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All (1) ((1 result))

  • Table: 98-402-X2016001
    Geography: Federal electoral district, Canada, Province or territory, Census division, Census subdivision, Designated place, Economic region, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration part, Census tract, Population centre, Dissemination area, Aggregate Dissemination Area

    These tables provide population and dwelling counts established by the 2016 Census of Population. The levels of geography covered are Canada, provinces and territories and other...

    Release date: 2017-02-08
Data (1)

Data (1) ((1 result))

  • Table: 98-402-X2016001
    Geography: Federal electoral district, Canada, Province or territory, Census division, Census subdivision, Designated place, Economic region, Census metropolitan area, Census agglomeration, Census metropolitan area part, Census agglomeration part, Census tract, Population centre, Dissemination area, Aggregate Dissemination Area

    These tables provide population and dwelling counts established by the 2016 Census of Population. The levels of geography covered are Canada, provinces and territories and other...

    Release date: 2017-02-08
Analysis (0)

Analysis (0) (0 results)

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