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  • Table: 89-637-X2008002

    A series of supporting data tables accompanies the Inuit analytical article from the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). These tables provide data at the national level, for each of the four Inuit regions (Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, Nunavut and the Inuvialuit region), along with data for Inuit outside these regions for major themes covered in the analytical article. Data for the Inuit identity population aged 15 and over are provided for: Participation in harvesting activities; diagnosed with arthritis/rheumatism, high blood pressure, asthma, stomach problems or intestinal ulcers, heart problems, tuberculosis and diabetes; smoking status; self-rated health status and; reasons for not completing elementary or secondary school. For Inuit children aged 6 to 14, tables include: contact with a pediatrician, general practitioner or family physician in past 12 months; contact with another medical specialist and; food insecurity.

    Release date: 2008-12-19

  • Stats in brief: 89-637-X2008004
    Geography: Canada

    This is one of three fact sheets in the series using information from the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) and 2006 Census. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the topics of access to health professionals, chronic conditions, smoking rates, dental care, barriers to school completion, food insecurity, harvesting country food and country food consumption and sharing. Results are presented for Inuit children aged six to 14 and Inuit aged 15 and over. Findings are for Inuit at the national level, for those in each of the four Inuit regions (Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, Nunavut and the Inuvialuit region) and in some cases, for those outside the Inuit regions.

    Release date: 2008-12-19

  • Table: 97-563-X2006008

    Data for Canada, provinces and territories are shown in this table.

    This table is part of the topic 'Income and earnings,' which presents data on the income of Canadian individuals, families, and households in the year 2005, including the composition of income, and data that serve to measure low income, known as the low income cut-off (LICO). The data also include the household incomes of Canadians by family type, age, and geography, as well as the household incomes of certain population groups (e.g., immigrants).

    The composition of income includes earnings, income from government sources, and investments.

    It is possible to subscribe to all the day-of-release bundles. Refer to Catalogue no. 97-569-XCB for more information.

    This table is available free on the Internet, Catalogue no. 97-563-XWE2006008.

    Release date: 2008-12-09

  • Table: 97-564-X2006001

    This table presents selected demographic, cultural, labour force, educational and income characteristics focusing on ethnic origins.

    Release date: 2008-12-09

  • Table: 97-564-X2006002

    This table presents selected demographic, cultural, labour force, educational and income characteristics focusing on aboriginal identity.

    Release date: 2008-12-09

  • Table: 97-564-X2006003

    This table presents selected demographic, cultural, labour force, educational and income characteristics focusing on Inuit regions.

    Release date: 2008-12-09

  • Articles and reports: 89-637-X2008001
    Geography: Canada

    This report presents some initial findings from the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey for Inuit adults (aged 15 and over) and children (aged 6-14). A determinant of health framework is used. Information on health status is provided through data on self-reported health and chronic conditions. Other factors such as access to health care, smoking, formal education experiences, housing, participation in harvesting activities and country food consumption are examined. Data are shown for Inuit nationally, for each of the four Inuit regions across Inuit Nunaat (the Inuit homeland), and for Inuit living in southern Canada. Some comparisons are made with the total Canadian population and, on occasion, changes since 2001 are examined.

    Release date: 2008-12-03

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X200800210712
    Geography: Province or territory

    This article offers a brief demographic and socio-economic profile of Inuit, based on results of the 2006 Census of Population. Inuit living in Inuit Nunaat (Inuit homeland) are compared to those living outside Inuit Nunaat. Direct links are provided to Statistics Canada website containing a series of data tables for readers wanting more detailed information.

    Release date: 2008-11-26

  • Table: 89-636-X2008001

    This document presents 2006 Census data tables on Inuit and non-Aboriginal populations by Inuit regions. The tables provide data on population growth, age groups, living arrangements of children, language, labour, housing, earnings and income.

    Release date: 2008-11-26

  • Profile of a community or region: 94-581-X2006011

    This table contains information from the 2006 Census, presented according to the statistical area classification (SAC). The SAC groups census subdivisions according to whether they are a component of a census metropolitan area, a census agglomeration, a census metropolitan area and census agglomeration influenced zone (strong MIZ, moderate MIZ, weak MIZ or no MIZ) or of the territories (Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon Territory). The SAC is used for data dissemination purposes.

    Data characteristics presented according to the SAC include age, marital status, Aboriginal identity, mother tongue, knowledge of official languages, mobility status, immigration, visible minority groups, education, labour force activity, occupation, industry, income and dwellings. Data are presented for Canada, provinces and territories. The data characteristics presented within this table may differ from those of other products in the "Profiles" series.

    Release date: 2008-11-25
Data (13)

Data (13) (0 to 10 of 13 results)

Analysis (3)

Analysis (3) ((3 results))

  • Stats in brief: 89-637-X2008004
    Geography: Canada

    This is one of three fact sheets in the series using information from the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) and 2006 Census. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the topics of access to health professionals, chronic conditions, smoking rates, dental care, barriers to school completion, food insecurity, harvesting country food and country food consumption and sharing. Results are presented for Inuit children aged six to 14 and Inuit aged 15 and over. Findings are for Inuit at the national level, for those in each of the four Inuit regions (Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, Nunavut and the Inuvialuit region) and in some cases, for those outside the Inuit regions.

    Release date: 2008-12-19

  • Articles and reports: 89-637-X2008001
    Geography: Canada

    This report presents some initial findings from the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey for Inuit adults (aged 15 and over) and children (aged 6-14). A determinant of health framework is used. Information on health status is provided through data on self-reported health and chronic conditions. Other factors such as access to health care, smoking, formal education experiences, housing, participation in harvesting activities and country food consumption are examined. Data are shown for Inuit nationally, for each of the four Inuit regions across Inuit Nunaat (the Inuit homeland), and for Inuit living in southern Canada. Some comparisons are made with the total Canadian population and, on occasion, changes since 2001 are examined.

    Release date: 2008-12-03

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X200800210712
    Geography: Province or territory

    This article offers a brief demographic and socio-economic profile of Inuit, based on results of the 2006 Census of Population. Inuit living in Inuit Nunaat (Inuit homeland) are compared to those living outside Inuit Nunaat. Direct links are provided to Statistics Canada website containing a series of data tables for readers wanting more detailed information.

    Release date: 2008-11-26
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