, having someone to help the child understand First Nations history and culture, cultural activities in child care) for First Nations children under 6 years of age living off reserve.

    Release date: 2008-11-18

  • Articles and reports: 89-634-X2008001
    Geography: Canada

    Using data from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) and the 2006 Census, this paper examines the topics of family, community, and child care of Aboriginal (off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit) children under six years of age. The paper explores issues such as family characteristics (size of families, age of parents, living with grandparents, persons involved in raising young Aboriginal children, Aboriginal children living in low-income economic families), feelings about community, cultural activities and child care arrangements. It is designed as a starting point to understanding the social and living conditions in which young Aboriginal children are learning and growing. The report is divided into three parts: First Nations children living off reserve, Métis children, and Inuit children.

    Release date: 2008-10-29
Data (20)

Data (20) (0 to 10 of 20 results)

  • Table: 89-581-X

    The 2001 Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (PALS) is a post-censal survey of adults and children who are limited because of a physical condition or health problem. A sample of those persons who answered "Yes" to the 2001 Census disability filter questions were included in the PALS survey population. Approximately 35,000 adults and 8,000 children living in private or collective households in the 10 provinces were selected to participate in the survey. The data were collected in the fall of 2001.

    These tables contain data on the use of and need for supports for adults with disabilities, by sex and age groups, for Canada and the provinces.

    Note: For a detailed analysis, please see the document A Profile of Disability in Canada, 2001 (Catalogue no. 89-577-XIE).

    Release date: 2003-03-25

  • Table: 97F0005X2001041

    This table is part of the topic "Families and Household Living Arrangements," which presents data on census families, including the number of families, family size and family structure. The 2001 Census data also include persons living in families, with relatives and with non-relatives, and living alone.

    Family structure refers to the classification of census families into families of married couples, common-law couples (including same-sex couples) and lone-parent families.

    This table can be found in the Topic Bundle: Families and Household Living Arrangements, 2001 Census, Catalogue No. 97F0005XCB2001000.

    It is also possible to subscribe to all the day-of-release bundles. For more information, refer to Catalogue No. 97F0023XCB.

    This table is available FREE on Internet, Catalogue No. 97F0005XIE2001041.

    Release date: 2002-10-22

  • Table: 71-001-P

    This publication provides the most current monthly labour market statistics. Each month, this publication contains a brief commentary highlighting recent developments in the Canadian labour market. It also includes a series of charts and tables on a variety of labour force characteristics, such as employment and unemployment for Canada, the provinces, metropolitan areas and economic regions.

    Release date: 2002-08-09

  • Table: 94F0009X1996044

    Series Description - The Dimensions Series (1996 Census of Population) provides an in-depth analysis of census data. More than 150 tables represent a variety of special interest subjects linking a number of Census variables. Statistical information is presented on themes of considerable public interest with some tables examining historical trends and other tables detailing significant sub-populations. Data for geographical levels of Canada, Provinces and Territories are most widely represented with some data tables produced at the Census Metropolitan Area level. The Portrait of Official Language Communities in Canada and the Portrait of Aboriginal Population of Canada contain some information at the community level.

    The data tables are grouped by common theme and are available on 7 different CD-ROMs:

    94F0004XCB96000 - Ethnocultural and Social Characteristics of the Canadian Population94F0005XCB96000 - Canadian Income and Earnings for 1990 and 199594F0006XCB96000 - Labour Force and Unpaid Work of Canadians94F0007XCB96000 - Place of Work of the Canadian Population94F0008XCB96000 - Canadian Demographic Characteristics (including language and mobility)94F0010XCB96000 - Portrait of Official Language Communities in Canada94F0011XCB96000 - Portrait of Aboriginal Population in Canada

    A detailed list of tables is included on each CD-ROM. Some tables show comparisons with data from earlier censuses to provide an historical perspective. It should be noted that the Dimension Series was not produced for the 1991 Census.

