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  • Articles and reports: 91F0015M2008009
    Geography: Canada

    In Canada, there has been growing discussion over the aging of the population and other socio-demographic trends which affect the availability of the informal support network of the elderly population. Noting the lower fertility rates of baby boomers, the increased participation of women in the labour force and changing family structure in terms of increased divorce and reconstituted families, assumptions of continued high level assistance from informal support networks - family and friends - are often criticized.

    The main objective of this research is to project the future availability of informal support network to meet the need for assistance in performing everyday activities among the disabled elderly population for the period 2001 to 2031. The research examined both sides - supply and demand - of the projected increases in need for assistance for disabled older persons. Future trends are analyzed in terms of demand for support, (that is, changes in the rates of disability among the elderly population), and supply of informal support, (which is largely related to the extent and composition of the family network). Data from two national surveys, the 1996 National Population Health Survey (NPHS) and the 1996 General Social Survey (GSS), are used to identify factors associated with disability and sources of assistance among the elderly population. These results were entered into Statistics Canada's LifePaths microsimulation model to project the use of informal and formal networks in the future. The model also incorporates three disability scenarios to test the sensitivity of the projections when different assumptions are considered. The implications of these trends on the future need for chronic home care services are discussed.

    The results show that for the period 2001 to 2031, the average annual growth rate of the number of disabled elderly needing assistance could be about 2.5%. However, the sensitivity analysis shows that an improvement in the health of the population could reduce in a non negligible way this growth rate.

    The results also show that, all things being equal, a greater proportion of elderly persons living with a spouse would relieve some of the pressure on the formal network. This positive effect could be dampened in part when joint survivorship is also meaning joint disability.

    Release date: 2008-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X200800210689
    Geography: Canada

    Using data from the 2007 General Social Survey, this article investigates new national level data on caregiving. It is well established that family and friends provide care to ailing seniors. Focusing on caregivers aged 45 and over, the article examines whether family and friend care differs by the type of health problem the senior has (be it physical or mental), or whether the care was provided to a senior living in a private household or care facility. We also look at who provides care to seniors, which tasks are provided and how often, how caregivers cope, and where they turn in order to seek support. Included is a profile of the seniors 65 years and over with a long-term health problem who were receiving care from these caregivers.

    Release date: 2008-10-21

  • Table: 89-633-X
    Geography: Province or territory

    Cycle 21 of the 2007 General Social Survey (GSS) was on "Family, Social Support and Retirement". Data were collected over a 9 month period from March to December 2007 with a sample of approximately 25,000 respondents representing the non-institutionalized population in the 10 provinces. These tables contain data on the prevalence of care given and received by seniors because of long-term health problems, selected employment consequences of providing care to seniors and self-rated stress experienced by caregivers. All tables are available by sex and age groups, and for Canada and the provinces or regions.

    Release date: 2008-10-21

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2008068
    Geography: Canada

    Using major Statistics Canada data sources related to the education and training of Canadians, this publication presents a jurisdictional view of what we currently know on educating health workers to begin to address some critical questions facing Canadians today: Does Canada have enough interested individuals with the right skills who want to work in health? Does it have the infrastructure, capacity, and effective education system to ensure an adequate supply of health workers to meet future health care demands?

    As such, this report reveals some important information about what happens before, during and after health education. It focuses on interest in health occupations, the number of students taking and graduating from postsecondary health programs along with their socio-demographic characteristics and those of the faculty teaching these programs, the labour market experiences of recent graduates from these programs - including their mobility after graduation - as well as the ongoing participation of health workers in formal and informal training.

    Release date: 2008-10-10

  • Articles and reports: 82-622-X2008002
    Geography: Canada

    This study uses data from the Canadian Survey of Experiences with Primary Health Care to assess the degree to which Canadians have access to primary health care teams and the impact of those teams on processes of care and on outcomes. The study is comprised of three projects: determinants of access to primary health care teams (Project 1); the impact of primary health care teams on various processes of care (Project 2); and identification of pathways through which primary health care teams affect outcomes of care (Project 3).

