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All (143)

All (143) (10 to 20 of 143 results)

  • Classification: 12-590-X

    The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) is used for classifying instructional programs according to field of study. CIP was originally created by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in the United States. It is a hierarchical classification. The classification provides a detailed description of each instructional program class together with illustrative examples of the types of instructional programs found in that class. Illustrative examples are also provided of closely related programs that are classified elsewhere. In addition, the classification includes an introduction to CIP and an alternative structure for the aggregation of field of study data. CIP has a ten-year revision cycle.

    Release date: 2022-11-08

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021022
    Description: This video introduces household and dwelling characteristics and their use in dissemination and analysis. It also presents the housing variables that are commonly used in analyses such as household maintainer, tenure, total income of household, household size and household type. In addition, the video shows the dwelling characteristics that describe the physical attributes of the living quarters occupied by the household, such as number of rooms, number of bedrooms, period of construction, dwelling condition, condominium status and value (owner estimated).
    Release date: 2022-09-21

  • Articles and reports: 11-633-X2022007

    This paper investigates how Statistics Canada can increase trust by giving users the ability to authenticate data from its website through digital signatures and blockchain technology.

    Release date: 2022-09-19

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021015
    Description: This video will explain why and how census collects data on language and its importance and relevance for governments, researchers and community groups. It provides an understanding of how data on mother tongue is collected, how mother tongue variables are created and how they are disseminated and analyzed. In addition, the video explains the concept of single and multiple responses and the three ways of dealing with multiple responses, that is, separate treatment, inclusion and distribution.
    Release date: 2022-08-17

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021016
    Description: This video will allow you to identify the census questionnaire questions on knowledge of official and non-official languages. It will also allow you to understand how variables on knowledge of official and non-official languages are created and how they are disseminated and analyzed.
    Release date: 2022-08-17

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021009
    Description: This video provides a general overview of the income data collection process and specifies the target population as well as the reference period for income data. It also points out important aspects to consider when looking at income data in conjunction with other demographic, social, ethnocultural, education and labour characteristics.
    Release date: 2022-07-13

  • Stats in brief: 45-20-00032022002

    Canada’s diversity and rich cultural heritage have been shaped by the people who have come from all over the world to call it home. But even in our multicultural society, eliminating all forms of discrimination remains a challenge. In this episode, we turn a critical eye to the ways that cognitive bias risks perpetuating systemic racism. Statistics are supposed to accurately reflect the world around us, but are all data created equal? Join our guests, Sarah Messou-Ghelazzi, Communications Officer, Filsan Hujaleh, Analyst with the Centre for Social Data Insights and Innovation, and Jeff Latimer, Director General - Accountable for Health, Justice, Diversity and Populations at Statistics Canada as we explore the role data can play to make Canada a more equal society for all.

    Release date: 2022-03-16

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2022016

    This infographic explains the steps involved in collecting data for all Statistics Canada household and business surveys. The responses are compiled, analyzed and used to make important decisions and are kept strictly confidential.

    Release date: 2022-02-28

  • 19-22-0005

    In this session, we will attempt to demystify the concept of confidence intervals as they relate to sample data. A practical approach is used, placing emphasis on the meaning and interpretation of results rather than the mathematics. The goal is to make sense of some common challenges faced by data users when interpreting confidence intervals. The session is intended for a beginner audience. Some familiarity with basic statistical concepts would be beneficial/advantageous but not required.

    Release date: 2021-05-28

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062021002

    This video is intended for viewers who wish to gain a basic understanding of correlation and causality. As a prerequisite, before beginning this video, we highly recommend having already completed our videos titled “What is Data? An Introduction to Data Terminology and Concepts” and “Types of Data: Understanding and Exploring Data”.

    Release date: 2021-05-03
Data (8)

Data (8) ((8 results))

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2020010
    Description: The Canadian Statistical Geospatial Explorer empowers users to discover geo enabled data holdings of Statistics Canada at various levels of geography including at the neighbourhood level. Users are able to visualize, thematically map, spatially explore and analyze, export and consume data in various formats. Users can also view the data superimposed on satellite imagery, topographic and street layers.
    Release date: 2024-08-21

  • Public use microdata: 56M0001X

    Statistics Canada was approached by Stentor Resource Centre Incorporated to conduct a survey to monitor the telephone penetration rates across Canada. The survey determines if the respondents have a telephone line in their residence. If they do not have a telephone line, information is collected as to the reasons why. Information is also collected on the income characteristics of the selected households.

