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  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2001149
    Geography: Canada

    This paper extends earlier work by updating the structure and policy parameters of payroll taxes in Canada. Drawing from a newly available dataset, it also reports trends on the level, growth and role of each component of these taxes in recent years. Finally, it compares Canadian payroll taxes to those of the world's leading developed countries. The following highlights the main findings.

    Payroll taxes in Canada have grown considerably since the early 1980s, constituting an increasingly important source of revenues for both the federal and provincial governments. However, the rapid expansion observed in earlier years has in large part slowed down in the early 1990s. Payroll tax revenues collected from employees and employers in the country have stabilized at around 5.7% of GDP or 14.0% of total federal and provincial government revenues since 1992; the effective total payroll tax rate has levelled off at around $12.20 for every $100 of wages and salaries since 1994.

    The structure, level, growth, and role of each component of payroll taxes vary considerably from one province to another. Yet, EI premiums have remarkably been the largest component of these taxes in every province in both the 1980s and the 1990s, regardless of whether there are provincial payroll taxes; rising EI premiums have also consistently been the leading contributor to the expansion of total payroll taxes during this period.

    Despite rapid growth in the 1980s and early 1990s, Canadian payroll taxes remain one of the lowest in the world's major developed economies. According to data compiled by the OECD, total payroll tax revenues in Canada amounted to 6.0% of GDP in 1996 --- that is 14% lower than that of the United States (at 7.0% of GDP); the lowest in the G7 nations; and the 9th lowest among the 29 OECD member states.

    Release date: 2001-09-11

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2001166
    Geography: Canada

    This study assesses two potential problems with respect to the reporting of Employment Insurance (EI) and Social Assistance (SA) benefits in the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID): (a) under-reporting of the monthly number of beneficiaries; and (b) a tendency to incorrectly report receiving benefits throughout the year, while in fact benefits may have been received only in certain months, leading to artificial spikes in the January starts and December terminations of benefit spells (seam effect). The results of the analysis show the following:

    (1) The rate of under-reporting of EI in SLID is about 15%. Although it varies by month (from 0% to 30%), it is fairly stable from year to year.

    (2) There are significant spikes in the number of January starts and December terminations of EI benefit spells. However, the spikes in January starts appear to represent a real phenomenon, rather than a seam problem. They mirror closely the pattern of establishment of new EI claims (the latter increase significantly in January as a result of the decline in employment following the Christmas peak demand). There are no corresponding statistics for EI claim terminations to assess the nature of December spikes.

    (3) The rate of under-reporting of SA in SLID is about 50%, significantly greater than for EI. The rate of under-reporting goes down to about 20% to 30%, if we assume that those who received SA, but did not report in which months they received benefits, received benefits throughout the year.

    (4) There are large spikes in the number of January starts and December terminations. As in the case of EI, the SA could reflect a real phenomenon. After all, SA starts and terminations are affected by labour market conditions, in the same way EI starts and terminations are affected. However, the SA spikes are much larger than the EI spikes, which increases the probability that, at least in part, are due to a seam effect.

    Release date: 2001-09-11

  • Articles and reports: 71-584-M2001001
    Geography: Canada

    This report examines the results of the 1999 round of the Workplace and Employee Survey on the role that human resource practices play in facilitating workplace change. It focusses on practices such as workplace training, variable pay and employee involvement (job rotation, cross-training and teamwork), their association with change and whom they impact.

    Release date: 2001-09-06

  • Journals and periodicals: 71-586-X

    This paper is a response to the requests of Canadian policy makers and researchers to develop a comprehensive index of total labour costs for the Canadian economy. This Labour Cost Index (LCI), which measures both wage and non-wage costs, would be free from the influence of employment shifts in industries and occupations.

    This paper provides a review of the U.S. Employment Cost Index (ECI). The paper describes the LCI in general terms and compares this measure of labour cost with some other Canadian labour market indicators. The paper lists some of the uses and limitations of labour cost index based on the experiences of some other countries with such an index. The paper outlines the proposed plans and micro data model to be tested to develop a Canadian LCI. The major milestones and development issues are summarized in the paper.

