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Survey or statistical program

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  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-602-X
    Description: With the 2015 comprehensive revision, the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts (CSMA) has introduced a major presentational change to the national and the provincial and territorial input-output tables. The previous CSMA input-output presentation differed from the international standard and the practice found in most national statistical organizations. The CSMA has aligned its presentation with the international standard and replaces the presentation found in catalogues 15F0041X and 15F0042X, as well as 15F0002X.
    Release date: 2023-11-08

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 11-633-X2019001

    The mandate of the Analytical Studies Branch (ASB) is to provide high-quality, relevant and timely information on economic, health and social issues that are important to Canadians. The branch strategically makes use of expert knowledge and a large range of statistical sources to describe, draw inferences from, and make objective and scientifically supported deductions about the evolving nature of the Canadian economy and society. Research questions are addressed by applying leading-edge methods, including microsimulation and predictive analytics using a range of linked and integrated administrative and survey data. In supporting greater access to data, ASB linked data are made available to external researchers and policy makers to support evidence-based decision making. Research results are disseminated by the branch using a range of mediums (i.e., research papers, studies, infographics, videos, and blogs) to meet user needs. The branch also provides analytical support and training, feedback, and quality assurance to the wide range of programs within and outside Statistics Canada.

    Release date: 2019-05-29

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15F0004X

    The input-output (IO) models are generally used to simulate the economic impacts of an expenditure on a given basket of goods and services or the output of one or several industries. The simulation results from a "shock" to an IO model will show the direct, indirect and induced impacts on GDP, which industries benefit the most, the number of jobs created, estimates of indirect taxes and subsidies generated, etc. For more details, ask us for the Guide to using the input-output simulation model, available free of charge upon request.

    At various times, clients have requested the use of IO price, energy, tax and market models. Given their availability, arrangements can be made to use these models on request.

    The national IO model was not released in 2015 or 2016.

    Release date: 2019-04-04

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15F0009X

    The input-output (IO) models are generally used to simulate the economic impacts of an expenditure on a given basket of goods and services or the output of one or several industries. The simulation results from a "shock" to an IO model will show the direct, indirect and induced impacts on GDP, which industries benefit the most, the number of jobs created, estimates of indirect taxes and subsidies generated, etc. For more details, ask us for the Guide to using the input-output simulation model, available free of charge upon request.

    At various times, clients have requested the use of IO price, energy, tax and market models. Given their availability, arrangements can be made to use these models on request.

    The interprovincial IO model was not released in 2015 or 2016.

    Release date: 2019-04-04

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G
    Description: This guide provides a detailed explanation of the structure, concepts and history of Canada’s System of Macroeconomic Accounts.
    Release date: 2018-06-22

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114624

    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada’s new government financial statistics-based public sector accounts.

    Release date: 2018-06-22

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15F0046X

    The input-output multipliers are derived from the supply and use tables. They are used to assess the effects on the economy of an exogenous change in final demand for the output of a given industry. They provide a measure of the interdependence between an industry and the rest of the economy.

    The national and provincial multipliers show the direct, indirect, and induced effects on gross output, the detailed components of GDP, jobs, and imports. Like the supply and use tables, the multipliers are presented at four levels of aggregation: Detail level (236 industries), Link-1997 level (187 industries), Link-1961 level (111 industries) and Summary level (35 industries).

    Release date: 2018-04-03

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-605-X201700114839

    Users of macroeconomic statistics require long time series in order to understand economic cycles, forecast and conduct economic modeling. In general the longer the time series the better users are able to understand the economy. Statistics Canada has been producing macroeconomic account statistics since the 1930s. Over the last 80 plus years these statistics have evolved due to the changing nature of the economy, the development of international macroeconomic accounting standards and the development of new statistical methods and processes.

    Release date: 2017-08-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114623

    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada’s balance of payments and international investment position accounts.

    Release date: 2017-05-31

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-606-G201600114621

    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada’s financial flow and national balance sheet accounts.

    Release date: 2016-11-30
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Reference (139)

Reference (139) (40 to 50 of 139 results)

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 12-589-X

    This free publication presents the concepts and criteria utilized to determine the entities that comprise the public sector of Canada.

    The resulting statistical universe provides the framework to observe the extent of governments' involvement in the production of goods and services and the associated resource allocation process in the Canadian economy.

    The concepts and criteria contained in the guide are consistent with two internationally accepted classification standards: the System of National Accounts (SNA 2008) guide; and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001.

    As well, the guide delineates the various public sector components that are used in compiling and aggregating public sector data. This structure also enables comparisons of Canadian government finance data with international macroeconomic statistical systems.

    Release date: 2008-09-26

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2008018

    Official data from statistical agencies are not always ideal for cross-country comparisons because of differences in data sources and methodology. Analysts who engage in cross-country comparisons need to carefully choose among alternatives and sometimes adapt data especially for their purposes. This paper develops comparable capital stock estimates to examine the relative capital intensity of Canada and the United States.

    To do so, the paper applies common depreciation rates to Canadian and U.S. assets to come up with comparable capital stock estimates by assets and by industry between the two countries. Based on common depreciation rates, it finds that capital intensity is higher in the Canadian business sector than in the U.S. business sector. This is the net result of quite different ratios at the individual asset level. Canada has as higher intensity of engineering infrastructure assets per dollar of gross domestic product produced. Canada has a lower intensity of information and communications technology (ICT) machinery and equipment (M&E). Non-ICT M&E and building assets intensities are more alike in the two countries.

    However, these results do not control for the fact that different asset-specific capital intensities between Canada and the United States may be the result of a different industrial structure. When both assets and industry structure are taken into account, the overall picture changes somewhat. Canada's business sector continues to have a higher intensity of engineering infrastructure and about the same intensity of building assets; however, it has a deficit in M&E that goes beyond ICT assets.

