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  • Public use microdata: 71M0010X

    The objective of this survey is to:- measure the frequency and number of job changes occurring in the Canadian labour market over one-two-and three year periods;- provide information on the characteristics of jobs held (wage rates, usual work schedules, etc.);- identify groups of people who would benefit from EIC programs;- identify participants of specific EIC programs.

    Both cross-sectional (annual) files as well as longitudinal files are available as separate computer (main frame) tapes or together on a Compact Disk.

    Release date: 1993-03-04
Data (1)

Data (1) ((1 result))

  • Public use microdata: 71M0010X

    The objective of this survey is to:- measure the frequency and number of job changes occurring in the Canadian labour market over one-two-and three year periods;- provide information on the characteristics of jobs held (wage rates, usual work schedules, etc.);- identify groups of people who would benefit from EIC programs;- identify participants of specific EIC programs.

    Both cross-sectional (annual) files as well as longitudinal files are available as separate computer (main frame) tapes or together on a Compact Disk.

    Release date: 1993-03-04
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