Hours Spent Doing Unpaid Housework (7), Selected Labour Force, Demographic, Cultural, Educational and Income Characteristics (312) and Sex (3) for Population 15 Years and Over, for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 1996 and 2001 Censuses - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVED
Tables: 97F0013X2001041
This table is part of the topic "Canada's Work force: Unpaid Work," which shows 2001 Census data on the unpaid work of the Canadian workforce, including unpaid household work, unpaid child care and unpaid senior care. These data, together with information on paid work, provide a more complete picture of the work activities of all Canadians.
This information can be used to study that part of the population whose main activity is unpaid household work; to analyze the division of household work between men and women; to better understand the contribution of men and women to the economy; to evaluate the capacity of the unpaid sector to absorb care-giving responsibilities no longer provided by the paid sector; and to analyze how workers balance their job and household responsibilities.
It is possible to subscribe to all the day-of-release bundles. For more information, refer to Catalogue No. 97F0023XCB.
This table is available FREE on the Internet, Catalogue No. 97F0013XIE2001041.
Main Product: Canada's Workforce: Unpaid Work, 2001 Census
Format | Release date | More information |
March 25, 2004 |
Related information
Source (Surveys and statistical programs)
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- Profiles of a community or region: Cumulative Electronic Components of Profiles, 2001 Census
- Profiles of a community or region: Electronic Components of Profiles No. 5, 2001 Census
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 2001 Census Catalogue (Reference Products: 2001 Census)
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 2001 Census Dictionary (Reference Products: 2001 Census)
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 2001 Census Standard Products Stubsets (Reference Products: 2001 Census)
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