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  • Articles and reports: 87-003-X20000024939
    Geography: Canada

    In this article, we describe, first the changes that have occurred in the family structure. An overview of the demographic changes that have marked the period from 1980 to 1998, will shed some light on the factors that seem to influence the travel market at the start of the millenium. We then paint a picture of travel by Canadian families in 1998 compared to that of adults travelling alone. In this latter section, we present some of the strategies the tourst industry uses to adapt to these new markets.

    Release date: 2000-04-12

  • Articles and reports: 87-003-X19990014219
    Geography: Canada

    In the first half of 1998, Canada's travel account deficit reached a ten year low of $3 billion, down almost 18% from the same period in 1997. This is a positive sign. But, it should be recognized that Canada's travel account does not measure the financial health of its tourism industry. Canada's travel account simply measures the difference between earnings from visitors travelling in Canada and spending by Canadian residents travelling abroad.

    Release date: 1999-01-11

  • Articles and reports: 87-003-X19980033852
    Geography: Canada

    The signs are all around us ... from coffee mugs boasting that "There is life after 50" to the popularity of golf to the growing number of adult lifestyle communities: Canada's population is getting older. The aging of the baby boom generation is largely responsible for this trend, coupled with historically low fertility and mortality rates. The baby boom generation has established trends in the marketplace as they have proceeded along the demographic trail. Tourism is no exception. Almost four out of every ten Canadians travelling within Canada were baby boomers in 1996 and they spent 53% of the total domestic expenditures. This article explore how this demographic cohort is influencing many current domestic travel trends and how these may shift in the future based on the travel behaviour of older age groups.

    Release date: 1998-07-13
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Analysis (3)

Analysis (3) ((3 results))

  • Articles and reports: 87-003-X20000024939
    Geography: Canada

    In this article, we describe, first the changes that have occurred in the family structure. An overview of the demographic changes that have marked the period from 1980 to 1998, will shed some light on the factors that seem to influence the travel market at the start of the millenium. We then paint a picture of travel by Canadian families in 1998 compared to that of adults travelling alone. In this latter section, we present some of the strategies the tourst industry uses to adapt to these new markets.

    Release date: 2000-04-12

  • Articles and reports: 87-003-X19990014219
    Geography: Canada

    In the first half of 1998, Canada's travel account deficit reached a ten year low of $3 billion, down almost 18% from the same period in 1997. This is a positive sign. But, it should be recognized that Canada's travel account does not measure the financial health of its tourism industry. Canada's travel account simply measures the difference between earnings from visitors travelling in Canada and spending by Canadian residents travelling abroad.

    Release date: 1999-01-11

  • Articles and reports: 87-003-X19980033852
    Geography: Canada

    The signs are all around us ... from coffee mugs boasting that "There is life after 50" to the popularity of golf to the growing number of adult lifestyle communities: Canada's population is getting older. The aging of the baby boom generation is largely responsible for this trend, coupled with historically low fertility and mortality rates. The baby boom generation has established trends in the marketplace as they have proceeded along the demographic trail. Tourism is no exception. Almost four out of every ten Canadians travelling within Canada were baby boomers in 1996 and they spent 53% of the total domestic expenditures. This article explore how this demographic cohort is influencing many current domestic travel trends and how these may shift in the future based on the travel behaviour of older age groups.

    Release date: 1998-07-13
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