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All (22) (0 to 10 of 22 results)

  • Geographic files and documentation: 92-500-X
    Geography: Canada
    Description: The Road Network File (RNF) is a digital representation of Canada's national road network, containing information such as street names, types, directions and address ranges. The information comes from the National Geographic Database (NGD).

    A reference guide is available (92-500-G).

    Release date: 2024-06-26

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 71F0031X2015001
    Geography: Canada

    This paper introduces and explains modifications made to the Labour Force Survey estimates in January 2015. Some of these modifications include the adjustment of all LFS estimates to reflect population counts based on the 2011 Census and includes updates to 2011 Geography classification system.

    Release date: 2015-01-28

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 99-012-X2011006
    Geography: Canada

    This reference guide provides information that enables users to effectively use, apply and interpret data from the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS). This guide contains definitions and explanations of concepts, classifications, data quality and comparability to other sources. Additional information is included for specific variables to help general users better understand the concepts and questions used in the NHS.

    Release date: 2013-06-26

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 99-011-X2011006
    Geography: Canada

    This reference guide provides information that enables users to effectively use, apply and interpret data from the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS). This guide contains definitions and explanations of concepts, classifications, data quality and comparability to other sources. Additional information is included for specific variables to help general users better understand the concepts and questions used in the NHS.

    Release date: 2013-05-08

  • Articles and reports: 89-648-X2013002
    Geography: Canada

    Data matching is a common practice used to reduce the response burden of respondents and to improve the quality of the information collected from respondents when the linkage method does not introduce bias. However, historical linkage, which consists in linking external records from previous years to the year of the initial wave of a survey, is relatively rare and, until now, had not been used at Statistics Canada. The present paper describes the method used to link the records from the Living in Canada Survey pilot to historical tax data on income and labour (T1 and T4 files). It presents the evolution of the linkage rate going back over time and compares earnings data collected from personal income tax returns with those collected from employers file. To illustrate the new possibilities of analysis offered by this type of linkage, the study concludes with an earnings profile by age and sex for different cohorts based on year of birth.

    Release date: 2013-01-24

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X201200111625
    Geography: Canada

    This study compares estimates of the prevalence of cigarette smoking based on self-report with estimates based on urinary cotinine concentrations. The data are from the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey, which included self-reported smoking status and the first nationally representative measures of urinary cotinine.

    Release date: 2012-02-15

  • Articles and reports: 89-648-X2011001
    Geography: Canada

    In January 2006, a conference on longitudinal surveys hosted by Statistics Canada, the Social and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) concluded that Canada lacks a longitudinal survey which collects information on multiple subjects such as family, human capital, labour health and follows respondents for a long period of time. Following this conference, funds were received from the Policy Research Data Gaps fund (PRDG) to support a pilot survey for a new Canadian Household Panel Survey (CHPS-Pilot). Consultations on the design and content were held with academic and policy experts in 2007 and 2008, and a pilot survey was conducted in the fall of 2008. The objectives of the pilot survey were to (1) test a questionnaire, evaluate interview length and measure the quality of data collected, (2) evaluate several design features; and (3) test reactions to the survey from respondents and field workers. The pilot survey achieved a response rate of 76%, with a median household interview time of 64 minutes. Several innovative design features were tested, and found to be viable. Response to the survey, whether from respondents or interviewers, was generally positive. This paper highlights these and other results from the CHPS-Pilot.

    Release date: 2011-09-14

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800011012
    Geography: Canada

    Justice surveys represent a unique type of survey undertaken by Statistics Canada. While they all essentially use administrative data, Statistics Canada has had considerable input into the type of data that is collected as well as quality assurance methods guiding the collection of this data. This is true in the areas of policing, courts and corrections. The main crime survey, the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR), is the focus of this paper and was designed to measure the incidence of crime in Canadian society and its characteristics. The data is collected by the policing community in Canada and transmitted electronically to Statistics Canada. This paper will begin by providing an overview of the survey and its distinctive properties, such as the use of intermediaries (software vendors) that convert data from the police's information systems into the UCR survey format, following nationally defined data requirements. This level of consistency is uncommon for an administrative survey and permits a variety of opportunities for improving the overall data quality and capabilities of the survey. Various methods such as quality indicators and feedback reports are used on a regular basis and frequent two-way communication takes place with the respondents to correct existing data problems and to prevent future ones. We will discuss recent improvements to both the data itself and our collection methods that have enhanced the usability of the survey. Finally, future development of the survey will be discussed including some of the challenges that currently exist as well as those still to come.