    Release date: 2008-07-15

  • Articles and reports: 82-622-X2008001
    Geography: Canada

    In this study, I examine the factorial validity of selected modules from the Canadian Survey of Experiences with Primary Health Care (CSE-PHC), in order to determine the potential for combining the items within each module into summary indices representing global primary health care concepts. The modules examined were: Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC), Patient Activation (PA), Managing Own Health Care (MOHC), and Confidence in the Health Care System (CHCS). Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on each module to assess the degree to which multiple observed items reflected the presence of common latent factors. While a four-factor model was initially specified for the PACIC instrument on the basis of priory theory and research, it did not fit the data well; rather, a revised two-factor model was found to be most appropriate. These two factors were labelled: "Whole Person Care" and "Coordination of Care". The remaining modules studied here (i.e., PA, MOHC, and CHCS) were all well-represented by single-factor models. The results suggest that the original factor structure of the PACIC developed within studies using clinical samples does not hold in general populations, although the precise reasons for this are not clear. Further empirical investigation will be required to shed more light on this discrepancy. The two factors identified here for the PACIC, as well as the single factors produced for the PA, MOHC, and CHCS could be used as the basis of summary indices for use in further analyses with the CSE-PHC.

    Release date: 2008-07-08

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X200800110615

    We consider optimal sampling rates in element-sampling designs when the anticipated analysis is survey-weighted linear regression and the estimands of interest are linear combinations of regression coefficients from one or more models. Methods are first developed assuming that exact design information is available in the sampling frame and then generalized to situations in which some design variables are available only as aggregates for groups of potential subjects, or from inaccurate or old data. We also consider design for estimation of combinations of coefficients from more than one model. A further generalization allows for flexible combinations of coefficients chosen to improve estimation of one effect while controlling for another. Potential applications include estimation of means for several sets of overlapping domains, or improving estimates for subpopulations such as minority races by disproportionate sampling of geographic areas. In the motivating problem of designing a survey on care received by cancer patients (the CanCORS study), potential design information included block-level census data on race/ethnicity and poverty as well as individual-level data. In one study site, an unequal-probability sampling design using the subjectss residential addresses and census data would have reduced the variance of the estimator of an income effect by 25%, or by 38% if the subjects' races were also known. With flexible weighting of the income contrasts by race, the variance of the estimator would be reduced by 26% using residential addresses alone and by 52% using addresses and races. Our methods would be useful in studies in which geographic oversampling by race-ethnicity or socioeconomic characteristics is considered, or in any study in which characteristics available in sampling frames are measured with error.

    Release date: 2008-06-26

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X200800210565
    Geography: Canada

    This article examines associations between medication error and selected factors in the workplace of hospital-employed registered nurses in Canada. Data are from the 2005 National Survey of the Work and Health of Nurses.

    Release date: 2008-05-14

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X200800110532
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This article examines whether consultations with health care providers, not having a regular doctor, receipt of preventive screening tests, and unmet health care needs vary by sexual identity for Canadians aged 18 to 59. Results are based on the Canadian Community Health Survey, combined 2003 and 2005 data.
    Release date: 2008-03-19

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200600110404

    Pursuing reduction in cost and response burden in survey programs has led to increased use of information available in administrative databases. Linkages between these two data sources is a way to exploit their complementary nature and maximize their respective usefulness. This paper discusses the various ways we have performed record linkage between the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) and the Health Person-Oriented Information (HPOI) databases. The files resulting from selected linkage methods are used in an analysis of risk factors for having been hospitalized for heart disease. The sensitivity of the analysis with respect to the various linkage approaches is investigated.

    Release date: 2008-03-17
Data (1)

Data (1) ((1 result))

  • Table: 89-633-X
    Geography: Province or territory

    Cycle 21 of the 2007 General Social Survey (GSS) was on "Family, Social Support and Retirement". Data were collected over a 9 month period from March to December 2007 with a sample of approximately 25,000 respondents representing the non-institutionalized population in the 10 provinces. These tables contain data on the prevalence of care given and received by seniors because of long-term health problems, selected employment consequences of providing care to seniors and self-rated stress experienced by caregivers. All tables are available by sex and age groups, and for Canada and the provinces or regions.

