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  • Table: 34-10-0055-01
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: This table contains 36 series, with data for years 1946 - 2011 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and is no longer being released. This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (16 items: Canada; British Columbia; British Columbia Coast; British Columbia Interior; ...); Standard Classification of Goods (SCG) (4 items: Sawn lumber, total production; Coniferous production; Non-coniferous production; Sawn lumber, total shipments).
    Release date: 2012-05-11
Data (1)

Data (1) ((1 result))

  • Table: 34-10-0055-01
    Frequency: Monthly
    Description: This table contains 36 series, with data for years 1946 - 2011 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and is no longer being released. This table contains data described by the following dimensions (Not all combinations are available): Geography (16 items: Canada; British Columbia; British Columbia Coast; British Columbia Interior; ...); Standard Classification of Goods (SCG) (4 items: Sawn lumber, total production; Coniferous production; Non-coniferous production; Sawn lumber, total shipments).
    Release date: 2012-05-11
Analysis (0)

Analysis (0) (0 results)

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Reference (0) (0 results)

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