Victimization and Offending in Canada's Territories - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 85F0033M2006011


Using recent police-reported and self-reported data, this new report provides a profile of the extent and nature of victimization and offending in Canada's territories.

The report finds that northern residents experience higher rates of violent victimization and are more likely to be victims of spousal violence than residents in the rest of Canada. Furthermore, police-reported crime rates in the North are much higher than those in the provinces.

The report also examines particular factors that seem to be associated with higher rates of victimization and offending. All are more common in the North. These factors include: northern residents are younger on average, than residents in the rest of Canada; the territories have higher proportions of lone-parent families and common-law families; they have higher rates of unemployment; and the territories also have higher proportions of Aboriginal residents compared to the provinces.

Issue Number: 2006011
Author(s): Brzozowski, Jodi-Anne; de Léséleuc, Sylvain
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLOctober 30, 2006
PDFOctober 30, 2006