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- Articles and reports: 11-622-M2015031Description:
Canada has a large group of unincorporated self-employed businesses that play a critical role in the early lifecycle of firms. This study presents summary statistics on the importance of a particular group of the self-employed: those whose primary source of income from employment comes from an unincorporated business.
The unincorporated self-employed measured in this study are those who file the Canada Revenue Agency’s income tax return (the T1 form) and report self-employed income as the primary source of their income. The study spans the period from 1989 to 2010.
Release date: 2015-10-08 - Articles and reports: 13-605-X201500814225Description:
With Canadian companies increasingly engaged in the global economy there is a growing demand for more detailed information on their international activities to better understand how Canadian businesses are expanding internationally and what the benefits/consequences are for Canada.
Outward Foreign Affiliate Statistics (FAS), which describe the activities as well as financial positions of Canadian majority-owned foreign affiliates (MOFAS), can shed light on some of these issues by going beyond the traditional realm of cross-border foreign investment statistics to articulate the activities and financial positions of Canadian enterprises that operate abroad. As an extension of statistics on foreign direct investment they can be seen as providing additional insight of the effect on economic agents in national economies in terms of earnings, productivity, employment, trade and foreign exposures resulting from an increasingly inter-connected and integrated global economy.
This paper presents some data development work on the expansion of the outward FAS program at Statistics Canada, the considerations and strategy for improvement, and provides a first look at the expanded details in the form of provisional estimates for reference year 2012.
Release date: 2015-09-15 - 3. Activities of foreign majority-owned affiliates in Canada — Provisional estimates for reference year 2011 ArchivedArticles and reports: 13-605-X201500714220Description:
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - both Canadian Direct Investment Abroad (CDIA) and Foreign Direct Investment in Canada (FDIC) - is a useful indicator of Canada’s level of economic globalization, allowing some insight on how interrelated our economic infrastructure is with jurisdictions in the rest of the world. These data provide information on the first level of connectivity of international inter-corporate relationships, which are closely related to trade and fragmented global production-distribution.
Foreign Affiliate Statistics are an extension of statistics on Foreign Direction Investment. They provide additional insight of the effect on economic agents in national economies in terms of earnings, productivity, employment, trade and foreign exposures resulting from an increasingly inter-connected and integrated global economy. Inward Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FAS) describe the activities as well as financial positions of Majority-Owned Domestic Affiliates (MODAs), a subset of Canadian direct investment enterprises and their consolidated subsidiaries operating in the Canadian economy. FAS are derived from international FDI concepts and frameworks. Statistics Canada’s Inward Foreign Affiliate and Trade Statistics program is closely related to expanded estimates of outward FAS, described in a separate paper. Both inward and outward FAS are part of, and this work lays the groundwork for, the development and release of a broader set of data on the Activities of Multi-National Enterprises (AMNE). This paper presents some data development work on inward foreign affiliate statistics that is a step towards shedding light on some of these issues.
This paper found that MODAs account for a significant share of assets, operating revenues and employment in the Canadian economy. Furthermore, MODAs assumed even higher shares of exports and imports of goods and services.
Release date: 2015-09-02 - 4. Quarterly Business and Employment Dynamics: Experimental Estimates, First Quarter 2001 to Third Quarter 2014 ArchivedArticles and reports: 11-626-X2015045Description:
This Economic Insights article presents quarterly estimates of employer business entry and exit, and the associated job creation and destruction from the first quarter of 2001 to the third quarter of 2014. These quarterly estimates supplement the annual data provided by Statistics Canada’s Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program (LEAP) by providing more timely, infra-annual data on business and employment dynamics.
Release date: 2015-03-31
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Analysis (4)
Analysis (4) ((4 results))
- Articles and reports: 11-622-M2015031Description:
Canada has a large group of unincorporated self-employed businesses that play a critical role in the early lifecycle of firms. This study presents summary statistics on the importance of a particular group of the self-employed: those whose primary source of income from employment comes from an unincorporated business.
The unincorporated self-employed measured in this study are those who file the Canada Revenue Agency’s income tax return (the T1 form) and report self-employed income as the primary source of their income. The study spans the period from 1989 to 2010.
Release date: 2015-10-08 - Articles and reports: 13-605-X201500814225Description:
With Canadian companies increasingly engaged in the global economy there is a growing demand for more detailed information on their international activities to better understand how Canadian businesses are expanding internationally and what the benefits/consequences are for Canada.
Outward Foreign Affiliate Statistics (FAS), which describe the activities as well as financial positions of Canadian majority-owned foreign affiliates (MOFAS), can shed light on some of these issues by going beyond the traditional realm of cross-border foreign investment statistics to articulate the activities and financial positions of Canadian enterprises that operate abroad. As an extension of statistics on foreign direct investment they can be seen as providing additional insight of the effect on economic agents in national economies in terms of earnings, productivity, employment, trade and foreign exposures resulting from an increasingly inter-connected and integrated global economy.
This paper presents some data development work on the expansion of the outward FAS program at Statistics Canada, the considerations and strategy for improvement, and provides a first look at the expanded details in the form of provisional estimates for reference year 2012.
Release date: 2015-09-15 - 3. Activities of foreign majority-owned affiliates in Canada — Provisional estimates for reference year 2011 ArchivedArticles and reports: 13-605-X201500714220Description:
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - both Canadian Direct Investment Abroad (CDIA) and Foreign Direct Investment in Canada (FDIC) - is a useful indicator of Canada’s level of economic globalization, allowing some insight on how interrelated our economic infrastructure is with jurisdictions in the rest of the world. These data provide information on the first level of connectivity of international inter-corporate relationships, which are closely related to trade and fragmented global production-distribution.
Foreign Affiliate Statistics are an extension of statistics on Foreign Direction Investment. They provide additional insight of the effect on economic agents in national economies in terms of earnings, productivity, employment, trade and foreign exposures resulting from an increasingly inter-connected and integrated global economy. Inward Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FAS) describe the activities as well as financial positions of Majority-Owned Domestic Affiliates (MODAs), a subset of Canadian direct investment enterprises and their consolidated subsidiaries operating in the Canadian economy. FAS are derived from international FDI concepts and frameworks. Statistics Canada’s Inward Foreign Affiliate and Trade Statistics program is closely related to expanded estimates of outward FAS, described in a separate paper. Both inward and outward FAS are part of, and this work lays the groundwork for, the development and release of a broader set of data on the Activities of Multi-National Enterprises (AMNE). This paper presents some data development work on inward foreign affiliate statistics that is a step towards shedding light on some of these issues.
This paper found that MODAs account for a significant share of assets, operating revenues and employment in the Canadian economy. Furthermore, MODAs assumed even higher shares of exports and imports of goods and services.
Release date: 2015-09-02 - 4. Quarterly Business and Employment Dynamics: Experimental Estimates, First Quarter 2001 to Third Quarter 2014 ArchivedArticles and reports: 11-626-X2015045Description:
This Economic Insights article presents quarterly estimates of employer business entry and exit, and the associated job creation and destruction from the first quarter of 2001 to the third quarter of 2014. These quarterly estimates supplement the annual data provided by Statistics Canada’s Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program (LEAP) by providing more timely, infra-annual data on business and employment dynamics.
Release date: 2015-03-31
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