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  • Table: 85F0015X

    The Legal Aid Survey provides information on revenues, expenditures, personnel, and caseload (e.g., applications for legal aid services) associated with the delivery of legal aid in the 13 provinces and territories in Canada in 2011/2012. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire sent to the 13 legal aid plans in Canada, from provincial and territorial departments responsible for justice matters, and from Justice Canada.

    Release date: 2013-03-07

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X20020058413
    Geography: Canada

    Using data from the Homicide Survey and a combination of other statistical data sources this Juristat will examine spousal homicide trends over the period 1974-2000. In 1991 changes were made to the Homicide Survey providing more detailed breakdowns of the relationship between victims and offenders permitting comparisons of married, common-law, separated and divorced couples as well as boyfriends and girlfriends. This allows trends in other intimate partner homicides (e.g. boyfriends and girlfriends) to be examined from 1991-2000. These trends in spousal homicide will be assessed within the context of other factors, including improvements to women’s economic and social well-being (e.g. average annual income, delayed marriage and child-rearing), growth in the availability of emergency services for battered women, trends in spousal victims’ use of social services, trends in reporting spousal violence to the police, and the evolution of charging and prosecution policies.

    Release date: 2002-06-26

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 85-217-X
    Geography: Province or territory

    This publication describes the structure and administration of provincial/territorial legal aid services in Canada. It also includes information on legislation, organization, coverage, eligibility, duty counsel and tariffs.

    Release date: 2002-05-24

  • Table: 85F0028X
    Geography: Province or territory

    This product provides data on revenues, expenditures, and caseloads of legal aid plans in Canada. Data are presented in table format, and includes aggregate data at the provincial/territorial level on the sources of revenue, expenditures and caseloads associated with the delivery of legal aid in Canada. An analytical discussion of these data is provided in the associated publication entitled Legal aid in Canada: resource and caseload statistics, catalogue no. 85F0015XIE, which provides an overview of the revenues, expenditures and caseloads of legal aid plans in Canada.

    Release date: 2002-05-24
Data (2)

Data (2) ((2 results))

  • Table: 85F0015X

    The Legal Aid Survey provides information on revenues, expenditures, personnel, and caseload (e.g., applications for legal aid services) associated with the delivery of legal aid in the 13 provinces and territories in Canada in 2011/2012. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire sent to the 13 legal aid plans in Canada, from provincial and territorial departments responsible for justice matters, and from Justice Canada.

    Release date: 2013-03-07

  • Table: 85F0028X
    Geography: Province or territory

    This product provides data on revenues, expenditures, and caseloads of legal aid plans in Canada. Data are presented in table format, and includes aggregate data at the provincial/territorial level on the sources of revenue, expenditures and caseloads associated with the delivery of legal aid in Canada. An analytical discussion of these data is provided in the associated publication entitled Legal aid in Canada: resource and caseload statistics, catalogue no. 85F0015XIE, which provides an overview of the revenues, expenditures and caseloads of legal aid plans in Canada.

    Release date: 2002-05-24
Analysis (1)

Analysis (1) ((1 result))

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X20020058413
    Geography: Canada

    Using data from the Homicide Survey and a combination of other statistical data sources this Juristat will examine spousal homicide trends over the period 1974-2000. In 1991 changes were made to the Homicide Survey providing more detailed breakdowns of the relationship between victims and offenders permitting comparisons of married, common-law, separated and divorced couples as well as boyfriends and girlfriends. This allows trends in other intimate partner homicides (e.g. boyfriends and girlfriends) to be examined from 1991-2000. These trends in spousal homicide will be assessed within the context of other factors, including improvements to women’s economic and social well-being (e.g. average annual income, delayed marriage and child-rearing), growth in the availability of emergency services for battered women, trends in spousal victims’ use of social services, trends in reporting spousal violence to the police, and the evolution of charging and prosecution policies.

    Release date: 2002-06-26
Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 85-217-X
    Geography: Province or territory

    This publication describes the structure and administration of provincial/territorial legal aid services in Canada. It also includes information on legislation, organization, coverage, eligibility, duty counsel and tariffs.

    Release date: 2002-05-24
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