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Survey or statistical program
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All (30) (0 to 10 of 30 results)
- Articles and reports: 85-002-X20010128398Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
This Juristat presents and analyzes information on young offender admissions to custody and community services, with breakdowns by custody (secure custody, open custody, remand) and probation, and key case characteristics such as age, sex, Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal status, and most serious offence. In addition, it includes data pertaining to releases from remand, secure custody, and open custody by sex and time served. These breakdowns are presented and analyzed at the national and provincial/territorial level.
Data summarized in this Juristat are primarily drawn from the national Youth Custody and Community Services (YCCS) Survey. The scope of the survey is to collect and analyze information on the application of dispositions under the Young Offenders Act from provincial and territorial agencies responsible for youth corrections and programs.
Release date: 2001-12-19 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M2001178Geography: CanadaDescription:
The school performance of the children of immigrants in the Canadian school system is analyzed using data from the first three waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY). School performance is measured in terms of ability at reading, writing, mathematics and overall aptitude. The parents' and teachers' assessments of the children's performances are used, as are the results of formal testing. On average, children of immigrants generally do at least as well as the children of the Canadian-born along each dimension of school performance. The children of immigrant parents whose first language is either English or French have especially high outcomes. The children of other immigrant parents have lower performance in reading, writing and composition but their performance in mathematics is comparable to that of the children of Canadian-born parents. It is also found that with more years in the Canadian education system, the performance of these children in reading, writing and mathematics improves and is equal to or greater than the performance of the children of Canadian-born parents by age thirteen in virtually all areas of performance.
Release date: 2001-11-14 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M2001171Geography: CanadaDescription:
A framework for thinking about intergenerational mobility as it relates to the relationship between parent and child incomes as well as evidence on the degree and sources of intergenerational mobility in Canada is reviewed. The major conclusion is that Canadian society is characterized by a good deal of intergenerational mobility, and the available evidence suggests that being raised in low-income does not pre-ordain children to low-income in adulthood. Canada compares well in this regard to many other countries, being characterized on average by more mobility than the U.S. or U.K. and on a par with some of the most mobile nations. The sources for this pattern have to do with access to high quality education, and high quality non-monetary investments in children. However, there is no clear evidence linking the level of family income to the nature of these investments.
Release date: 2001-10-25 - 4. Family disruptions and childhood happiness ArchivedArticles and reports: 11-008-X20010025819Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article examines whether adults who experienced change in their parental structure regard their childhood as happy and if they were less close to their parents than children whose families remained intact.
Release date: 2001-09-11 - 5. Kids and teens on the net ArchivedArticles and reports: 11-008-X20010025821Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article examines the extent to which children have access to the Internet at home. It focuses on parents' knowledge of their children's use of the Net, the factors that contribute to or limit access, parental concerns about privacy, and the limitations parents place on using the Internet.
Release date: 2001-09-11 - Articles and reports: 81-003-X20000045863Geography: CanadaDescription:
The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) compares and contrasts the teaching and learning of mathematics and science in elementary and secondary schools around the world in order to improve the education of young people in these two major areas.
Release date: 2001-09-07 - 7. Children witnessing family violence ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-002-X20010068392Geography: CanadaDescription:
This Juristat presents estimates of the number of children in Canada who have witnessed violence in their homes in recent years, and compares the characteristics of these children and their families to children who have not witnessed violence. This analysis also examines links between witnessing violence and behavioural outcomes among children.Estimates of the extent of family violence witnessed by children in Canada are available through three national surveys conducted by Statistics Canada: the 1999 General Social Survey on Victimization, the 1993 Violence Against Women Survey, and the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. The GSS and the VAWS are victimization surveys that ask a random sample of adults (men and women in the case of the GSS and women only in the case of the VAWS) about their experiences of spousal violence and whether their children witnessed the violence. In the NLSCY, a random sample of children are selected and the person most knowledgeable about the child responds to a wide range of questions about the child and the household, including whether the child sees adults or teenagers in the home physically fighting, hitting or otherwise trying to hurt others.
Release date: 2001-06-28 - 8. Children witnessing family violence ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-224-X20010006461Geography: CanadaDescription:
The reactions of children who witness violence by one parent against the other can include emotional, social, cognitive, physical and behavioural maladjustment problems (Jaffe, Wolfe and Wilson 1990). These children tend to show lower levels of social competence; higher rates of depression, worry and frustration; and are more likely than other children to develop stress-related disorders and to show lower levels of empathy (Fantuzzo, et al. 1991; Graham-Bermann and Levendosky 1998; Moore and Pepler 1998; Edleson 1999b).
