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All (33) (10 to 20 of 33 results)
- Articles and reports: 11-008-X201000111123Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article uses the 2004 General Social Survey on criminal victimization to explore how men and women of the core working age population (25 to 54 years) living in Census Metropolitan Areas differ in the precautions taken to avoid victimization. The results indicate that though men and women do not differ substantially in the amount of crime they perceive around them - they do differ in the precautions taken to avoid victimization. This difference remains unchanged even when other factors like fear of crime, income, age, and victimization experiences are taken into account.
Release date: 2010-03-08 - 12. Immigrants and Victimization, 2004 ArchivedArticles and reports: 85F0033M2008018Geography: CanadaDescription:
Using data from the 2006 Census of Population and self-reported data from the 2004 General Social Survey (GSS) on victimization, this profile examines certain socio-demographic and economic characteristics of immigrants in Canada followed by an analysis of the rates and characteristics of violent crimes involving immigrant victims. It also provides information on immigrants perceptions of safety, of the criminal justice system and of discrimination.
Release date: 2008-12-03 - Table: 89-634-X2008005Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
A series of supporting data tables accompany the analytical article from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS). These supporting data tables provide data at the provincial/regional level for Aboriginal, off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children under 6 years old for major themes covered in the analytical article: How often the child talks or plays together with different people, focusing attention on each other for five minutes or more; Feelings about home and daily life (housing conditions; support network from family, friends, or others; main job or activity; way spend free time; finances); Feelings about community (as a place with good schools, nursery schools and early childhood education programs; as a place with adequate facilities for children for example, community centres, rinks, gyms, parks; as a safe community; as a place with health facilities; as a place with actively involved members of the community; as a place with First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultural activities); Child care arrangements (percentage of children in child care; percentage of children in a child care arrangement that provides learning opportunities; percentage of children in a child care arrangement that promotes traditional and cultural values and customs); and, Percentage of children living in low-income families.
Release date: 2008-10-29 - 14. Correlates of medication error in hospitals ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X200800210565Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article examines associations between medication error and selected factors in the workplace of hospital-employed registered nurses in Canada. Data are from the 2005 National Survey of the Work and Health of Nurses.
Release date: 2008-05-14 - 15. Sexual Orientation and Victimization ArchivedArticles and reports: 85F0033M2008016Geography: CanadaDescription:
Until recently, there were no national data on the extent to which gays, lesbians and bisexuals were victims of violent crime and discrimination, nor was there any national information about their fear of crime or their perceptions of the criminal justice system.
Using the GSS self-reported data, this new report provides a profile of the extent to which gays, lesbians and bisexuals were victims of violent crime and spousal violence. It also provides national information about their perception of discrimination, their fear of crime and their perception of the criminal justice system.
Release date: 2008-02-28 - 16. Visible Minorities and Victimization ArchivedArticles and reports: 85F0033M2008015Geography: CanadaDescription:
Using data from the 2001 Census of Population and self-reported data from the 2004 General Social Survey (GSS) on victimization, this profile examines certain socio-demographic and economic characteristics of visible minorities in Canada followed by an analysis of the rates and characteristics of violent crimes involving visible minority victims. It also provides information on visible minorities perceptions of safety, discrimination and of the criminal justice system.
Release date: 2008-02-13 - 17. Seniors As Victims of Crime ArchivedArticles and reports: 85F0033M2007014Geography: CanadaDescription:
With the increasing proportion of seniors in Canada, there has been a growing concern about their risk of becoming victims of crime. Using data from self-reported victimization and police-reported surveys, this profile examines the nature and prevalence of violent and property crimes against seniors. The report also examines characteristics of offences committed against seniors, the level of reporting to the police and the proportion of incidents involving weapons and causing injuries to senior victims. Furthermore, information on seniors' fear of crime, the prevalence of spousal abuse and seniors' risk of telemarketing fraud is also presented. According to self-reported and police reported data, seniors' experience the lowest levels of violent and property crimes compared to their younger counterparts. However, seniors may be more vulnerable to telemarketing fraud. Seniors' level of satisfaction with their overall personal safety has improved over the last five years.
Release date: 2007-03-06 - Table: 85-565-XGeography: Province or territoryDescription:
In 2004, as part of its General Social Survey program, Statistics Canada conducted a survey on victimization and public perceptions of crime and the justice system. It was the fourth time that the General Social Survey (GSS) had examined victimization - previous surveys were conducted in 1988, 1993, and 1999. The target population was Canadians aged 15 years and older living in the ten provinces.
