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All (16)

All (16) (0 to 10 of 16 results)

  • Table: 12-581-X
    Description: Canada at a Glance presents current statistics on Canadian society, including subjects such as the population, education, health, prices and the economy, among others. Updated yearly, this booklet is a very useful reference for those who want quick access to a current statistical portrait of Canada.
    Release date: 2024-09-04

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2022022
    Description: The data on natural wealth reflects reserves of energy, selected minerals and timber (2021 preliminary).
    Release date: 2023-11-22

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Articles and reports: 62F0014M2023004
    Description: This paper looks at how profitability has evolved for key Canadian industries from 2017 to 2022. A specific focus is given to the post-lockdown period between the second quarters of 2021 and 2022, during which year-over-year inflation exceeded the Bank of Canada’s inflation-control target range ceiling of 3%. In addition to industry-wide trends, energy and food sectors are analyzed given their day-to-day relevance for Canadians.
    Release date: 2023-07-27

  • Articles and reports: 11-637-X202200100007

    As the seventh goal outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Canada and other UN member states have committed to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. This 2022 infographic provides an overview of indicators underlying the seventh Sustainable Development Goal in support of affordable and clean energy, and the statistics and data sources used to monitor and report on this goal in Canada.

    Release date: 2022-12-13

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021080
    Description: This infographic showcases liquid renewable fuels in Canada in 2020. It discusses what liquid renewables are and how they are used. As well, it highlights some key trends in the production and blending of renewables.
    Release date: 2022-02-07

  • Thematic map: 16-201-X

    Human Activity and the Environment (16-201-X) focuses on current environmental issues. The latest information and statistics are gathered from many sources to produce an in-depth analytical article.

    Release date: 2022-01-25

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X202000100007

    An overview of the methods used to compile statistics on exports of energy products within the International Merchandise Trade Program, specifically for the continuous transmission commodities crude oil, natural gas and electricity. Some exceptional processes are followed for these products, and this paper summarizes the methods used, and explains the factors behind the methods selected.

    Release date: 2020-11-30

  • Articles and reports: 11-637-X202000100007
    Geography: Canada
    Description: As the seventh goal outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Canada and other UN member states have committed to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. This 2020 infographic provides an overview of indicators underlying the seventh Sustainable Development Goal in support of affordable and clean energy, and the statistics and data sources used to monitor and report on this goal in Canada.
    Release date: 2020-10-20

  • Journals and periodicals: 57-602-G

    The objective of this document is to present a proposed Statistical Framework for Energy in Canada, which will help guide data providers and users in the development of a strategic plan for addressing priority elements of the proposed framework.

    The framework is intended to apply to energy statistics in Canada in general, with application across a broad range of stakeholders involved in the collection, dissemination and use of energy statistics, including provincial and territorial administrative and statistical agencies.

    Release date: 2016-02-19
Data (4)

Data (4) ((4 results))

  • Table: 12-581-X
    Description: Canada at a Glance presents current statistics on Canadian society, including subjects such as the population, education, health, prices and the economy, among others. Updated yearly, this booklet is a very useful reference for those who want quick access to a current statistical portrait of Canada.
    Release date: 2024-09-04

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2022022
    Description: The data on natural wealth reflects reserves of energy, selected minerals and timber (2021 preliminary).
    Release date: 2023-11-22

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Thematic map: 16-201-X

    Human Activity and the Environment (16-201-X) focuses on current environmental issues. The latest information and statistics are gathered from many sources to produce an in-depth analytical article.

    Release date: 2022-01-25
Analysis (13)

Analysis (13) (0 to 10 of 13 results)

  • Table: 57-003-X
    Description: This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
    Release date: 2023-11-20

  • Articles and reports: 62F0014M2023004
    Description: This paper looks at how profitability has evolved for key Canadian industries from 2017 to 2022. A specific focus is given to the post-lockdown period between the second quarters of 2021 and 2022, during which year-over-year inflation exceeded the Bank of Canada’s inflation-control target range ceiling of 3%. In addition to industry-wide trends, energy and food sectors are analyzed given their day-to-day relevance for Canadians.
    Release date: 2023-07-27

  • Articles and reports: 11-637-X202200100007

    As the seventh goal outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Canada and other UN member states have committed to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. This 2022 infographic provides an overview of indicators underlying the seventh Sustainable Development Goal in support of affordable and clean energy, and the statistics and data sources used to monitor and report on this goal in Canada.

    Release date: 2022-12-13

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2021080
    Description: This infographic showcases liquid renewable fuels in Canada in 2020. It discusses what liquid renewables are and how they are used. As well, it highlights some key trends in the production and blending of renewables.
    Release date: 2022-02-07

  • Thematic map: 16-201-X

    Human Activity and the Environment (16-201-X) focuses on current environmental issues. The latest information and statistics are gathered from many sources to produce an in-depth analytical article.

    Release date: 2022-01-25

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X202000100007

    An overview of the methods used to compile statistics on exports of energy products within the International Merchandise Trade Program, specifically for the continuous transmission commodities crude oil, natural gas and electricity. Some exceptional processes are followed for these products, and this paper summarizes the methods used, and explains the factors behind the methods selected.

    Release date: 2020-11-30

  • Articles and reports: 11-637-X202000100007
    Geography: Canada
    Description: As the seventh goal outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Canada and other UN member states have committed to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. This 2020 infographic provides an overview of indicators underlying the seventh Sustainable Development Goal in support of affordable and clean energy, and the statistics and data sources used to monitor and report on this goal in Canada.
    Release date: 2020-10-20

  • Journals and periodicals: 57-602-G

    The objective of this document is to present a proposed Statistical Framework for Energy in Canada, which will help guide data providers and users in the development of a strategic plan for addressing priority elements of the proposed framework.

    The framework is intended to apply to energy statistics in Canada in general, with application across a broad range of stakeholders involved in the collection, dissemination and use of energy statistics, including provincial and territorial administrative and statistical agencies.

    Release date: 2016-02-19

  • Articles and reports: 13-604-M2015080

    This article provides an estimate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) excluding expenditures on energy related products and compares it to total GDP.

    Release date: 2015-05-29

  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X201400111907
    Geography: Canada

    This study looks at uptake and disposal of compact fluorescent lights by Canadian households using data from the Households and the Environment Survey.

    Release date: 2014-03-19
Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-605-X201400214100

    Canadian international merchandise trade data are released monthly and may be revised in subsequent releases as new information becomes available. These data are released approximately 35 days following the close of the reference period and represent one of the timeliest economic indicators produced by Statistics Canada. Given their timeliness, some of the data are not received in time and need to be estimated or modelled. This is the case for imports and exports of crude petroleum and natural gas. More specifically, at the time of release, energy trade data are based on an incomplete set of information and are revised as Statistics Canada and National Energy Board information becomes available in the subsequent months. Due to the increasing importance of energy imports and exports and the timeliness of the data, the revisions to energy prices and volumes are having an increasingly significant impact on the monthly revision to Canada’s trade balance. This note explains how the estimates in the initial release are made when data sources are not yet available, and how the original data are adjusted in subsequent releases.

    Release date: 2014-10-03
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