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  • 11. Stateward bound Archived
    Articles and reports: 11-008-X19990044912
    Geography: Canada

    This article describes a group of Canadian postsecondary graduates who relocated to the United States.

    Release date: 2000-03-16

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X20000014889
    Geography: Canada

    Using data from the Labour Force Survey, this article compares school and work activities, as well as the unemployment and part-time employment rates, of students and non-students. (Adapted from the Autumn 1999 issue of Labour Force.)

    Release date: 2000-03-08

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990024897
    Geography: Canada

    This article focusses on children who receive special education because of a physical, emotional, behavioural or other problem. It uses the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY).

    Release date: 2000-03-07

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990024898
    Geography: Canada

    This article explores children's academic achievement, behaviour, classroom environment and other school-related experiences, using the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY).

    Release date: 2000-03-07

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990024899
    Geography: Canada

    This article explores the role of parents in the learning environment of children aged 6 to 11 years, using results from the first cycle of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY).

    Release date: 2000-03-07

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990024900
    Geography: Canada

    This article explores the effects of early childhood education and care programs on school performance and experiences.

    Release date: 2000-03-07
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Analysis (16)

Analysis (16) (0 to 10 of 16 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000141
    Geography: Canada

    Using three waves (1982, 1986, 1990) of the National Graduate Survey (NGS) we analyze the time it takes graduates of Canadian universities to start a full time job that lasts six months or more. We analyze duration to first job using the Cox proportional hazards model. Our results suggest large differences in the speed of the transition to work both within and between cohorts. They also suggest that the differences in duration to first job across NGS cohorts are not just driven by differences in business cycle conditions at the time of graduation. Over certain segments of duration the patterns of job-starting are similar across cohorts. Within cohorts the differences in the school-to-work transition across certain demographic groups are small, and for some the differences remain stable across cohorts.

    Release date: 2000-12-08

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X20000015409
    Geography: Canada

    This article examines whether the education levels of graduates surpass the needs of employers, and to what extent.

    Release date: 2000-11-29

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X20000015410
    Geography: Canada

    This article provides an analysis of the employment and earnings patterns of recent postsecondary graduates, based on three waves of the National Graduates Surveys.

    Release date: 2000-11-29

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X20000035763
    Geography: Canada

    The growing trend towards a knowledge-based economy has impacted the way research is funded and performed in Canadian universities. As higher quality estimates of R&D activities by this sector are of increasing importance to policy makers, Statistics Canada has begun substantial revisions to the methods for calculating estimates for higher education R&D. The implementation of this plan will provide substantially improved estimates of both dollar values and personnel counts for this sector.

    Release date: 2000-10-06

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990045143
    Geography: Canada

    This article explores regional differences among students who drop out of Canadian universities and community colleges.

    Release date: 2000-09-01

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990045144
    Geography: Canada

    This article explores the effects of increasing costs on university attendance and the subsequent labour market outcomes of graduates.

    Release date: 2000-09-01

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990045145
    Geography: Canada

    This paper examines the characteristics of young people who responded to the 1991 School Leavers Survey (SLS), but who subsequently failed to respond to the 1995 School Leavers Follow-up Survey (SLF).

    Release date: 2000-09-01

  • Articles and reports: 89-552-M2000007
    Geography: Canada

    This paper addresses the problem of statistical inference with ordinal variates and examines the robustness to alternative literacy measurement and scaling choices of rankings of average literacy and of estimates of the impact of literacy on individual earnings.

    Release date: 2000-06-02

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X20000025126
    Geography: Canada

    To understand the relationship between S&T skills and the labour market Statistics Canada has produced a study that provides insight into where S&T skills are deployed. As a group, the number of persons with S&T degrees, pegged at 5 million in 1996, has been growing five times faster than the number of non S&T degree holders. The highest concentrations of S&T graduates are in health (52.0% have S&T degrees), business services (38.1%), and construction (34.3%).

    Release date: 2000-06-01

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19990035009
    Geography: Canada

    This article documents the activities of Canadian postsecondary graduates who relocated to the United States.

    Release date: 2000-05-24
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