    The management of the survey was transferred from Stentor to Bell Canada in the Fall of 1998.

    The Labour Force Survey (LFS) supplementary capacity is used to conduct this biannual survey. A sample of approximately 44,000 respondents is used for this survey (five out of six rotation groups). The survey data are collected using Computer Assisted Interviewing (CAI). The first data collection procedure took place during November's LFS week in 1996.

    This microdata file is prepared biannually and contains the variables from the survey, plus geographical variables from the LFS (province, census metropolitan area, urban/rural breakdown). No other variables from the LFS are added to the file.

    Release date: 2014-12-12

  • Public use microdata: 82M0011X

    The main objective of the 2002 Youth Smoking Survey (YSS) is to provide current information on the smoking behaviour of students in grades 5 to 9 (in Quebec primary school grades 5 and 6 and secondary school grades 1 to 3), and to measure changes that occurred since the last time the survey was conducted in 1994. Additionally, the 2002 survey collected basic data on alcohol and drug use by students in grades 7 to 9 (in Quebec secondary 1 to 3). Results of the Youth Smoking Survey will help with the evaluation of anti-smoking and anti-drug use programs, as well as with the development of new programs.

    Release date: 2004-07-14

  • Public use microdata: 81M0013X

    The Adult Education and Training Survey (AETS) is Canada's most comprehensive source of data on individual participation in formal adult education and training. It is the only Canadian survey to collect detailed information about the skill development efforts of the entire adult Canadian population. The AETS provides information about the main subject of training activities, their provider, duration and the sources and types of support for training. Furthermore, the AETS allows for the examination of the socio-economic and demographic profiles of both training participants and non-participants. This survey also identifies barriers faced by individuals who wish to take some form of training but cannot. The AETS was administered three times during the 1990s, in 1992, 1994 and 1998, as a supplement to the Labour Force Survey (LFS).

    The content of the AETS was revised to take into account recommendations coming from consultation exercises. As a result, more than half of the 2003 survey is made up of new questions and the target population has been modified.

    The main objectives are:1) To measure the incidence and intensity of adults' participation in job-related formal training.2) To profile employer support to job-related formal training.3) To analyze the aspects of job-related training activities such as: training provider, expenses, financial support, motivations, outcomes and difficulties experienced while training.4) To identify the barriers preventing individuals from participating in the job-related formal training they want or need to take.5) To identify reasons explaining adults' lack of participation and of interest in job-related formal training.6) To relate adults' current participation patterns to their past involvement in and plans about future participation in job-related training.7) To measure the incidence and frequency of adults' participation in job-related informal training.8) To examine the interactions between participation in formal and informal job-related training.

    The population covered by the AETS consists of Canadians 25 years of age and older. This is a change from the population previously targeted by the AETS, which consisted of Canadians aged 17 years of age and older. A primary consideration for this change was the practical difficulties in applying the definition of adult education to individuals in the 17 to 24 years of age group. By definition, adult education excludes students who are still involved in their first or initial stage of schooling. As previous AETS did not precisely identify students still in their initial stage of schooling, analyses using these data had to rely on an ad hoc definition of adult learners. According to this definition, individuals aged 17 to 24 who were not in one of the following situations were excluded from the analysis: full-time students subsidized by an employer and full-time students over 19 enrolled in elementary or secondary programs.

    Release date: 2004-05-27

  • Public use microdata: 12M0013X

    Cycle 13 of the General Social Survey (GSS) is the third cycle (following cycles 3 and 8) that collected information in 1999 on the nature and extent of criminal victimisation in Canada. Focus content for cycle 13 addressed two areas of emerging interest: public perception toward alternatives to imprisonment; and spousal violence and senior abuse. Other subjects common to all three cycles include perceptions of crime, police and courts; crime prevention precautions; accident and crime screening sections; and accident and crime incident reports. The target population of the GSS is all individuals aged 15 and over living in a private household in one of the ten provinces.

    Release date: 2000-11-02

  • Public use microdata: 82M0010X

    The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) program is designed to collect information related to the health of the Canadian population. The first cycle of data collection began in 1994. The institutional component includes long-term residents (expected to stay longer than six months) in health care facilities with four or more beds in Canada with the principal exclusion of the Yukon and the Northwest Teritories. The document has been produced to facilitate the manipulation of the 1996-1997 microdata file containing survey results. The main variables include: demography, health status, chronic conditions, restriction of activity, socio-demographic, and others.