    Release date: 1999-01-26

  • Table: 94F0009X1996045

    Series Description - The Dimensions Series (1996 Census of Population) provides an in-depth analysis of census data. More than 150 tables represent a variety of special interest subjects linking a number of Census variables. Statistical information is presented on themes of considerable public interest with some tables examining historical trends and other tables detailing significant sub-populations. Data for geographical levels of Canada, Provinces and Territories are most widely represented with some data tables produced at the Census Metropolitan Area level. The Portrait of Official Language Communities in Canada and the Portrait of Aboriginal Population of Canada contain some information at the community level.

    The data tables are grouped by common theme and are available on 7 different CD-ROMs:

    94F0004XCB96000 - Ethnocultural and Social Characteristics of the Canadian Population94F0005XCB96000 - Canadian Income and Earnings for 1990 and 199594F0006XCB96000 - Labour Force and Unpaid Work of Canadians94F0007XCB96000 - Place of Work of the Canadian Population94F0008XCB96000 - Canadian Demographic Characteristics (including language and mobility)94F0010XCB96000 - Portrait of Official Language Communities in Canada94F0011XCB96000 - Portrait of Aboriginal Population in Canada

    A detailed list of tables is included on each CD-ROM. Some tables show comparisons with data from earlier censuses to provide an historical perspective. It should be noted that the Dimension Series was not produced for the 1991 Census.

    Release date: 1999-01-26

  • Table: 93F0030X1996003

    Series Description - The Nation Series (1996 Census of Population) is the first released series where basic data at a high level of geography are presented on variables collected by the 1996 Census.There are a total of 143 tables in the Nation Series which cover all census variables.The Complete Edition CDROM, Catalogue number 93F0020XCB96004 contains the cumulative set of all data tables from all Nation Series CDROMs.This comprehensive CDROM provides a full range of statistics on characteristics of the population which includes:Demographic information (100% data only for Age and Sex, Marital Status and Common-law Unions); Families (Number, Type and Structure); Structural Type of Dwelling and Household Size; Immigration and Citizenship; Languages; Aboriginal Origin, Ethnic Origin and Visible Minorities (Population Groups); Labour Market Activities and Household Activities (unpaid work); Place of Work and Mode of Transportation; Education; Mobility and Migration; Family, Dwellings and Household Information; as well as Individual and Family Income. Selected variables, such as occupation, are available to illustrate the analytical potential of the data based on cross-tabulations (i.e. sex by age and occupation).These data are national in coverage and provide information for Canada, provinces and territories and, in some tabulations, census metropolitan area levels. Some tables include comparisons with data from earlier censuses to provide an historical perspective.A variety of Nation Series data table extracts presenting social and economic characteristics of the Canadian population are available at the Statistics Canada Census Web site (

    Release date: 1998-06-09

  • Table: 93F0030X1996004

    Series Description - The Nation Series (1996 Census of Population) is the first released series where basic data at a high level of geography are presented on variables collected by the 1996 Census.There are a total of 143 tables in the Nation Series which cover all census variables.The Complete Edition CDROM, Catalogue number 93F0020XCB96004 contains the cumulative set of all data tables from all Nation Series CDROMs.This comprehensive CDROM provides a full range of statistics on characteristics of the population which includes:Demographic information (100% data only for Age and Sex, Marital Status and Common-law Unions); Families (Number, Type and Structure); Structural Type of Dwelling and Household Size; Immigration and Citizenship; Languages; Aboriginal Origin, Ethnic Origin and Visible Minorities (Population Groups); Labour Market Activities and Household Activities (unpaid work); Place of Work and Mode of Transportation; Education; Mobility and Migration; Family, Dwellings and Household Information; as well as Individual and Family Income. Selected variables, such as occupation, are available to illustrate the analytical potential of the data based on cross-tabulations (i.e. sex by age and occupation).These data are national in coverage and provide information for Canada, provinces and territories and, in some tabulations, census metropolitan area levels. Some tables include comparisons with data from earlier censuses to provide an historical perspective.A variety of Nation Series data table extracts presenting social and economic characteristics of the Canadian population are available at the Statistics Canada Census Web site (

