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  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201400111899
    Geography: Canada

    This report is based on data from the 2011/2012 Victim Services Survey and provides a profile of victim service agencies in Canada that responded to the survey, as well as information on the clients they served. In reference to 2011/2012, the report presents data on the types of agencies in Canada, the services offered, staff and volunteers, and criminal injuries compensation applications and awards. Characteristics of clients, such as sex, age grouping and type of victimization, are based on counts of clients served on a snapshot day of May 24, 2012. The 2011/2012 Victim Services Survey was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and was funded by Justice Canada's Policy Centre for Victim Issues. Victim service agencies surveyed include system-based, police-based and court-based agencies, sexual assault centres, other selected community-based agencies, and criminal injuries compensation and other financial benefit programs for victims of crime. It should be noted that data on transition homes and shelters for abused women and their children are collected through Statistics Canada's Transition Home Survey.

    Release date: 2014-02-13

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X200900410932
    Geography: Canada

    This report is based on data from the 2007/2008 Victim Services Survey and provides a profile of victim service agencies in Canada that responded to the survey, as well as information on the clients they served. In reference to 2007/2008, the report presents data on the types of agencies in Canada, the services offered, staff and volunteers, and criminal injuries compensation applications and awards. Characteristics of clients, such as sex, age grouping and type of victimization, are based on counts of clients served on a snapshot day of May 28, 2008. The 2007/2008 Victim Services Survey was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and was funded by Justice Canada's Policy Centre for Victim Issues. Victim service agencies surveyed include system-based, police-based and court-based agencies, sexual assault centres, other selected community-based agencies, and criminal injuries compensation and other financial benefit programs for victims of crime.

    Release date: 2009-10-28

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X20050037946
    Geography: Canada

    This Juristat presents a profile of all shelters in Canada that provided residential services to abused women and their children in 2003-2004. Additionally, through the use of a snapshot day survey (April 14, 2004), selected characteristics of residents (i.e., reasons for coming to the shelter, age group, parenting responsibilities, relationship to abuser, involvement of the criminal justice system, etc.) are presented. Data for this Juristat come primarily from the Transition Home Survey (THS), a biennial census of all residential facilities for female victims of domestic violence conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics as part of the federal government's Family Violence Initiative. Questionnaires are mailed to all shelters known to provide residential services to abused women in every province and territory. Information is collected on the characteristics of the facilities and the services provided during the previous 12 months (April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004). Cross-sectional comparisons and comparisons using time-series data from the THS Trend File are also included. The THS Trend File contains only those facilities that participated in the survey in each of the following years: 1997/98, 1999/00, 2001/02 and 2003/04.

    Release date: 2005-06-15

  • 4. Spousal violence Archived
    Articles and reports: 85-224-X19980005284
    Geography: Canada

    This section examines the nature and extent of cases of spousal violence reported to the police. Special attention is given to how spousal violence differs for women and men.

    Release date: 1998-05-28
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Data (0) (0 results)

No content available at this time.

Analysis (4)

Analysis (4) ((4 results))

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201400111899
    Geography: Canada

    This report is based on data from the 2011/2012 Victim Services Survey and provides a profile of victim service agencies in Canada that responded to the survey, as well as information on the clients they served. In reference to 2011/2012, the report presents data on the types of agencies in Canada, the services offered, staff and volunteers, and criminal injuries compensation applications and awards. Characteristics of clients, such as sex, age grouping and type of victimization, are based on counts of clients served on a snapshot day of May 24, 2012. The 2011/2012 Victim Services Survey was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and was funded by Justice Canada's Policy Centre for Victim Issues. Victim service agencies surveyed include system-based, police-based and court-based agencies, sexual assault centres, other selected community-based agencies, and criminal injuries compensation and other financial benefit programs for victims of crime. It should be noted that data on transition homes and shelters for abused women and their children are collected through Statistics Canada's Transition Home Survey.

    Release date: 2014-02-13

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X200900410932
    Geography: Canada

    This report is based on data from the 2007/2008 Victim Services Survey and provides a profile of victim service agencies in Canada that responded to the survey, as well as information on the clients they served. In reference to 2007/2008, the report presents data on the types of agencies in Canada, the services offered, staff and volunteers, and criminal injuries compensation applications and awards. Characteristics of clients, such as sex, age grouping and type of victimization, are based on counts of clients served on a snapshot day of May 28, 2008. The 2007/2008 Victim Services Survey was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and was funded by Justice Canada's Policy Centre for Victim Issues. Victim service agencies surveyed include system-based, police-based and court-based agencies, sexual assault centres, other selected community-based agencies, and criminal injuries compensation and other financial benefit programs for victims of crime.

    Release date: 2009-10-28

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X20050037946
    Geography: Canada

    This Juristat presents a profile of all shelters in Canada that provided residential services to abused women and their children in 2003-2004. Additionally, through the use of a snapshot day survey (April 14, 2004), selected characteristics of residents (i.e., reasons for coming to the shelter, age group, parenting responsibilities, relationship to abuser, involvement of the criminal justice system, etc.) are presented. Data for this Juristat come primarily from the Transition Home Survey (THS), a biennial census of all residential facilities for female victims of domestic violence conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics as part of the federal government's Family Violence Initiative. Questionnaires are mailed to all shelters known to provide residential services to abused women in every province and territory. Information is collected on the characteristics of the facilities and the services provided during the previous 12 months (April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004). Cross-sectional comparisons and comparisons using time-series data from the THS Trend File are also included. The THS Trend File contains only those facilities that participated in the survey in each of the following years: 1997/98, 1999/00, 2001/02 and 2003/04.

    Release date: 2005-06-15

  • 4. Spousal violence Archived
    Articles and reports: 85-224-X19980005284
    Geography: Canada

    This section examines the nature and extent of cases of spousal violence reported to the police. Special attention is given to how spousal violence differs for women and men.

    Release date: 1998-05-28
Reference (0)

Reference (0) (0 results)

No content available at this time.

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