    Release date: 2001-08-24

  • Articles and reports: 21-601-M2001051

    This paper looks at the changing trends in paid and unpaid farm work as well as farmers reporting another professional activity.

    Release date: 2001-08-23

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20010015852

    We consider the regression composite estimation introduced by Singh (1994, 1996; termed earlier as "modified regression composite" estimation), a version of which (suggested by Fuller 1999) has been implemented for the Canadian Labour Force Survey (CLFS) beginning in January 2000. The regression composite (rc) estimator enhances the generalized regression (gr) estimator used earlier for the CLFS and the well known Gurney-Daly ak-composite estimator in several ways.

    Release date: 2001-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20010015853

    The Canadian Labour Force Survey is a monthly survey of households selected according to a stratified multistage design. The sample of households is divided into six panels (rotation groups). A panel remains in the sample for six consecutive months and is then dropped from the sample. In the past, a generalized regression estimator, based only on the current month's data, has been implemented with a regression weights program. In this paper, we study regression composite estimation procedures that make use of sample information from previous periods and that can be implemented with a regression weights program.

    Release date: 2001-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20010015854

    This paper looks at a range of estimators applicable to a regularly repeated household survey with controlled overlap between successive surveys. The paper shows how the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) based on a fixed window of time points can be improved by applying the technique of generalised regression. This improved estimator is compared to the AK estimator of Gurney and Daly (1965) and the modified regression estimator of Singh, Kennedy, Wu and Brisebois (1997), using data from the Australian Labour Force Survey.

    Release date: 2001-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 12-001-X20010015855

    The Canadian Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a monthly survey with a complex rotating panel design. After extensive studies, including the investigation of a number of alternative methods for exploiting the sample overlap to improve the quality of estimates, the LFS has chosen a composite estimation method which achieves this goal while satisfying practical constraints. In addition, for variables where there is a substantial gain in efficiency, the new time series tend to make more sense from a subject-matter perspective. This makes it easier to explain LFS estimates to users and the media. Because of the reduced variance under composite estimation, for some variables it is now possible to publish monthly estimates where only three-month moving averages were published in the past. In addition, a greater number of series can be successfully seasonally adjusted.

    Release date: 2001-08-22

  • Articles and reports: 21-601-M2001050

    This paper investigates the changing structure of employment among industrial sectors in rural and small town (RST) Canada between 1987 and 1999.

    Release date: 2001-07-12
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Analysis (54)

Analysis (54) (50 to 60 of 54 results)

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2001153
    Geography: Canada

    In this paper a dynamic employment model for women is estimated for rural and urban samples from the first four years of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics 1993 to 1996. The results provide evidence that there are significant differences between rural and urban labour markets. However, these do not appear to arise - as is often argued - from a lack of childcare facilities, differences in returns to human capital, or the existence of more "traditional" attitudes to the proper role of women in rural areas. The results also suggest labour market segmentation within rural areas with clear differences in employment for women belonging to low income households as shown in the decomposition results.

    Release date: 2001-02-01

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2001157
    Geography: Canada

    This article uses data from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) to investigate the extent to which factors not previously explored in the Canadian context account for wage differences between men and women. Like other studies using standard decomposition techniques and controlling for a variety of productivity-related characteristics, the results demonstrate that men still enjoy a wage advantage over women: women's average hourly wage rate is about 84% - 89% of the men's average. Unlike other studies, controls for work experience and job-related responsibilities are used. Gender differences in full-year, full-time work experience explain at most, 12% of the gender wage gap. Gender differences in the opportunity to supervise and to perform certain tasks account for about 5% of the gender wage gap. Yet despite the long list of productivity related factors, a substantial portion of the gender wage gap cannot be explained.

    Many studies rely on measures such as age or potential experience (= age minus number of years of schooling minus six) as a proxy for actual labour market. Neither of these measures account for complete withdrawals from the labour market nor for restrictions on the number of hours worked per week or on the number of weeks worked per year due to family-related responsibilities. The results show that proxies for experience yield larger adjusted gender wage gaps than when actual experience is used.

