Extent and socioeconomic correlates of small area variations in life expectancy in Canada and the United States

Articles and reports: 82-003-X202400800001

Description: An extensive literature shows wide variations in life expectancy (LE) across various subnational geographic areas. However, little is known about these variations across very small levels of geographic disaggregation in Canada. This study expands the boundaries for such analyses by focusing on metropolitan areas, allowing an examination of small area variations in LE that cannot be ascribed to provincial or federal-level health, social, and other policies and programs, as more than one metropolitan area per province can be studied.
Issue Number: 2024008
Author(s): Wolfson, Michael; Chapman, Derek; Lee, Jong Hyung; Bijelic, Vid; Woolf, Steven

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLAugust 21, 2024
PDFAugust 21, 2024