Exploring the intersectionality of characteristics among those who experienced opioid overdoses: A cluster analysis

Articles and reports: 82-003-X202300300001

Description: As Canada continues to experience an opioid crisis, it is important to understand the intersection between the demographic, socioeconomic and service use characteristics of those experiencing opioid overdoses to better inform prevention and treatment programs. This study aims to identify distinct groups of individuals with unique sets of characteristics and experiences among those who had an opioid overdose in British Columbia between 2014 and 2016.
Issue Number: 2023003
Author(s): Chu, Kenneth; Carriere, Gisèle; Garner, Rochelle; Bosa, Keven; Hennessy, Deirdre; Sanmartin, Claudia

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLMarch 15, 2023
PDFMarch 15, 2023