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All (7)

All (7) ((7 results))

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201800154981

    This Juristat article examines police-reported violence against girls and young women aged 24 and younger in Canada. Trend analysis is also presented to indicate changes over time. Rates are provided at the national, provincial and territorial levels, as well as for urban, rural and census metropolitan areas.

    Release date: 2018-12-17

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018054

    This infographic examines family violence in Canada. It includes sections dedicated to police-reported data on intimate partner violence, family violence against children and youth, and family violence against seniors.

    Release date: 2018-12-05

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201800154978

    This Juristat article examines family violence in Canada. It includes sections dedicated to police-reported data on intimate partner violence, family violence against children and youth, and family violence against seniors.

    Release date: 2018-12-05

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018038

    Using police-reported data from the 2017 Homicide Survey, this infographic is a visual representation of some of these data. Findings include results at the national, provincial, territorial and Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) levels. Also included are findings related to the Aboriginal identity of victims and accused persons, sex of victims of homicide, as well as the prevalence of gang-related and firearm-related homicides.

    Release date: 2018-11-21

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201800154980

    This annual Juristat presents 2017 homicide data. Changes in the rates of homicide in Canada over time are examined as well as the characteristics of homicides committed in 2017. It presents information on the age and sex of homicide victims, the methods used to commit homicides (including the use of firearms), whether the homicide was determined to be gang-related, the relationship of the accused to the victim as well as other characteristics of the accused. In addition, information is presented on homicide victims and accused who were identified as Aboriginal.

    Release date: 2018-11-21

  • Stats in brief: 85-005-X201800154962

    This Juristat Bulletin—Quick Fact presents charts and data in an infographic style format that examines the nature and prevalence of firearm-related violent crime in Canada.

    Release date: 2018-06-28

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201800154893

    This Juristat article profiles a general overview of family violence in Canada, intimate partner violence (including both spousal and dating violence partners), family violence against children and youth, and family violence against seniors. This annual article is designed to help monitor changes in family violence over time and identify emerging issues.

    Release date: 2018-01-17
Data (0)

Data (0) (0 results)

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Analysis (7)

Analysis (7) ((7 results))

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201800154981

    This Juristat article examines police-reported violence against girls and young women aged 24 and younger in Canada. Trend analysis is also presented to indicate changes over time. Rates are provided at the national, provincial and territorial levels, as well as for urban, rural and census metropolitan areas.

    Release date: 2018-12-17

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018054

    This infographic examines family violence in Canada. It includes sections dedicated to police-reported data on intimate partner violence, family violence against children and youth, and family violence against seniors.

    Release date: 2018-12-05

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201800154978

    This Juristat article examines family violence in Canada. It includes sections dedicated to police-reported data on intimate partner violence, family violence against children and youth, and family violence against seniors.

    Release date: 2018-12-05

  • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018038

    Using police-reported data from the 2017 Homicide Survey, this infographic is a visual representation of some of these data. Findings include results at the national, provincial, territorial and Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) levels. Also included are findings related to the Aboriginal identity of victims and accused persons, sex of victims of homicide, as well as the prevalence of gang-related and firearm-related homicides.

    Release date: 2018-11-21

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201800154980

    This annual Juristat presents 2017 homicide data. Changes in the rates of homicide in Canada over time are examined as well as the characteristics of homicides committed in 2017. It presents information on the age and sex of homicide victims, the methods used to commit homicides (including the use of firearms), whether the homicide was determined to be gang-related, the relationship of the accused to the victim as well as other characteristics of the accused. In addition, information is presented on homicide victims and accused who were identified as Aboriginal.

    Release date: 2018-11-21

  • Stats in brief: 85-005-X201800154962

    This Juristat Bulletin—Quick Fact presents charts and data in an infographic style format that examines the nature and prevalence of firearm-related violent crime in Canada.

    Release date: 2018-06-28

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201800154893

    This Juristat article profiles a general overview of family violence in Canada, intimate partner violence (including both spousal and dating violence partners), family violence against children and youth, and family violence against seniors. This annual article is designed to help monitor changes in family violence over time and identify emerging issues.

    Release date: 2018-01-17
Reference (0)

Reference (0) (0 results)

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