    Release date: 2000-08-02

  • Public use microdata: 89M0007X

    Information in this microdata file refers to survey data collected in September - November, 1994 for persons 15 years of age and older in Canada's ten provinces. The survey's main data objectives were to measure the prevalence and patterns of alcohol and other drug use, to assess harm and other consequences of drug use and to evaluate trends in recent patterns of use. Canada's Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey (CADS) also updates and expands upon data collected in the first survey, the National Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey (NADS), conducted in 1989.

    Release date: 2000-07-07

  • Public use microdata: 82M0008X

    The survey, begun in February 1994, monitors the smoking patterns of Canadians over a 12 month period and to measure any changes in smoking resulting from the decrease in taxes in cigarettes which took place in February 1994 in some provinces. It is related to MDF 82M0006. Updates are included in the microdata file price. A guide for this microdata file is available.

    Release date: 1995-06-08
Analysis (103)

Analysis (103) (10 to 20 of 103 results)

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X202000200004

    This article proposes a weight scaling method for Firth’s penalized likelihood for proportional hazards regression models. The method derives a relationship between the penalized likelihood that uses scaled weights and the penalized likelihood that uses unscaled weights, and it shows that the penalized likelihood that uses scaled weights have some desirable properties. A simulation study indicates that the penalized likelihood using scaled weights produces smaller biases in point estimates and standard errors than the biases produced by the penalized likelihood using unscaled weights. The weighted penalized likelihood is applied to estimate hazard rates for heart attacks by using a public-use data set from the National Health and Epidemiology Followup Study (NHEFS). SAS® statements to estimate hazard rates using data from complex surveys are given in the appendix.

    Release date: 2020-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 11-633-X2020004

    Recent advances in artificial intelligence have rekindled ancient fears that robots will replace humans in the economy. Previous waves of automation changed but did not reduce labour’s role, but robots’ human-like flexibility could make this time different. Whether or not it will is an empirical question that has lacked suitable data to answer. This paper describes the creation of a dataset to fill the evidence gap in Canada. Robots! is firm-level panel data on robot adoption created using Canadian import data. The data identify a substantial amount of the robot investment in the Canadian economy from 1996 to 2017. Although many robots are imported by robotics wholesalers or programmers for resale, the majority of them can be attributed to their final (direct) adopting firm. The data can be used to study the impact of robot adoption at the economic region, industry or firm-level.

    Release date: 2020-11-02

  • Articles and reports: 89-648-X2020004

    This technical report is intended to validate the Longitudinal and International Study of Adults (LISA) Wave 4 (2018) Food Security (FSC) module and provide recommendations for analytical use. Section 2 of this report provides an overview of the LISA data. Section 3 provides some background information of food security measures in national surveys and why it is significant in today's literature. Section 4 analyzes FSC data by presenting key descriptive statistics and logic checks using LISA methodology as well as outside researcher information. In section 5, certification validation was done by comparing other Canadian national surveys that have used the FSC module to the one used by LISA. Finally in section 6, key findings and their implications with regard to LISA are outlined.

    Release date: 2020-11-02

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062020009

    By the end of this video, you will learn about the basic concepts of the analytical process: the guiding principles of analysis, the steps of the analytical process, and planning your analysis.

    Release date: 2020-09-23

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062020010

    In this video, you will learn how to implement your analytical plan. The key steps in implementing your plan include: preparing and checking your data, performing your analysis, and documenting your analytical decisions.

    Release date: 2020-09-23

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062020011

    In this video, you will learn how to summarize and interpret your data and share your findings. The key elements to communicating your findings are as follows: select your essential findings, summarize and interpret the results, organize and assess your reviews, and prepare for dissemination.

    Release date: 2020-09-23

  • Stats in brief: 89-20-00062020012

    In this video, we will review the steps of the analytical process and you will obtain a better understanding of how analysts apply each step of the analytical process by walking through an example. The example that we will discuss is a project that examined the relationship between walkability in neighbourhoods, meaning how well they support physical activity, and actual physical activity for Canadians.

