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  • Table: 13-10-0744-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Number of premature and potentially avoidable deaths and premature and potentially avoidable age-standardized mortality rate, by sex, on an annual basis. Premature deaths are those of individuals who are younger than age 75. Avoidable mortality is defined as "untimely deaths that should not occur in the presence of timely and effective health care, including prevention". These data are available at the Canada, Province or territory level.
    Release date: 2023-11-08

  • Table: 17-10-0146-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Occasional

    Projected population (in thousands) by racialized group, generation status, age group, sex, census metropolitan area of residence, provinces and territories of residence, Canada, 2016 (observed) and 2017 to 2041 (projected according to eleven scenarios).

    Release date: 2022-09-08

  • Table: 43-10-0013-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Economic region
    Frequency: Annual

    Immigrant mobility and income, by sex, pre-admission experience, immigrant admission category, years since admission and admission year, for Canada, provinces and economic regions, 2016 constant dollars.

    Release date: 2020-01-13

  • Table: 43-10-0014-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Annual

    Immigrant mobility and income, by sex, pre-admission experience, immigrant admission category, years since admission and admission year, for Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas, 2016 constant dollars.

    Release date: 2020-01-13

  • Table: 43-10-0012-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual

    Number of immigrant tax filers, by province, admission year, sex, pre-admission experience and immigration category for tax years 1996 to 2016.

    Release date: 2018-12-24

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X200800110574
    Geography: Geographical region of Canada

    In order to celebrate Québec City's 400th birthday, this article is about the city's evolution, but also about the circumstances revolving around the censuses from the early beginnings up until now. The article looks at the census' history and at the data that emerged from it over the past four centuries.

    Release date: 2008-06-03
Data (5)

Data (5) ((5 results))

  • Table: 13-10-0744-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual
    Description: Number of premature and potentially avoidable deaths and premature and potentially avoidable age-standardized mortality rate, by sex, on an annual basis. Premature deaths are those of individuals who are younger than age 75. Avoidable mortality is defined as "untimely deaths that should not occur in the presence of timely and effective health care, including prevention". These data are available at the Canada, Province or territory level.
    Release date: 2023-11-08

  • Table: 17-10-0146-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Occasional

    Projected population (in thousands) by racialized group, generation status, age group, sex, census metropolitan area of residence, provinces and territories of residence, Canada, 2016 (observed) and 2017 to 2041 (projected according to eleven scenarios).

    Release date: 2022-09-08

  • Table: 43-10-0013-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Economic region
    Frequency: Annual

    Immigrant mobility and income, by sex, pre-admission experience, immigrant admission category, years since admission and admission year, for Canada, provinces and economic regions, 2016 constant dollars.

    Release date: 2020-01-13

  • Table: 43-10-0014-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory, Census metropolitan area, Census metropolitan area part
    Frequency: Annual

    Immigrant mobility and income, by sex, pre-admission experience, immigrant admission category, years since admission and admission year, for Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas, 2016 constant dollars.

    Release date: 2020-01-13

  • Table: 43-10-0012-01
    Geography: Canada, Geographical region of Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Annual

    Number of immigrant tax filers, by province, admission year, sex, pre-admission experience and immigration category for tax years 1996 to 2016.

    Release date: 2018-12-24
Analysis (1)

Analysis (1) ((1 result))

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X200800110574
    Geography: Geographical region of Canada

    In order to celebrate Québec City's 400th birthday, this article is about the city's evolution, but also about the circumstances revolving around the censuses from the early beginnings up until now. The article looks at the census' history and at the data that emerged from it over the past four centuries.

    Release date: 2008-06-03
Reference (0)

Reference (0) (0 results)

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