Downloading Spatial Datasets from Open Maps - ARCHIVED

Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 89-20-00052020002


This tutorial covers navigating and downloading spatial data from Canada’s Open Maps platform, the integrated geospatial data archive for the federal government. Learn to search and filter for datasets of interest, distinguish different components of spatial datasets, and apply common referencing guides in isolating files that correspond to your area of interest. Procedures for accessing census boundary files and tables from Statistics Canada for integration in GIS are also shown. Ensure to download these and remaining datasets listed at the end of the video for use in following tutorials. Apply these skills to download spatial data relevant to your own areas of work and expertise, from Open Maps and other (e.g. provincial and municipal) geospatial archives in taking full advantage of the diverse and finer-resolution datasets that are publicly available. These skills should enable you to isolate and download a variety of layers, and examine most processes or features of interest.

Issue Number: 2020002

Main Product: QGIS Training Videos

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLFebruary 17, 2020

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