Release date: 2001-06-28 - 9. Family and demographic changes and the economic well-being of preschool-age children in Canada, 1981-1997 ArchivedArticles and reports: 91-209-X20000005748Geography: CanadaDescription: Several different analyses have considered the impact of family and demographic change on the economic conditions affecting children (Dooley, 1988, 1991; McQuillan, 1992; Picot and Myles, 1996). The present study updates this reserach to 1997, while shifting the emphasis to families with very young children.Release date: 2001-06-22
- Articles and reports: 91-209-X20000005750Geography: CanadaDescription: In the present research, our aims are to trace the emergence of the "blended family" (the term generally employed to describe stepfamilies with a common child), exploring which features of stepfamilies make them most susceptible to become blended families, and to assess how being born into a stepfamily affects the family experience and subsequent life course of the growing number of children involved.Release date: 2001-06-22
Data (1)
Data (1) ((1 result))
- 1. Youth Court Data Tables ArchivedTable: 85F0030XDescription:
This annual product presents summary data on cases and charges dealt with in youth courts across Canada. Information is presented by age and gender of the accused, type of offence, court decision and sentence. Tables are presented as a national overview of youth courts in Canada.
Release date: 2001-05-30
Analysis (28)
Analysis (28) (0 to 10 of 28 results)
- Articles and reports: 85-002-X20010128398Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
This Juristat presents and analyzes information on young offender admissions to custody and community services, with breakdowns by custody (secure custody, open custody, remand) and probation, and key case characteristics such as age, sex, Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal status, and most serious offence. In addition, it includes data pertaining to releases from remand, secure custody, and open custody by sex and time served. These breakdowns are presented and analyzed at the national and provincial/territorial level.
Data summarized in this Juristat are primarily drawn from the national Youth Custody and Community Services (YCCS) Survey. The scope of the survey is to collect and analyze information on the application of dispositions under the Young Offenders Act from provincial and territorial agencies responsible for youth corrections and programs.
Release date: 2001-12-19 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M2001178Geography: CanadaDescription:
The school performance of the children of immigrants in the Canadian school system is analyzed using data from the first three waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY). School performance is measured in terms of ability at reading, writing, mathematics and overall aptitude. The parents' and teachers' assessments of the children's performances are used, as are the results of formal testing. On average, children of immigrants generally do at least as well as the children of the Canadian-born along each dimension of school performance. The children of immigrant parents whose first language is either English or French have especially high outcomes. The children of other immigrant parents have lower performance in reading, writing and composition but their performance in mathematics is comparable to that of the children of Canadian-born parents. It is also found that with more years in the Canadian education system, the performance of these children in reading, writing and mathematics improves and is equal to or greater than the performance of the children of Canadian-born parents by age thirteen in virtually all areas of performance.
Release date: 2001-11-14 - Articles and reports: 11F0019M2001171Geography: CanadaDescription:
A framework for thinking about intergenerational mobility as it relates to the relationship between parent and child incomes as well as evidence on the degree and sources of intergenerational mobility in Canada is reviewed. The major conclusion is that Canadian society is characterized by a good deal of intergenerational mobility, and the available evidence suggests that being raised in low-income does not pre-ordain children to low-income in adulthood. Canada compares well in this regard to many other countries, being characterized on average by more mobility than the U.S. or U.K. and on a par with some of the most mobile nations. The sources for this pattern have to do with access to high quality education, and high quality non-monetary investments in children. However, there is no clear evidence linking the level of family income to the nature of these investments.
Release date: 2001-10-25 - 4. Family disruptions and childhood happiness ArchivedArticles and reports: 11-008-X20010025819Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article examines whether adults who experienced change in their parental structure regard their childhood as happy and if they were less close to their parents than children whose families remained intact.
Release date: 2001-09-11 - 5. Kids and teens on the net ArchivedArticles and reports: 11-008-X20010025821Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article examines the extent to which children have access to the Internet at home. It focuses on parents' knowledge of their children's use of the Net, the factors that contribute to or limit access, parental concerns about privacy, and the limitations parents place on using the Internet.
Release date: 2001-09-11 - Articles and reports: 81-003-X20000045863Geography: CanadaDescription:
The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) compares and contrasts the teaching and learning of mathematics and science in elementary and secondary schools around the world in order to improve the education of young people in these two major areas.
Release date: 2001-09-07 - 7. Children witnessing family violence ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-002-X20010068392Geography: CanadaDescription:
This Juristat presents estimates of the number of children in Canada who have witnessed violence in their homes in recent years, and compares the characteristics of these children and their families to children who have not witnessed violence. This analysis also examines links between witnessing violence and behavioural outcomes among children.Estimates of the extent of family violence witnessed by children in Canada are available through three national surveys conducted by Statistics Canada: the 1999 General Social Survey on Victimization, the 1993 Violence Against Women Survey, and the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. The GSS and the VAWS are victimization surveys that ask a random sample of adults (men and women in the case of the GSS and women only in the case of the VAWS) about their experiences of spousal violence and whether their children witnessed the violence. In the NLSCY, a random sample of children are selected and the person most knowledgeable about the child responds to a wide range of questions about the child and the household, including whether the child sees adults or teenagers in the home physically fighting, hitting or otherwise trying to hurt others.
Release date: 2001-06-28 - 8. Children witnessing family violence ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-224-X20010006461Geography: CanadaDescription:
The reactions of children who witness violence by one parent against the other can include emotional, social, cognitive, physical and behavioural maladjustment problems (Jaffe, Wolfe and Wilson 1990). These children tend to show lower levels of social competence; higher rates of depression, worry and frustration; and are more likely than other children to develop stress-related disorders and to show lower levels of empathy (Fantuzzo, et al. 1991; Graham-Bermann and Levendosky 1998; Moore and Pepler 1998; Edleson 1999b).
Release date: 2001-06-28 - 9. Family and demographic changes and the economic well-being of preschool-age children in Canada, 1981-1997 ArchivedArticles and reports: 91-209-X20000005748Geography: CanadaDescription: Several different analyses have considered the impact of family and demographic change on the economic conditions affecting children (Dooley, 1988, 1991; McQuillan, 1992; Picot and Myles, 1996). The present study updates this reserach to 1997, while shifting the emphasis to families with very young children.Release date: 2001-06-22
- Articles and reports: 91-209-X20000005750Geography: CanadaDescription: In the present research, our aims are to trace the emergence of the "blended family" (the term generally employed to describe stepfamilies with a common child), exploring which features of stepfamilies make them most susceptible to become blended families, and to assess how being born into a stepfamily affects the family experience and subsequent life course of the growing number of children involved.Release date: 2001-06-22
Reference (1)
Reference (1) ((1 result))
- 1. Youth in Transition Survey - Project Overview ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81-588-XDescription:
The Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) is a longitudinal survey designed to provide policy-relevant information about school-work transitions and factors influencing pathways. YITS will provide vehicle for future research and analysis of major transitions in young people's lives, particularly those between education, training and work. Information obtained from, and research based on, the survey will help clarify the nature and causes of short and long-term challenges young people face in school-work transitions and support policy planning and decision making to help prevent or remedy these problems.
Objectives of the Youth in Transition Survey were developed after an extensive consultation with stakeholders with an interest in youth and school-work transitions. Content includes measurement of major transitions in young people's lives including virtually all formal educational experiences and most labour-market experiences. Factors influencing transitions are also included family background, school experiences, achievement, aspirations and expectations, and employment experiences.
The implementation plan encompasses a longitudinal survey for each of two age cohorts, to be surveyed every two years. Data from a cohort entering at age 15 will permit analysis of long-term school-work transition patterns. Data from a cohort entering at ages18-20 will provide more immediate, policy-relevant information on young adults in the labour market.
Cycle one for the cohort aged 15 will include information collected from youth, their parents, and school principals. The sample design is a school-based frame that allows the selection of schools, and then individuals within schools. This design will permit analysis of school effects, a research domain not currently addressed by other Statistics Canada surveys. Methods of data collection include a self-completed questionnaire for youth and school principals, a telephone interview with parents, and assessment of youth competency in reading, science and mathematics as using self-completed test booklets provided under the integration of YITS with the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). A pilot survey was conducted in April 1999 and the main survey took place in April-May 2000. Interviews were conducted with 30,000 students aged 15 from 1,000 schools in Canada. A telephone interview with parents of selected students took place in June 2000.
The sample design for the cohort aged 18-20 is similar to that of the Labour-Force survey. The method of data collection is computer-assisted telephone interviewing. The pilot survey was conducted in January 1999. In January-February 2000, 23, 000 youth participated in the main survey data collection.
Data from both cohorts is expected to be available in 2001. Following release of the first international report by the OECD/PISA project and the first national report, data will be publically available, permitting detailed exploration of content themes.
Release date: 2001-04-11
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