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  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X201000411372
    Geography: Canada

    Potable water of sufficient quality and in adequate quantities is fundamental to human health and the economy. This article examines temporal and geographic variations in drinking water production volumes.

    Release date: 2010-12-08

  • Articles and reports: 21-006-X2008005
    Geography: Canada

    Employment in manufacturing in Canada has fluctuated over recent decades. The level reached a historically high in 2004 and has been declining since that time.

    In 2008, over one-half (54%) of all Canadian manufacturing workers were employed in the value chain of a resource sector.

    In 2008, resource sector manufacturing employment was relatively more important in rural and small town areas (69% of manufacturing employment and 9% of total employment) compared to larger urban centres (50% of manufacturing employment and 6% of total employment).

    In the 2001 to 2008 period, resource manufacturing employment became a larger share of total manufacturing employment (up from 51% to 54%) because resource manufacturing employment declined less (-6%) compared to the decline of all 'other' manufacturing employment (-18%).

    Also, in the 2001 to 2008 period, resource manufacturing employment become relatively more important in rural and small town areas as the decline (-3%) was smaller in rural and small town areas compared to the decline in larger urban centres (-7%).

    Within rural and small town areas at the Canada level, 9% of total employment in 2008 was resource sector manufacturing employment. This ranged from 14% within the rural and small town areas of Quebec to 2% within the rural and small town areas of Saskatchewan.

    Within rural and small town areas in 2008, employment in wood processing accounted for the largest share of resource sector manufacturing employment (43%).

    Release date: 2010-08-31

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2010087
    Geography: Canada

    This study reviews status and trends for the manufacturing sector in 2009. It analyses major regional and industry shifts in production and put them in the context of major socio-economic drivers such as domestic demand, prices and exports. Employment, investment, productivity and profitability indicators are also presented.

    Release date: 2010-06-24

  • 4. Food Statistics Archived
    Table: 21-020-X

    This publication contains information on food available for consumption and food nutrition.

    Release date: 2010-05-27

  • Articles and reports: 88F0006X2010003

    Design activities are central to firm competitiveness and delivering value-added products. Research has shown that rapidly growing companies attach greater weight to design activities. Through design, firms may improve the user interface and create characteristics that allow them to distinguish their products from those of their competitors. Using the results of the Survey of Advanced Technology 2007, this paper examines the extent of use of design activities among Canadian firms, with a view to explaining factors fostering firms' engagement in design activities. It explores whether design activities are more likely to be carried out in some manufacturing industries than in others. The average size of firms undertaking design activities will also be explored. Characteristics of firms that are likely to spend a greater proportion of their expenditures on in-house design activities versus those who outsource larger percentage of their design work to other firms outside their organizational boundaries will be discussed. This paper will also explore whether firms that have high design intensity are more likely to be innovators. Another area of interest of this paper is the question of whether firms that undertake design activities are more likely to be exporters. Common success factors reported by those firms with high design intensity will also be discussed.

    Release date: 2010-05-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2010061
    Geography: Canada

    We examine the simultaneous effects of real-exchange-rate movements and of tariff reductions on plant death in Canadian manufacturing industries between 1979 and 1996. We find that both currency appreciation and tariff cuts increase the probability of plant death, but that tariff reductions have a much greater effect. Consistent with the implications of recent international-trade models involving heterogeneous firms, we further find that the effect of exchange-rate movements and tariff cuts on exit are heterogeneous across plants - particularly pronounced among least efficient plants. Our results reveal multi-dimensional heterogeneity that current models featuring one-dimensional heterogeneity (efficiency differences among plants) cannot fully explain. There are significant and substantial differences between exporters and non-exporters, and between domestic- and foreign- controlled plants. Exporters and foreign-owned plants have much lower failure rates; however, their survival is more sensitive to changes in tariffs and real exchange rates, whether differences in their efficiency levels are controlled or not.

    Release date: 2010-04-14

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2010060
    Geography: Canada

    This paper asks whether synergies or managerial discipline operates in different ways across small versus large plants to affect the likelihood of mergers. Our findings indicate that those characteristics which provide the type of synergies upon which ownership changes rely are important factors leading to plant-ownership changes across most size classes. The magnitudes, however, are different across plant-size classes, with synergies generally being more important in larger plants.

    Foreign plants in all size classes are more likely to be taken over. The effective rates of control change differ much more in the small than in the larger size classes. Compared to domestic plants, multinational plants in the smaller size classes contain relatively more of the type of intangible capital that makes them attractive vehicles for the transmission of new knowledge via takeover.

    Release date: 2010-02-25
Data (1)

Data (1) ((1 result))

  • 1. Food Statistics Archived
    Table: 21-020-X

    This publication contains information on food available for consumption and food nutrition.

