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  • Notices and consultations: 92-126-S

    This report highlights the results of the geography portion of the 2001 Census consultation process. At the June 1998 federal-provincial conference session on the 2001 Census, geography was described as the "cornerstone" of the census. Based on the submissions received in the past year, many users feel the same way. It is the standard geographic areas that determine the framework in which the data will be released. It is the users, through the consultation process, who influence the changes to the standard geographic areas that are recommended for each census.

    Release date: 1999-03-31
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Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Notices and consultations: 92-126-S

    This report highlights the results of the geography portion of the 2001 Census consultation process. At the June 1998 federal-provincial conference session on the 2001 Census, geography was described as the "cornerstone" of the census. Based on the submissions received in the past year, many users feel the same way. It is the standard geographic areas that determine the framework in which the data will be released. It is the users, through the consultation process, who influence the changes to the standard geographic areas that are recommended for each census.

    Release date: 1999-03-31
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