    Release date: 2008-10-21
Analysis (12)

Analysis (12) (0 to 10 of 12 results)

  • Articles and reports: 91F0015M2008009
    Geography: Canada

    In Canada, there has been growing discussion over the aging of the population and other socio-demographic trends which affect the availability of the informal support network of the elderly population. Noting the lower fertility rates of baby boomers, the increased participation of women in the labour force and changing family structure in terms of increased divorce and reconstituted families, assumptions of continued high level assistance from informal support networks - family and friends - are often criticized.

    The main objective of this research is to project the future availability of informal support network to meet the need for assistance in performing everyday activities among the disabled elderly population for the period 2001 to 2031. The research examined both sides - supply and demand - of the projected increases in need for assistance for disabled older persons. Future trends are analyzed in terms of demand for support, (that is, changes in the rates of disability among the elderly population), and supply of informal support, (which is largely related to the extent and composition of the family network). Data from two national surveys, the 1996 National Population Health Survey (NPHS) and the 1996 General Social Survey (GSS), are used to identify factors associated with disability and sources of assistance among the elderly population. These results were entered into Statistics Canada's LifePaths microsimulation model to project the use of informal and formal networks in the future. The model also incorporates three disability scenarios to test the sensitivity of the projections when different assumptions are considered. The implications of these trends on the future need for chronic home care services are discussed.

    The results show that for the period 2001 to 2031, the average annual growth rate of the number of disabled elderly needing assistance could be about 2.5%. However, the sensitivity analysis shows that an improvement in the health of the population could reduce in a non negligible way this growth rate.

    The results also show that, all things being equal, a greater proportion of elderly persons living with a spouse would relieve some of the pressure on the formal network. This positive effect could be dampened in part when joint survivorship is also meaning joint disability.

    Release date: 2008-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 11-008-X200800210689
    Geography: Canada

    Using data from the 2007 General Social Survey, this article investigates new national level data on caregiving. It is well established that family and friends provide care to ailing seniors. Focusing on caregivers aged 45 and over, the article examines whether family and friend care differs by the type of health problem the senior has (be it physical or mental), or whether the care was provided to a senior living in a private household or care facility. We also look at who provides care to seniors, which tasks are provided and how often, how caregivers cope, and where they turn in order to seek support. Included is a profile of the seniors 65 years and over with a long-term health problem who were receiving care from these caregivers.

    Release date: 2008-10-21

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2008068
    Geography: Canada

    Using major Statistics Canada data sources related to the education and training of Canadians, this publication presents a jurisdictional view of what we currently know on educating health workers to begin to address some critical questions facing Canadians today: Does Canada have enough interested individuals with the right skills who want to work in health? Does it have the infrastructure, capacity, and effective education system to ensure an adequate supply of health workers to meet future health care demands?

    As such, this report reveals some important information about what happens before, during and after health education. It focuses on interest in health occupations, the number of students taking and graduating from postsecondary health programs along with their socio-demographic characteristics and those of the faculty teaching these programs, the labour market experiences of recent graduates from these programs - including their mobility after graduation - as well as the ongoing participation of health workers in formal and informal training.

    Release date: 2008-10-10

  • Articles and reports: 82-622-X2008002
    Geography: Canada

    This study uses data from the Canadian Survey of Experiences with Primary Health Care to assess the degree to which Canadians have access to primary health care teams and the impact of those teams on processes of care and on outcomes. The study is comprised of three projects: determinants of access to primary health care teams (Project 1); the impact of primary health care teams on various processes of care (Project 2); and identification of pathways through which primary health care teams affect outcomes of care (Project 3).