    Release date: 1998-06-09

  • Table: 93F0030X1996006

    Series Description - The Nation Series (1996 Census of Population) is the first released series where basic data at a high level of geography are presented on variables collected by the 1996 Census.There are a total of 143 tables in the Nation Series which cover all census variables.The Complete Edition CDROM, Catalogue number 93F0020XCB96004 contains the cumulative set of all data tables from all Nation Series CDROMs.This comprehensive CDROM provides a full range of statistics on characteristics of the population which includes:Demographic information (100% data only for Age and Sex, Marital Status and Common-law Unions); Families (Number, Type and Structure); Structural Type of Dwelling and Household Size; Immigration and Citizenship; Languages; Aboriginal Origin, Ethnic Origin and Visible Minorities (Population Groups); Labour Market Activities and Household Activities (unpaid work); Place of Work and Mode of Transportation; Education; Mobility and Migration; Family, Dwellings and Household Information; as well as Individual and Family Income. Selected variables, such as occupation, are available to illustrate the analytical potential of the data based on cross-tabulations (i.e. sex by age and occupation).These data are national in coverage and provide information for Canada, provinces and territories and, in some tabulations, census metropolitan area levels. Some tables include comparisons with data from earlier censuses to provide an historical perspective.A variety of Nation Series data table extracts presenting social and economic characteristics of the Canadian population are available at the Statistics Canada Census Web site (

    Release date: 1998-06-09

  • Table: 93F0030X1996007

    Series Description - The Nation Series (1996 Census of Population) is the first released series where basic data at a high level of geography are presented on variables collected by the 1996 Census.There are a total of 143 tables in the Nation Series which cover all census variables.The Complete Edition CDROM, Catalogue number 93F0020XCB96004 contains the cumulative set of all data tables from all Nation Series CDROMs.This comprehensive CDROM provides a full range of statistics on characteristics of the population which includes:Demographic information (100% data only for Age and Sex, Marital Status and Common-law Unions); Families (Number, Type and Structure); Structural Type of Dwelling and Household Size; Immigration and Citizenship; Languages; Aboriginal Origin, Ethnic Origin and Visible Minorities (Population Groups); Labour Market Activities and Household Activities (unpaid work); Place of Work and Mode of Transportation; Education; Mobility and Migration; Family, Dwellings and Household Information; as well as Individual and Family Income. Selected variables, such as occupation, are available to illustrate the analytical potential of the data based on cross-tabulations (i.e. sex by age and occupation).These data are national in coverage and provide information for Canada, provinces and territories and, in some tabulations, census metropolitan area levels. Some tables include comparisons with data from earlier censuses to provide an historical perspective.A variety of Nation Series data table extracts presenting social and economic characteristics of the Canadian population are available at the Statistics Canada Census Web site (

    Release date: 1998-06-09

  • Table: 93F0030X1996008

    Series Description - The Nation Series (1996 Census of Population) is the first released series where basic data at a high level of geography are presented on variables collected by the 1996 Census.There are a total of 143 tables in the Nation Series which cover all census variables.The Complete Edition CDROM, Catalogue number 93F0020XCB96004 contains the cumulative set of all data tables from all Nation Series CDROMs.This comprehensive CDROM provides a full range of statistics on characteristics of the population which includes:Demographic information (100% data only for Age and Sex, Marital Status and Common-law Unions); Families (Number, Type and Structure); Structural Type of Dwelling and Household Size; Immigration and Citizenship; Languages; Aboriginal Origin, Ethnic Origin and Visible Minorities (Population Groups); Labour Market Activities and Household Activities (unpaid work); Place of Work and Mode of Transportation; Education; Mobility and Migration; Family, Dwellings and Household Information; as well as Individual and Family Income. Selected variables, such as occupation, are available to illustrate the analytical potential of the data based on cross-tabulations (i.e. sex by age and occupation).These data are national in coverage and provide information for Canada, provinces and territories and, in some tabulations, census metropolitan area levels. Some tables include comparisons with data from earlier censuses to provide an historical perspective.A variety of Nation Series data table extracts presenting social and economic characteristics of the Canadian population are available at the Statistics Canada Census Web site (

    Release date: 1998-06-09
Analysis (27)

Analysis (27) (0 to 10 of 27 results)

  • Articles and reports: 89-657-X2019007

    This analytical report presents highlights from the 2018 Study on International Money Transfers, including total amount sent to relatives or friends living abroad, costs of remitting and money transfer methods.