    Release date: 2001-01-30

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2001156
    Geography: Canada

    Developments in the relative wages of more and less educated workers during the early 1990s are examined using the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics. Particular attention is paid to the role of international trade in determining the wage differential between workers with post-secondary certification and those without. It is shown that in the absence of the relatively greater growth in the supply of more educated workers, the gap between the wages of more and less educated workers would have increased. After controlling for some of the most likely influences on real wages it is found that international trade has a significant positive impact on the wages of both more and less educated workers. However, the impact on the more highly educated seems to be some four times stronger, roughly the same as the impact of technological change

    Release date: 2001-01-12

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2001159
    Geography: Canada

    The objective of this paper is to examine the extent to which an individual's use of unemployment insurance (UI) as a young adult is influenced by past experience with the program, and by having had a parent who also collected UI. A major methodological challenge is to determine the extent to which the intergenerational correlation of UI status is "spurious" or causal. Both the time to a first UI claim and the entire sequence of claims over an extended period are examined using two alternative ways of controlling for unobserved heterogeneity. The analysis is based upon longitudinal data on a cohort of young Canadian and Swedish men. It is found that parental use of UI shortens the time to a first UI claim in Canada, but not in Sweden. Subsequent participation in the Canadian program is influenced by parental UI history. In Sweden individual learning through past participation in UI - not family background - is the dominant avenue determining repeated participation.

    Release date: 2001-01-12
Reference (5)

Reference (5) ((5 results))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 12F0073X

    This publication is intended for anyone interested in a career as an economist/sociologist at Statistics Canada, Canada's federal statistical agency.

    Release date: 2001-09-12

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 71F0031X2000001

    This paper introduces and explains modifications made to the Labour Force Survey estimates in January 2000. Some of these modifications include the adjustment of all LFS estimates to reflect population counts based on the 1996 Census plus the implementation of a new estimation methodology called composite estimation. This new method results in more efficient estimates of month to month change, while improving the quality of monthly level estimates.

    Release date: 2001-06-29

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75F0002M2000013

    This document presents the information for the new entry exit portion of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) labour interview.

    Release date: 2001-04-17

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75F0002M2000015

    This document outlines the structure of the January 2000 Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) labour interview, including question wording, possible responses, and flows of questions.

    Release date: 2001-04-17

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81-588-X

    The Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) is a longitudinal survey designed to provide policy-relevant information about school-work transitions and factors influencing pathways. YITS will provide vehicle for future research and analysis of major transitions in young people's lives, particularly those between education, training and work. Information obtained from, and research based on, the survey will help clarify the nature and causes of short and long-term challenges young people face in school-work transitions and support policy planning and decision making to help prevent or remedy these problems.

    Objectives of the Youth in Transition Survey were developed after an extensive consultation with stakeholders with an interest in youth and school-work transitions. Content includes measurement of major transitions in young people's lives including virtually all formal educational experiences and most labour-market experiences. Factors influencing transitions are also included family background, school experiences, achievement, aspirations and expectations, and employment experiences.

    The implementation plan encompasses a longitudinal survey for each of two age cohorts, to be surveyed every two years. Data from a cohort entering at age 15 will permit analysis of long-term school-work transition patterns. Data from a cohort entering at ages18-20 will provide more immediate, policy-relevant information on young adults in the labour market.

    Cycle one for the cohort aged 15 will include information collected from youth, their parents, and school principals. The sample design is a school-based frame that allows the selection of schools, and then individuals within schools. This design will permit analysis of school effects, a research domain not currently addressed by other Statistics Canada surveys. Methods of data collection include a self-completed questionnaire for youth and school principals, a telephone interview with parents, and assessment of youth competency in reading, science and mathematics as using self-completed test booklets provided under the integration of YITS with the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). A pilot survey was conducted in April 1999 and the main survey took place in April-May 2000. Interviews were conducted with 30,000 students aged 15 from 1,000 schools in Canada. A telephone interview with parents of selected students took place in June 2000.

    The sample design for the cohort aged 18-20 is similar to that of the Labour-Force survey. The method of data collection is computer-assisted telephone interviewing. The pilot survey was conducted in January 1999. In January-February 2000, 23, 000 youth participated in the main survey data collection.

    Data from both cohorts is expected to be available in 2001. Following release of the first international report by the OECD/PISA project and the first national report, data will be publically available, permitting detailed exploration of content themes.

    Release date: 2001-04-11
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