    Release date: 2009-12-03

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-634-X2009008
    Geography: Canada

    The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a parent-reported instrument designed to provide information on children's behaviours and relationships. The SDQ consists of 25 items which are grouped into five subscales: (1) pro-social, (2) inattention-hyperactivity, (3) emotional symptoms, (4) conduct problems, and (5) peer problems. The SDQ was used to provide information on children aged 2 to 5 years in the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS). Though validated on general populations, the constructs of the SDQ have not been validated for off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children in Canada. The first objective of this evaluation is to examine if the five subscales of the SDQ demonstrate construct validity and reliability for off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children. The second objective is to examine if an alternative set of subscales, using the 25 SDQ items, may be more valid and reliable for off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children.

    Release date: 2009-11-25

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-639-X
    Geography: Canada

    Beginning in late 2006, the Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division of Statistics Canada embarked on the process of review of questions used in the Census and in surveys to produce data about Aboriginal peoples (North American Indian, Métis and Inuit). This process is essential to ensure that Aboriginal identification questions are valid measures of contemporary Aboriginal identification, in all its complexity. Questions reviewed included the following (from the Census 2B questionnaire):- the Ethnic origin / Aboriginal ancestry question;- the Aboriginal identity question;- the Treaty / Registered Indian question; and- the Indian band / First Nation Membership question.

    Additional testing was conducted on Census questions with potential Aboriginal response options: the population group question (also known as visible minorities), and the Religion question. The review process to date has involved two major steps: regional discussions with data users and stakeholders, and qualitative testing. The regional discussions with over 350 users of Aboriginal data across Canada were held in early 2007 to examine the four questions used on the Census and other surveys of Statistics Canada. Data users included National Aboriginal organizations, Aboriginal Provincial and Territorial Organizations, Federal, Provincial and local governments, researchers and Aboriginal service organizations. User feedback showed that main areas of concern were data quality, undercoverage, the wording of questions, and the importance of comparability over time.

    Release date: 2009-04-17
Data (0)

Data (0) (0 results)

No content available at this time.

Analysis (13)

Analysis (13) (10 to 20 of 13 results)

  • Articles and reports: 62F0014M1997009
    Geography: Canada

    A research program was recently initiated by Prices Division to explore the feasibility of using the hedonic approach for making quality adjustments in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for clothing items. The current paper is the first of a series, which attempts to derive hedonic quality adjustments for Men's Dress Shirts. A database for quality characteristics is first constructed, from which two experimental hedonic models are estimated. One of these models is then used to produce hedonic quality adjustments for all shirt substitutions that have occurred subsequent to May 1995 up to June 1996. These values are then compared with the actual quality adjustments used in the official CPI. Although results are preliminary, three important conclusions can be made. First, quality adjustments derived using the hedonic versus the traditional approach are very different, at least at the level of individual substitutions. Which of the two approaches is more accurate, however, is not evident at this premature stage. Second, the integrity of the data on quality characteristics will have to improve greatly if the hedonic approach is ever to be considered as a viable alternative. Finally, improving the source data on quality characteristics would be of value whether or not the hedonic approach is adopted for making quality adjustments. One of the ways this could be done would be to adopt the checklist approach, which is the current procedure in the United States and in Sweden.

    Release date: 1999-05-13

  • Articles and reports: 62F0014M1998011
    Geography: Canada

    This paper is the second in a series reporting on the current progress of a study whose purpose is to explore the feasibility of using the hedonic approach for making quality adjustments to the Clothing component of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). In this phase of the study, two preliminary checklists were developed for obtaining prices and quality characteristics for Men's Dress Shirts and Men's Sports Jackets. These checklists were then used for data collection in the field on expanded CPI samples for the two items. To date, the resulting database for Men's Dress Shirts has been used to derive a hedonic model. The main conclusions that can be made at this point are: 1) checklists represent a certain improvement over the current method of reporting and should be developed for all clothing items in the CPI; 2) if the hedonic approach to quality adjustment in clothing is to be formally adopted then the CPI samples will have to be augmented, at least periodically to permit estimation; and 3) more experience is needed with the hedonic approach in research mode, using clothing items with more complexity, before we can say whether the hedonic approach should be formally adopted as an alternative to our current method of quality adjustment for clothing items.