    Release date: 2010-05-27
Analysis (6)

Analysis (6) ((6 results))

  • Articles and reports: 16-002-X201000411372
    Geography: Canada

    Potable water of sufficient quality and in adequate quantities is fundamental to human health and the economy. This article examines temporal and geographic variations in drinking water production volumes.

    Release date: 2010-12-08

  • Articles and reports: 21-006-X2008005
    Geography: Canada

    Employment in manufacturing in Canada has fluctuated over recent decades. The level reached a historically high in 2004 and has been declining since that time.

    In 2008, over one-half (54%) of all Canadian manufacturing workers were employed in the value chain of a resource sector.

    In 2008, resource sector manufacturing employment was relatively more important in rural and small town areas (69% of manufacturing employment and 9% of total employment) compared to larger urban centres (50% of manufacturing employment and 6% of total employment).

    In the 2001 to 2008 period, resource manufacturing employment became a larger share of total manufacturing employment (up from 51% to 54%) because resource manufacturing employment declined less (-6%) compared to the decline of all 'other' manufacturing employment (-18%).

    Also, in the 2001 to 2008 period, resource manufacturing employment become relatively more important in rural and small town areas as the decline (-3%) was smaller in rural and small town areas compared to the decline in larger urban centres (-7%).

    Within rural and small town areas at the Canada level, 9% of total employment in 2008 was resource sector manufacturing employment. This ranged from 14% within the rural and small town areas of Quebec to 2% within the rural and small town areas of Saskatchewan.

    Within rural and small town areas in 2008, employment in wood processing accounted for the largest share of resource sector manufacturing employment (43%).

    Release date: 2010-08-31

  • Articles and reports: 11-621-M2010087
    Geography: Canada

    This study reviews status and trends for the manufacturing sector in 2009. It analyses major regional and industry shifts in production and put them in the context of major socio-economic drivers such as domestic demand, prices and exports. Employment, investment, productivity and profitability indicators are also presented.

    Release date: 2010-06-24

  • Articles and reports: 88F0006X2010003

    Design activities are central to firm competitiveness and delivering value-added products. Research has shown that rapidly growing companies attach greater weight to design activities. Through design, firms may improve the user interface and create characteristics that allow them to distinguish their products from those of their competitors. Using the results of the Survey of Advanced Technology 2007, this paper examines the extent of use of design activities among Canadian firms, with a view to explaining factors fostering firms' engagement in design activities. It explores whether design activities are more likely to be carried out in some manufacturing industries than in others. The average size of firms undertaking design activities will also be explored. Characteristics of firms that are likely to spend a greater proportion of their expenditures on in-house design activities versus those who outsource larger percentage of their design work to other firms outside their organizational boundaries will be discussed. This paper will also explore whether firms that have high design intensity are more likely to be innovators. Another area of interest of this paper is the question of whether firms that undertake design activities are more likely to be exporters. Common success factors reported by those firms with high design intensity will also be discussed.

    Release date: 2010-05-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2010061
    Geography: Canada

    We examine the simultaneous effects of real-exchange-rate movements and of tariff reductions on plant death in Canadian manufacturing industries between 1979 and 1996. We find that both currency appreciation and tariff cuts increase the probability of plant death, but that tariff reductions have a much greater effect. Consistent with the implications of recent international-trade models involving heterogeneous firms, we further find that the effect of exchange-rate movements and tariff cuts on exit are heterogeneous across plants - particularly pronounced among least efficient plants. Our results reveal multi-dimensional heterogeneity that current models featuring one-dimensional heterogeneity (efficiency differences among plants) cannot fully explain. There are significant and substantial differences between exporters and non-exporters, and between domestic- and foreign- controlled plants. Exporters and foreign-owned plants have much lower failure rates; however, their survival is more sensitive to changes in tariffs and real exchange rates, whether differences in their efficiency levels are controlled or not.

    Release date: 2010-04-14

  • Articles and reports: 11F0027M2010060
    Geography: Canada

    This paper asks whether synergies or managerial discipline operates in different ways across small versus large plants to affect the likelihood of mergers. Our findings indicate that those characteristics which provide the type of synergies upon which ownership changes rely are important factors leading to plant-ownership changes across most size classes. The magnitudes, however, are different across plant-size classes, with synergies generally being more important in larger plants.

    Foreign plants in all size classes are more likely to be taken over. The effective rates of control change differ much more in the small than in the larger size classes. Compared to domestic plants, multinational plants in the smaller size classes contain relatively more of the type of intangible capital that makes them attractive vehicles for the transmission of new knowledge via takeover.

    Release date: 2010-02-25
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