    Release date: 2019-04-17

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2019017

    This infographic presents some highlights from the 2018 Study on International Money Transfers, including total amount sent to relatives or friends living abroad, costs of remitting and money transfer methods.

    Release date: 2019-04-17

  • Articles and reports: 82-624-X201500114214

    This article, highlights the impact of mental health problems on family members and caregiver using data from the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey – Mental Health (CCHS – MH). The analysis will highlight the general and mental health, as well as the caregiving roles of Canadians who reported having a family member who had problems with their mental health.

    Release date: 2015-10-07

  • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201400111919
    Geography: Canada

    Over the last century, Canada experienced many social, economic, legislative, and cultural changes. As a result, the family circumstances and living arrangements of Canadians have evolved substantially. What can the census reveal about the changing diversity of children's living arrangements over time?

    Release date: 2014-04-29

  • Articles and reports: 91F0015M2014011
    Geography: Canada

    This article examines the family structure and living arrangements of Canadian children using census data from 1901 to 2011. Specifically, four eras reflecting major shifts in family living arrangements are considered: the early 20th Century, the Baby Boom, the late 20th Century, and the current millennium to date.

    Release date: 2014-04-29

  • 6. Métis Children Archived
    Stats in brief: 89-634-X2008002
    Geography: Canada

    This is one of three fact sheets in the series using information from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) and 2006 Census. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the topics of family (persons involved in raising children, size of families, age of parents, lone parent families), socio-economic status (low-income economic families), feelings about community (as a place to raise children), and cultural activities (participation in traditional activities, having someone to help the child understand Métis history and culture, cultural activities in child care) for Métis children under six years of age.

    Release date: 2008-11-18

  • 7. Inuit Children Archived
    Stats in brief: 89-634-X2008004
    Geography: Canada

    This is one of three fact sheets in the series using information from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) and 2006 Census. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the topics of family (persons involved in raising children, size of families, age of parents, adoption, living with grandparents), housing conditions (crowding, dwellings in need of major repairs, levels of satisfaction with housing conditions), feelings about community (facilities), and cultural activities (participation in traditional activities, having someone to help the child understand Inuit history and culture, cultural activities in child care). Results are presented for all Inuit children. Some results are also presented for those in Inuit Nunaat (meaning Inuit homeland): Nunatsiavut in northern Labrador, the territory of Nunavut, Nunavik in northern Quebec, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the Northwest Territories.

    Release date: 2008-11-18

  • Stats in brief: 89-634-X200800210722
    Geography: Canada

    This is one of three fact sheets in the series using information from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) and 2006 Census. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the topics of family (persons involved in raising children, size of families, age of parents, lone parent families), socio-economic status (low-income economic families), feelings about community (as a place to raise children), and cultural activities (participation in traditional activities, having someone to help the child understand Métis history and culture, cultural activities in child care) for Métis children under six years of age.

    Release date: 2008-11-18

  • Stats in brief: 89-634-X200800310723
    Geography: Canada

    This is one of three fact sheets in the series using information from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) and 2006 Census. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the topics of family (persons involved in raising children, size of families, age of parents, lone parent families, living with grandparents), socio-economic status (low-income economic families), feelings about community (as a place to raise children), and cultural activities (participation in traditional activities, having someone to help the child understand First Nations history and culture, cultural activities in child care) for First Nations children under 6 years of age living off reserve.

    Release date: 2008-11-18

  • Articles and reports: 89-634-X2008001
    Geography: Canada

    Using data from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) and the 2006 Census, this paper examines the topics of family, community, and child care of Aboriginal (off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit) children under six years of age. The paper explores issues such as family characteristics (size of families, age of parents, living with grandparents, persons involved in raising young Aboriginal children, Aboriginal children living in low-income economic families), feelings about community, cultural activities and child care arrangements. It is designed as a starting point to understanding the social and living conditions in which young Aboriginal children are learning and growing. The report is divided into three parts: First Nations children living off reserve, Métis children, and Inuit children.

    Release date: 2008-10-29
Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75F0002M1994006

    This paper documents the work done to date on the construction of derived variables at the household and family levels for the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID).

    Release date: 1995-12-30
Date modified: