Dissemination Area Boundary Files

Geographic files and documentation: 92-169-X


The Dissemination Area Boundary Files portray the dissemination area boundaries for which Census data are disseminated. A dissemination area is a small area composed of one or more neighbouring dissemination blocks and is the smallest standard geographic area for which all census data are disseminated. The files contain the boundaries of all dissemination areas which combine to cover all of Canada.

There are two types of boundary files: digital and cartographic. Digital files depict the full extent of the geographical areas, including the coastal water area. Cartographic files depict the geographical areas using only the major land mass of Canada and its coastal islands. The files provide a framework for mapping and spatial analysis using commercially available geographic information systems or other mapping software.

The Dissemination Area Boundary Files are portrayed in Lambert conformal conic projection and are based on the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). A reference guide is available (92-160-GWE).


For the 2006 Census, Dissemination Area Boundary Files were available nationally and for each province and territory for a fee. While the provincial and territorial files (issue numbers 2006002 through 2006014) are no longer available, the national version of the 2006 Census Dissemination Area Boundary File (issue number 2006001) is now available for free.

Frequency: Occasional
Available formats: HTML, CD-ROM (discontinued)

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Source (Surveys and statistical programs)
Subjects and keywords


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