    Release date: 2008-07-15

  • Articles and reports: 82-622-X2008001
    Geography: Canada

    In this study, I examine the factorial validity of selected modules from the Canadian Survey of Experiences with Primary Health Care (CSE-PHC), in order to determine the potential for combining the items within each module into summary indices representing global primary health care concepts. The modules examined were: Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC), Patient Activation (PA), Managing Own Health Care (MOHC), and Confidence in the Health Care System (CHCS). Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on each module to assess the degree to which multiple observed items reflected the presence of common latent factors. While a four-factor model was initially specified for the PACIC instrument on the basis of priory theory and research, it did not fit the data well; rather, a revised two-factor model was found to be most appropriate. These two factors were labelled: "Whole Person Care" and "Coordination of Care". The remaining modules studied here (i.e., PA, MOHC, and CHCS) were all well-represented by single-factor models. The results suggest that the original factor structure of the PACIC developed within studies using clinical samples does not hold in general populations, although the precise reasons for this are not clear. Further empirical investigation will be required to shed more light on this discrepancy. The two factors identified here for the PACIC, as well as the single factors produced for the PA, MOHC, and CHCS could be used as the basis of summary indices for use in further analyses with the CSE-PHC.

    Release date: 2008-07-08

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X200800110615

    We consider optimal sampling rates in element-sampling designs when the anticipated analysis is survey-weighted linear regression and the estimands of interest are linear combinations of regression coefficients from one or more models. Methods are first developed assuming that exact design information is available in the sampling frame and then generalized to situations in which some design variables are available only as aggregates for groups of potential subjects, or from inaccurate or old data. We also consider design for estimation of combinations of coefficients from more than one model. A further generalization allows for flexible combinations of coefficients chosen to improve estimation of one effect while controlling for another. Potential applications include estimation of means for several sets of overlapping domains, or improving estimates for subpopulations such as minority races by disproportionate sampling of geographic areas. In the motivating problem of designing a survey on care received by cancer patients (the CanCORS study), potential design information included block-level census data on race/ethnicity and poverty as well as individual-level data. In one study site, an unequal-probability sampling design using the subjectss residential addresses and census data would have reduced the variance of the estimator of an income effect by 25%, or by 38% if the subjects' races were also known. With flexible weighting of the income contrasts by race, the variance of the estimator would be reduced by 26% using residential addresses alone and by 52% using addresses and races. Our methods would be useful in studies in which geographic oversampling by race-ethnicity or socioeconomic characteristics is considered, or in any study in which characteristics available in sampling frames are measured with error.

    Release date: 2008-06-26

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X200800210565
    Geography: Canada

    This article examines associations between medication error and selected factors in the workplace of hospital-employed registered nurses in Canada. Data are from the 2005 National Survey of the Work and Health of Nurses.

    Release date: 2008-05-14

  • Articles and reports: 82-003-X200800110532
    Geography: Canada
    Description: This article examines whether consultations with health care providers, not having a regular doctor, receipt of preventive screening tests, and unmet health care needs vary by sexual identity for Canadians aged 18 to 59. Results are based on the Canadian Community Health Survey, combined 2003 and 2005 data.
    Release date: 2008-03-19

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200600110404

    Pursuing reduction in cost and response burden in survey programs has led to increased use of information available in administrative databases. Linkages between these two data sources is a way to exploit their complementary nature and maximize their respective usefulness. This paper discusses the various ways we have performed record linkage between the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) and the Health Person-Oriented Information (HPOI) databases. The files resulting from selected linkage methods are used in an analysis of risk factors for having been hospitalized for heart disease. The sensitivity of the analysis with respect to the various linkage approaches is investigated.

    Release date: 2008-03-17

  • Articles and reports: 11-522-X200600110431

    We describe statistical disclosure control methods (SDC) developed for a public release Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (CHIRPP) micro-data file. CHIRPP is a national injury surveillance database managed by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). After describing CHIRPP, the paper includes a brief overview of basic SDC concepts, as an introduction to the process for selecting and developing the appropriate SDC methods for CHIRPP given its specific challenges and requirements. We then summarize some key results. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implication of this work for the health information field and closing remarks with respect to the some methodological issues for consideration.

    Release date: 2008-03-17
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