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  • Articles and reports: 89-650-X2012002
    Geography: Canada

    The article focuses on the situation of parents and stepparents aged 20 to 64, who are members of a stepfamily. It examines the family structure and the parents' conjugal history. It also compares socieconomic characteristics of stepfamily parents with those in intact families, in particular their income, education, labor force participation and the financial difficulties they encounter.

    Release date: 2012-10-18

  • Table: 98-312-X2011036

    This topic presents data on census families, including the number of families, family size and structure. The data also include persons living in families, with relatives, with non-relatives and living alone. Family structure refers to the classification of census families into married couples or common-law couples (including opposite-sex or same-sex), and lone-parent families.

    Data are also presented on household characteristics. The household type refers to the number and types of census families living in a household. The household size refers to the number of people in the household.

    This topic also presents data on marital status and common-law relationships, by age and sex, for the entire Canadian population. These data show the number of persons who never-married, are married, separated, divorced or widowed, and those who are not married, whether they are living common-law or not.

    Release date: 2012-09-19

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201200211648
    Geography: Canada

    This analysis uses information from the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey to examine moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep duration in children aged 6 to 11. The objective was to compare and contrast findings from these data collection methods and explore differences in their associations with health markers in children.

    Release date: 2012-04-18

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2012341
    Geography: Canada

    Self-employment has been regarded as an important pathway for many immigrants to engage in the labour market. However, little is known about self-employment among the children of immigrants. Using the 1981 and 2006 Canadian censuses of population and a generational cohort method of analysis, this paper compares the self-employment rates of immigrant parents and the children of immigrant parents when both were 25 to 44 years of age. The focus is on three questions: (1) Are children of immigrants likelier or less likely than immigrant parents to be self-employed?; (2) Are children of immigrants likelier or less likely than children of Canadian-born parents to be self-employed?; (3) Is the generational change in the self-employment rate from immigrant parents to the children of immigrants different from the generational change from Canadian-born parents to their children?

    Release date: 2012-04-16
Data (1)

Data (1) ((1 result))

  • Table: 98-312-X2011036

    This topic presents data on census families, including the number of families, family size and structure. The data also include persons living in families, with relatives, with non-relatives and living alone. Family structure refers to the classification of census families into married couples or common-law couples (including opposite-sex or same-sex), and lone-parent families.

    Data are also presented on household characteristics. The household type refers to the number and types of census families living in a household. The household size refers to the number of people in the household.

    This topic also presents data on marital status and common-law relationships, by age and sex, for the entire Canadian population. These data show the number of persons who never-married, are married, separated, divorced or widowed, and those who are not married, whether they are living common-law or not.

    Release date: 2012-09-19
Analysis (3)

Analysis (3) ((3 results))

  • Articles and reports: 89-650-X2012002
    Geography: Canada

    The article focuses on the situation of parents and stepparents aged 20 to 64, who are members of a stepfamily. It examines the family structure and the parents' conjugal history. It also compares socieconomic characteristics of stepfamily parents with those in intact families, in particular their income, education, labor force participation and the financial difficulties they encounter.

    Release date: 2012-10-18

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201200211648
    Geography: Canada

    This analysis uses information from the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey to examine moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep duration in children aged 6 to 11. The objective was to compare and contrast findings from these data collection methods and explore differences in their associations with health markers in children.

    Release date: 2012-04-18

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2012341
    Geography: Canada

    Self-employment has been regarded as an important pathway for many immigrants to engage in the labour market. However, little is known about self-employment among the children of immigrants. Using the 1981 and 2006 Canadian censuses of population and a generational cohort method of analysis, this paper compares the self-employment rates of immigrant parents and the children of immigrant parents when both were 25 to 44 years of age. The focus is on three questions: (1) Are children of immigrants likelier or less likely than immigrant parents to be self-employed?; (2) Are children of immigrants likelier or less likely than children of Canadian-born parents to be self-employed?; (3) Is the generational change in the self-employment rate from immigrant parents to the children of immigrants different from the generational change from Canadian-born parents to their children?

    Release date: 2012-04-16
Reference (0)

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