    Release date: 2020-09-23

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X201900100008

    This paper aims to expand the current national accounting concepts and statistical methods for measuring data in order to shed light on some highly consequential changes in society that are related to the rising usage of data. The paper concludes by discussing possible methods that can be used to assign an economic value to the various elements in the information chain and tests these concepts and methods by presenting results for Canada as a first attempt to measure the value of data.

    Release date: 2019-06-24

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201600414489

    Using accelerometry data for children and youth aged 3 to 17 from the Canadian Health Measures Survey, the probability of adherence to physical activity guidelines is estimated using a conditional probability, given the number of active and inactive days distributed as a Betabinomial.

    Release date: 2016-04-20

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201600414490

    This analysis examines associations between utilitarian walking and cycling and objective measures of physical activity, body composition, physical fitness and cardiovascular disease risk factors in a nationally representative sample of Canadians aged 20 to 79.

    Release date: 2016-04-20
Reference (29)

Reference (29) (0 to 10 of 29 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 84-538-X
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This electronic publication presents the methodology underlying the production of the life tables for Canada, provinces and territories.
    Release date: 2023-08-28

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 32-26-0006
    Description: This report provides data quality information pertaining to the Agriculture–Population Linkage, such as sources of error, matching process, response rates, imputation rates, sampling, weighting, disclosure control methods and data quality indicators.
    Release date: 2023-08-25

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021012
    Description: This video builds on concepts introduced in the other videos on income. It explains key low-income concepts - Market Basket Measure (MBM), Low income measure (LIM) and Low-income cut-offs (LICO) and the indicators associated with these concepts such as the low-income gap and the low-income ratio. These concepts are used in analysis of the economic well-being of the population.
    Release date: 2023-03-29

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021017
    Description: This video will help you understand the concept of first official language spoken. It explores the usefulness and relevance of the first official language spoken and how it is developed, disseminated and analyzed. You will also learn how the concept of first official language spoken takes into account knowledge of both official languages, mother tongue and language spoken most often at home.
    Release date: 2023-03-29

  • Classification: 12-590-X

    The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) is used for classifying instructional programs according to field of study. CIP was originally created by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in the United States. It is a hierarchical classification. The classification provides a detailed description of each instructional program class together with illustrative examples of the types of instructional programs found in that class. Illustrative examples are also provided of closely related programs that are classified elsewhere. In addition, the classification includes an introduction to CIP and an alternative structure for the aggregation of field of study data. CIP has a ten-year revision cycle.

    Release date: 2022-11-08

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021022
    Description: This video introduces household and dwelling characteristics and their use in dissemination and analysis. It also presents the housing variables that are commonly used in analyses such as household maintainer, tenure, total income of household, household size and household type. In addition, the video shows the dwelling characteristics that describe the physical attributes of the living quarters occupied by the household, such as number of rooms, number of bedrooms, period of construction, dwelling condition, condominium status and value (owner estimated).
    Release date: 2022-09-21

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021015
    Description: This video will explain why and how census collects data on language and its importance and relevance for governments, researchers and community groups. It provides an understanding of how data on mother tongue is collected, how mother tongue variables are created and how they are disseminated and analyzed. In addition, the video explains the concept of single and multiple responses and the three ways of dealing with multiple responses, that is, separate treatment, inclusion and distribution.
    Release date: 2022-08-17

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021016
    Description: This video will allow you to identify the census questionnaire questions on knowledge of official and non-official languages. It will also allow you to understand how variables on knowledge of official and non-official languages are created and how they are disseminated and analyzed.
    Release date: 2022-08-17

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 98-20-00032021009
    Description: This video provides a general overview of the income data collection process and specifies the target population as well as the reference period for income data. It also points out important aspects to consider when looking at income data in conjunction with other demographic, social, ethnocultural, education and labour characteristics.
    Release date: 2022-07-13

  • Notices and consultations: 98-26-0001

    This white paper presents Statistics Canada’s planned approach to the 2021 Census of Population and provides a clear explanation of the processes behind the census program, touching on historical, legal, operational and content aspects. Statistics Canada recognizes that it is important to not only successfully conduct the census, but also to be transparent and informative about the way in which those efforts are accomplished. Painting a Portrait of Canada: The 2021 Census of Population gives readers an exclusive, detailed look at how census data is collected, analyzed and given back to Canadians, in the form of high-quality statistical information, used to make evidence-based decisions in Canadian society.

    Release date: 2020-07-20
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