    Release date: 2008-07-10

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-017-X
    Description: This guide focuses on the Income and Expenditure Accounts. It provides an overview, an outline of the concepts and definitions, an explanation of the sources of information and statistical methods, a glossary of terms, and a broad compilation of other facts about the accounts.
    Release date: 2008-06-30

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2008016

    This paper focuses on the role of investments in infrastructure in Canada. The size of infrastructure investments relative to other capital stock sets this country apart from most other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. The paper reviews the approaches taken by other researchers to define infrastructure. It then outlines a taxonomy to define those assets that should be considered as infrastructure and that can be used to assess the importance of different types of capital investments. It briefly considers how to define the portion of infrastructure that should be considered 'public'. The final two parts of the paper apply the proposed classification system to data on Canada's capital stock, and ask the following questions: how much infrastructure does Canada have and in which sectors of the economy is this infrastructure located? Finally, the paper investigates how Canada's infrastructure has evolved over the last four decades, both in the commercial and non-commercial sectors, and compares these trends with the pattern that can be found in the United States.

    Release date: 2008-03-12

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2008017

    This paper provides an overview of the productivity program at Statistics Canada and a brief description of Canada's productivity performance. The paper defines productivity and the various measures that are used to investigate different aspects of productivity growth. It describes the difference between partial productivity measures (such as labour productivity) and a more complete measure (multifactor productivity) and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The paper explains why productivity is important. It outlines how productivity growth fits into the growth accounting framework and how this framework is used to examine the various sources of economic growth. The paper briefly discusses the challenges that face statisticians in measuring productivity growth. It also provides an overview of Canada's long-term productivity performance and compares Canada to the United States - both in terms of productivity levels and productivity growth rates.

    Release date: 2008-02-25

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-604-M2007052

    This Canadian Tourism Satellite Account Handbook developed by Statistics Canada is intended as a guide to how the Canadian Tourism Satellite Account (CTSA) is compiled. The Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) has become the internationally recognized framework and a vital tool by which to measure tourism activity in an economy. The goal of this handbook is to make the CTSA and its inner workings as transparent as possible by bringing previous internal documentation into the public realm along side previously published documents and new documentation. By sharing the Canadian practical experiences in development of the TSA, it should benefit other countries and other interested practitioners in the process of developing and understanding TSAs.

    This handbook covers information on the relevant tourism and national accounting concepts and definitions related to the CTSA. Detailed explanations of the various survey data sources and the methods used to move this data into the TSA framework are discussed.

    Release date: 2007-12-14

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2007014

    The Canadian Productivity Accounts (CPA) of Statistics Canada maintain two multifactor productivity (MFP) programs.

    The Major Sector Multifactor Productivity Program develops the indexes of MFP for the total business sector and major industry groups in the business sector.

    The Industry Multifactor Productivity Program or the Industry KLEMS Productivity Program develops the industry productivity database that includes MFP indexes, output, capital (K), labour (L), energy (E), materials (M) and services (S) inputs for the individual industries of the business sector at various levels of industry aggregation. This paper describes the methodologies and data sources that are used to construct the major sector MFP indexes and the industry productivity database (or the KLEMS database). More specifically, this paper is meant to:provide a background of the major sector MFP program and the industry KLEMS productivity program;present the methodology for measuring MFP;describe the data sources and data available from the MFP programs;present a quality rating of the industry KLEMS productivity data; anddescribe the research agenda related to the MFP program.

    Release date: 2007-12-06

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2007012

    This paper examines the various products associated with the quarterly labour productivity program. It outlines the nature of the volatility in the very short-run estimates and examines properties of the revisions made to the estimates of Canadian labour productivity and its components (gross domestic product and hours worked) since the inception of the program in 2001.

    Release date: 2007-10-18

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-598-X

    How does one summarize a lifetime of professional accomplishment? In some instances, one good way is to compile a book, as we have done here. This volume brings together in one place the substantial number of papers written by Kishori Lal during his lengthy career as a national accounts statistician at Statistics Canada.

    Kishori's papers cover a range of subject matter, responding to the twisting current of events through parts of five decades. They have one thing in common: All of the papers focus on one or another aspect of the development of Canada's System of National Accounts. Kishori believes deeply in and is utterly devoted to that system. It grew and evolved quite radically during Kishori's long career. The changes Canada's SNA went through followed closely, or in some cases led the development of the international SNA standard. He has left his mark indelibly on both.

    The advent of the 1993 SNA gave the impetus for several papers. These examined the implications of the new standard for Canada's national accounts and explored issues associated with its practical implementation in the 1997 historical revision. 'Production' was always a central focus of his work and many of the papers in this volume consider aspects of Canada's input-output accounts. Over the years he also turned his attention to several specific production measurement issues, such as the treatment of 'financial intermediation services indirectly measured' (FISIM) and inventory change. International comparisons were a special interest. Indeed one of his best papers, written in the year before he retired, contrasted the United States national accounts with the Canadian accounts. This detailed and authoritative paper was widely acclaimed south as well as north of the border. Subsequently the Australian Bureau of Statistics indicated they intended to prepare a similar paper, extending the comparison to include the Australian national accounts, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris asked if they could publish Kishori's work to give the study even wider exposure.

    Release date: 2007-06-21

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 15-206-X2007009

    This paper examines the effects of alternative specifications of the user costs of capital on the estimated price and volume indices of capital services. It asks how sensitive the results are to the use of exogenous versus endogenous rates of return, to alternate ways of including capital gains, and to whether corrections are made for tax rates. The paper also examines the effect of the various user cost formulae on the measured multifactor productivity growth.

    Release date: 2007-04-04
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