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- Articles and reports: 89-657-X2016002Geography: Census metropolitan areaDescription:
This study examines the settlement patterns of the immigrant population as well as certain social integration components. It starts by outlining recent trends in the settlement patterns of the immigrant population in Canadian census metropolitan areas, namely Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver. Based on data from the 2013 General Social Survey on Social Identity, it then looks at residence characteristics, such as type of municipality and concentration of immigrant population, according to four social integration components: personal network characteristics, relationships with neighbours, social participation and involvement in community activities, and sense of belonging.
Release date: 2017-05-08
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Analysis (1)
Analysis (1) ((1 result))
- Articles and reports: 89-657-X2016002Geography: Census metropolitan areaDescription:
This study examines the settlement patterns of the immigrant population as well as certain social integration components. It starts by outlining recent trends in the settlement patterns of the immigrant population in Canadian census metropolitan areas, namely Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver. Based on data from the 2013 General Social Survey on Social Identity, it then looks at residence characteristics, such as type of municipality and concentration of immigrant population, according to four social integration components: personal network characteristics, relationships with neighbours, social participation and involvement in community activities, and sense of belonging.
Release date: 2017-05-08
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