    Release date: 1999-05-13

  • Articles and reports: 67F0001M1997004
    Geography: Canada

    The study provides an overall assessment of Canada's balance of payments statistics with a special focus on the statistical discrepancy over the 1970 to 1991 period.

    Release date: 1997-05-13
Reference (9)

Reference (9) ((9 results))

  • Geographic files and documentation: 92-500-X
    Geography: Canada
    Description: The Road Network File (RNF) is a digital representation of Canada's national road network, containing information such as street names, types, directions and address ranges. The information comes from the National Geographic Database (NGD).

    A reference guide is available (92-500-G).

    Release date: 2024-06-26

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 71F0031X2015001
    Geography: Canada

    This paper introduces and explains modifications made to the Labour Force Survey estimates in January 2015. Some of these modifications include the adjustment of all LFS estimates to reflect population counts based on the 2011 Census and includes updates to 2011 Geography classification system.

    Release date: 2015-01-28

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 99-012-X2011006
    Geography: Canada

    This reference guide provides information that enables users to effectively use, apply and interpret data from the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS). This guide contains definitions and explanations of concepts, classifications, data quality and comparability to other sources. Additional information is included for specific variables to help general users better understand the concepts and questions used in the NHS.

    Release date: 2013-06-26

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 99-011-X2011006
    Geography: Canada

    This reference guide provides information that enables users to effectively use, apply and interpret data from the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS). This guide contains definitions and explanations of concepts, classifications, data quality and comparability to other sources. Additional information is included for specific variables to help general users better understand the concepts and questions used in the NHS.

    Release date: 2013-05-08

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-634-X2009008
    Geography: Canada

    The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a parent-reported instrument designed to provide information on children's behaviours and relationships. The SDQ consists of 25 items which are grouped into five subscales: (1) pro-social, (2) inattention-hyperactivity, (3) emotional symptoms, (4) conduct problems, and (5) peer problems. The SDQ was used to provide information on children aged 2 to 5 years in the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS). Though validated on general populations, the constructs of the SDQ have not been validated for off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children in Canada. The first objective of this evaluation is to examine if the five subscales of the SDQ demonstrate construct validity and reliability for off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children. The second objective is to examine if an alternative set of subscales, using the 25 SDQ items, may be more valid and reliable for off-reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit children.

    Release date: 2009-11-25

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-637-X2008003
    Geography: Canada

    This guide is intended to help data users understand the concepts and methods used in the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS), which was conducted from October 2006 to March 2007.

    Technical details on sampling, processing and data quality are included in this guide. Further, the guide explains the relationship between the APS and the 2006 Census and cautions users as to important differences in the data produced from these two sources. Appendix 1 provides a list of communities for which data are available while Appendix 2 contains a glossary of terms that relate to the APS. Answers to some frequently asked questions are provided in Appendix 3. Links to the 2006 APS questionnaires are found in Appendix 4.

    Release date: 2009-01-16

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81-595-M2007056
    Geography: Canada

    This handbook discusses the collection and interpretation of statistical data on Canada's trade in culture services.

    Release date: 2007-10-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-552-M2005013
    Geography: Canada

    This report documents key aspects of the development of the International Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey (ALL) - its theoretical roots, the domains selected for possible assessment, the approaches taken to assessment in each domain and the criteria that were employed to decide which domains were to be carried in the final design. As conceived, the ALL survey was meant to build on the success of the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) assessments by extending the range of skills assessed and by improving the quality of the assessment methods employed. This report documents several successes including: · the development of a new framework and associated robust measures for problem solving · the development of a powerful numeracy framework and associated robust measures · the specification of frameworks for practical cognition, teamwork and information and communication technology literacy The report also provides insight into those domains where development failed to yield approaches to assessment of sufficient quality, insight that reminds us that scientific advance in this domain is hard won.

    Release date: 2005-03-24

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81-595-M2004020
    Geography: Canada

    This article discusses the collection and interpretation of statistical data on Canada's trade in culture goods. It defines the products that are included in culture trade and explains how appropriate products are selected from the relevant classification standards.

    This version has been replaced by Culture Goods Trade Data User Guide, Catalogue No. 81-595-MIE2006040.

    Release date: 2004-07-28
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