Risk of non-medical drug overdose following prescription of opioids post-injury: A retrospective cohort study

Articles and reports: 82-003-X202200700001


There has been increasing scrutiny of opioid prescribing following injury given concerns that prescribed opioids may contribute to addiction and/or overdose. This study aimed to better understand the relationship between injury, opioids prescribed pre- and post-injury, and non-medical drug poisoning. Focusing on working age (15-65 years old) residents of the Fraser Health region, this study used a linked administrative dataset to better understand the relationships between injury, whether the injury was work-related or sustained outside of the workplace, pain management medication in the form of opioid and opioid agonist therapy prescriptions before and after injury, and potential non-medical drug poisoning.

Issue Number: 2022007
Author(s): Zheng, Alex; Bharmal, Aamir; Rajabali, Fahra; Turcotte, Kate; Thomas, Larry ; Pike, Ian; Garis, Len

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJuly 20, 2022
PDFJuly 20, 2022

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