This report provides an overview of the main findings from cycle 18 of the General Social Survey on Victimization and makes comparisons with previous survey cycles. The analysis focuses on Canadians' outlook on crime and the criminal justice system, as well as their fear of crime. Variations by province are also presented.
Release date: 2005-07-07 - 19. General Social Survey, Cycle 18 Overview: Personal Safety and Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System ArchivedTable: 85-566-XGeography: Census metropolitan areaDescription:
This report presents an overview of Canadians' outlook on crime and the criminal justice system at both the national and Census Metropolitan Area levels. The information was collected in 2004 through Cycle 18 of the General Social Survey (GSS) on victimization. This survey, which has been previously carried out in 1999, 1993, and 1988, collects information on Canadians' experience of victimization, and public attitudes towards crime, police, courts, prison and parole. The target population of the GSS is all individuals aged 15 and over living in a private household in one of the ten provinces.
Release date: 2005-07-07 - 20. Victim services in Canada, 2002/03 ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-002-X20040118410Geography: CanadaDescription:
This report, based on data from the 2002/03 Victim Services Survey, provides a profile of victim service agencies in Canada and the clients they served. Data are presented on the types of agencies in Canada, the services offered, staff and volunteers, criminal injuries compensation applications and awards, and client characteristics such as sex, age grouping and type of victimization.
The report also contains some information on transition homes and shelters for abused women and their children that was collected by Statistics Canada's 2001/2002 Transition Home Survey.
Release date: 2004-12-09
Data (6)
Data (6) ((6 results))
- Table: 23-26-0004Description: The Canadian Cycling Network Database is a dataset of cycling infrastructure from 75 municipalities and regions across the country, compiled from open data sources. It standardizes municipal cycling network data and classifies it using the Canadian Bikeway Comfort and Safety (Can-BICS) system, which categorizes infrastructure into high, medium, and low comfort levels to assess the safety and comfort of cycling routes. The dataset includes five primary bikeway types that conform to Can-BICS standards: cycle tracks, bike paths, local street bikeways, multi-use paths, and painted bike lanes. It also includes three non-conforming types: local shared roads, major shared roads, and multi-use gravel trails. An accompanying data dictionary translates municipal definitions into standardized Can-BICS categories. The dataset is available under the Open Government License - Canada.Release date: 2025-01-30
- Public use microdata: 12M0026XDescription:
This package was designed to help users access and manipulate the public use microdata file (PUMF – provincial) for the 2014 General Social Survey (GSS) on Canadians’ Safety (Victimization). It contains the PUMF data and describes the objectives, methodology and estimation procedures for this survey as well as guidelines for releasing estimates.
Statistics Canada collected data on the topic of Canadians’ safety (Victimization) for the sixth time in 2014. Data were previously collected in 1988 (Cycle 3), 1993 (Cycle 8), 1999 (Cycle 13), 2004 (Cycle 18) and 2009 (Cycle 23). The 2014 provincial GSS collected data from persons aged 15 years and over living in private households in Canada, excluding residents of the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut and full time residents of institutions.
Between 2009 and 2014, the core content of the survey was revised in a number of ways, based on experience gained from earlier iterations. Some questions were revised to improve their clarity for respondents, and others were added or dropped following consultations with stakeholders from the justice sector, government and academic communities.
Release date: 2016-07-27 - Table: 89-634-X2008005Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
A series of supporting data tables accompany the analytical article from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS). These supporting data tables provide data at the provincial/regional level for Aboriginal, off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children under 6 years old for major themes covered in the analytical article: How often the child talks or plays together with different people, focusing attention on each other for five minutes or more; Feelings about home and daily life (housing conditions; support network from family, friends, or others; main job or activity; way spend free time; finances); Feelings about community (as a place with good schools, nursery schools and early childhood education programs; as a place with adequate facilities for children for example, community centres, rinks, gyms, parks; as a safe community; as a place with health facilities; as a place with actively involved members of the community; as a place with First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultural activities); Child care arrangements (percentage of children in child care; percentage of children in a child care arrangement that provides learning opportunities; percentage of children in a child care arrangement that promotes traditional and cultural values and customs); and, Percentage of children living in low-income families.
