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  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202300900001
    Description: Cybervictimization has emerged as a potentially serious form of victimization and has been associated with negative mental health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, disordered eating, and suicidality. However, very little research has examined the prevalence and correlates of cybervictimization among diverse subpopulations of youth. Using data from the 2019 Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth, this study describes the proportion of Canadian adolescents who have experienced cybervictimization and how this proportion may differ among subpopulations of Canadian adolescents (based on gender identity, ethnicity, and sexual orientation). This study also examines how these sociodemographic predictors are associated with the experience of cybervictimization and associations between cybervictimization and adolescent mental health and whether these associations differ among subpopulations.
    Release date: 2023-09-20

  • Articles and reports: 46-28-0001202100100004

    This article about people who are LGBTQ2+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, or another non-binary gender or minority sexual identity) is part of the "Housing Experiences in Canada" fact sheet series. This series focuses on housing indicators that provide information on the housing experiences of different population groups, with a focus on those identified in legislation that recognizes housing as a human right.

    Release date: 2021-11-22
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Analysis (2)

Analysis (2) ((2 results))

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X202300900001
    Description: Cybervictimization has emerged as a potentially serious form of victimization and has been associated with negative mental health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, disordered eating, and suicidality. However, very little research has examined the prevalence and correlates of cybervictimization among diverse subpopulations of youth. Using data from the 2019 Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth, this study describes the proportion of Canadian adolescents who have experienced cybervictimization and how this proportion may differ among subpopulations of Canadian adolescents (based on gender identity, ethnicity, and sexual orientation). This study also examines how these sociodemographic predictors are associated with the experience of cybervictimization and associations between cybervictimization and adolescent mental health and whether these associations differ among subpopulations.
    Release date: 2023-09-20

  • Articles and reports: 46-28-0001202100100004

    This article about people who are LGBTQ2+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, or another non-binary gender or minority sexual identity) is part of the "Housing Experiences in Canada" fact sheet series. This series focuses on housing indicators that provide information on the housing experiences of different population groups, with a focus on those identified in legislation that recognizes housing as a human right.

    Release date: 2021-11-22
Reference (0)

Reference (0) (0 results)

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