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- Articles and reports: 85F0033M2010024Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan areaDescription:
This profile analyzes the differences in the violent victimizations experienced by males and females that comes to the attention of the police. Specifically, the report examines the types of violations experienced by each gender, the seriousness of their victimization and the location of the incident. The report outlines the differences in overall rates of victimization at the census metropolitan area, provincial/territorial and national level. The analysis is based on 2008 police-reported data obtained from the Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Funding for this profile was provided by the Policy Centre for Victim Issues of the Department of Justice Canada.
Release date: 2010-05-06
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Analysis (1)
Analysis (1) ((1 result))
- Articles and reports: 85F0033M2010024Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan areaDescription:
This profile analyzes the differences in the violent victimizations experienced by males and females that comes to the attention of the police. Specifically, the report examines the types of violations experienced by each gender, the seriousness of their victimization and the location of the incident. The report outlines the differences in overall rates of victimization at the census metropolitan area, provincial/territorial and national level. The analysis is based on 2008 police-reported data obtained from the Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. Funding for this profile was provided by the Policy Centre for Victim Issues of the Department of Justice Canada.
Release date: 2010-05-06
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