Release date: 2008-10-29 - Table: 85-565-XGeography: Province or territoryDescription:
In 2004, as part of its General Social Survey program, Statistics Canada conducted a survey on victimization and public perceptions of crime and the justice system. It was the fourth time that the General Social Survey (GSS) had examined victimization - previous surveys were conducted in 1988, 1993, and 1999. The target population was Canadians aged 15 years and older living in the ten provinces.
This report provides an overview of the main findings from cycle 18 of the General Social Survey on Victimization and makes comparisons with previous survey cycles. The analysis focuses on Canadians' outlook on crime and the criminal justice system, as well as their fear of crime. Variations by province are also presented.
Release date: 2005-07-07 - 5. General Social Survey, Cycle 18 Overview: Personal Safety and Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System ArchivedTable: 85-566-XGeography: Census metropolitan areaDescription:
This report presents an overview of Canadians' outlook on crime and the criminal justice system at both the national and Census Metropolitan Area levels. The information was collected in 2004 through Cycle 18 of the General Social Survey (GSS) on victimization. This survey, which has been previously carried out in 1999, 1993, and 1988, collects information on Canadians' experience of victimization, and public attitudes towards crime, police, courts, prison and parole. The target population of the GSS is all individuals aged 15 and over living in a private household in one of the ten provinces.
Release date: 2005-07-07 - Table: 85-554-XGeography: Census metropolitan areaDescription:
This report presents a brief overview of the information collected in Cycle 13 of the General Social Survey (GSS). Cycle 13 is the third cycle (following cycles 3 and 8) that collected information in 1999 on the nature and extent of criminal victimisation in Canada. Focus content for cycle 13 addressed two areas of emerging interest: public perception toward alternatives to imprisonment; and spousal violence and senior abuse. Other subjects common to all three cycles include perceptions of crime, police and courts; crime prevention precautions; accident and crime screening sections; and accident and crime incident reports. The target population of the GSS is all individuals aged 15 and over living in a private household in one of the ten provinces
Release date: 2001-08-08
Analysis (27)
Analysis (27) (20 to 30 of 27 results)
- 21. Victimization in urban and rural areas ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-553-X19990015810Geography: CanadaDescription:
This chapter will assess variations in crime between urban and rural areas as reported by respondents to the 1999 General Social Survey.
Release date: 2001-08-08 - 22. Perceptions and fear of crime ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-553-X19990015812Geography: CanadaDescription:
Using results from the 1999 GSS, this chapter will examine Canadians' perceptions and fear of crime. In particular, attention is focused on four main area: pervasiveness of fear of crime, factors that can affect fear of crime, and the use of precautionary measures.
Release date: 2001-08-08 - 23. 100 years of health ArchivedArticles and reports: 11-008-X20000035387Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article looks briefly at changes in health in the 20th century, with special focus on the concerns of Canadians in childhood, mid-life and old age.
Release date: 2000-12-12 - 24. Criminal victimization in Canada, 1999 ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-002-X20000108383Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
In 1999, as part of its General Social Survey program, Statistics Canada conducted a survey on victimization and public perceptions of crime and the justice system. It was the third time that the General Social Survey (GSS) had examined victimization - previous surveys were conducted in 1993 and 1988.
For the 1999 survey, interviews were conducted by telephone with approximately 26,000 people, aged 15 and older, living in the 10 provinces. Respondents were asked for their opinions concerning the level of crime in their neighbourhood, their fear of crime and their views concerning the performance of the justice system. They were also asked about their experiences with criminal victimization. Those respondents who had been victims of a crime in the previous 12 months were asked for detailed information on each incident, including when and where it occurred; whether the incident was reported to the police; and how they were affected by the experience.
This Juristat presents an overview of the findings of the 1999 General Social Survey and makes comparisons to results from 1993 and 1988.
Release date: 2000-11-02 - Articles and reports: 82-003-X19990045067Geography: CanadaDescription:
Although health status is strongly associated with residence in a long-term health care facility, the absence of a spouse, low income, low education, and advanced age are also important factors.
Release date: 2000-05-29 - Articles and reports: 11-008-X19990034787Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article looks at those Canadians who moved either to provide care to someone with a long-term health problem or to be looked after by someone else.
Release date: 1999-12-09 - Articles and reports: 82-003-X19980023996Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
This article examines differences in fetal and infant mortality by maternal education in the province of Quebec, where the rates are among the lowest in Canada.
Release date: 1998-10-29
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