Census Family Status (6), Age Groups (17A) and Sex (3) for Population in Private Households, for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2001 Census - 20% Sample Data - ARCHIVED

Tables: 95F0314X2001004


This table shows 2001 Census data for the following levels of geography: Canada, provinces, territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations.

This table is part of the topic "Families and Household Living Arrangements," which presents data on census families, including the number of families, family size and family structure. The 2001 Census data also include persons living in families, with relatives and with non-relatives and living alone.

Family structure refers to the classification of census families into families of married couples and common-law couples (including same-sex couples) and lone-parent families.

It is possible to subscribe to all the day-of-release bundles. Refer to Catalogue No. 97F0023XCB for more information.

This table is available FREE on the Internet, Catalogue No. 95F0314XIE2001004.

Issue Number: 2001004
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLOctober 22, 2002

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